GERMANY - The refugees go on holiday where they fled from

and they get the German taxpayers money even on the "vacation".
>RAW google translate
Recognized refugees return for holiday purposes temporarily in that country back from which they are officially fled .

Recognized refugees return for holiday purposes temporarily in that country back from which they are officially fled . This was revealed by research by the " Welt am Sonntag " . The newspaper learned of recognized asylum seekers who have been unemployed for a short time traveled to countries such as Syria , Afghanistan and Lebanon . Then they come back to Germany .

In general: Hartz IV recipients are entitled to 21 days per year local absence without remuneration is to be reduced . Such leave is generally approved . An obligation to provide the vacation to the state is not , so far .

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This has been known for decades with the Somalis.

There used to be a problem with eritreans who are "refugees" approved of asylum here in norway that constantly went back every summer.

norwegian goverment banned direct travel there, so the eritreans traveled to countries surrounding and bribed border guards to enter undocumented.

basically, it's very common for refugees to go on vacations where they escaped from.

even tough, it's illegal to do that here.

This is known since years desu

Although suddenly they start talking about the unemployed. Did they mix something up?

Europa ist finish.


Time for anschluss,

They live like kings with the Western welfare money back home.

You are cucks if you let them back in.

Wait, you were already cucks,


probally to prove a point that the refugees don't work, and that they go "back" where they are refugees from on pay from EU goverments.

Their logic to if they get "threatened to be sent back"

is that they "don't have anything in their home country to return to, they got nothing"

they never had anything so they golddigged their way here up north and receive more than they ever had in just a month.

more or less modern apartment, basic furniture, expenses covered and money additional to that (not that much money).

It's the total expense that is a money drain on these refugees, the rent for appartment, food, electricity, etc etc.

the entire concept of asylum seeking is blatantly retarded, it should be possible to forcibly return someone to a country that does not have deals with us.


You forgot to mention they're aware of such cases, the ministry responsible for the refugee stuff sent out to the social services to report such cases to them and that there are EU laws which are for this kind of case and that they will be used on such cases.

And you forgot the most important sentence:
>Beamte, die davon erfahren, sollen das für sich behalten.
Officials who find out about that should keep it to themselves. They don't want it to become public.


>Officials who find out about that should keep it to themselves. They don't want it to become public.
This way the story even worse.

they do this here also.

Why do white people do this to themselves ? I'm sure social workers know stuff like this is bullshit but they can't do anything about it.

Everything follows the path of least resistance, at the moment that's looking the other way when something happens that goes against the progressive narrative. How do we change that to make it easier to allow people to put a stop to this nonsense than to ignore it ?

>Officials who find out about that should keep it to themselves. They don't want it to become public.

Isn't that the downside of high trust societies where social cohesion and consensus is more important than anything else ?


> reports on it not even having any numbers at all on how many refugees actually do this and why they went back
>no journalism at all
>ministry's already doing something in regards to such cases

You're a moron.

All meme aside, I really like Germany and I had a great time there but I felt there's a lot of arrogance behind the holier-than-thou liberal and tolerant attitudes.

I think it's the same with Sweden, it's not just virtue signalling, they're almost competitive about who's going to be the biggest cuck.

The only people who don't know this are the ones who actually "handle" refugees, strangely enough.

>The only people who don't know this are the ones who actually "handle" refugees

Are you sure ? I would expect them to be pretty redpilled abou """refugees""" at this point, at least social workers and not SJW volunteers. They just can't do anything about it at the moment.

The obvious problem is that we are providing welfare to asylum seekers. It is literally the only reason why they come here to begin with.
And no matter how many security checks you build into the system to avoid abuse, like Norway did in your case, they will always find a way to circumvent it.

The only reasonable solution is to cut their benefits to zero. They get clothes, they get food, they get a shelter (but not a comfy apartment) but not a single cent of cash. Lets see how many of them suddenly stop being persecuted in their home country and decide to go back.

Nah man, the social workers I know who are dealing with "asylum seekers" now fully well that most of them are disrespectful welfare leeches.

The only reason why they continue doing it is because that's how they earn their money.

t. Spiegel Redaktion

Your country is full of people who are too afraid they're gonna lose 'something' and you're gonna die out as a people to fucking Muslims. Germany is such a pathetic country.

>Lets see how many of them suddenly stop being persecuted in their home country and decide to go back.

Considering that a lot of them give up when they find out the gibs aren't big enough to their liking already, it'll be a flood of people who suddenly think returning to their "warzones" is just fine.

>How do we change that to make it easier to allow people to put a stop to this nonsense than to ignore it ?

It's already happening. In the past they just ignored it because it was only a couple ten-thousand people doing it. Hardly relevant for a country the size of Germany and definitely not damaging enough for any politician to touch that topic with a ten feet pole and risk the outrage of the Gutmenschen.

But we reached a point where it is simply becoming unsustainable. The amount of people leaving the country has increased by more than 80,000 last year (and you can be sure those were not primarily welfare leeches giving up the easy life), municipalites who already were in deep debt are forced to take care of even more shit and so on and so on.

Their motivation for fixing this problem is no longer of relevance because it is a topic they can no longer avoid. If they don't come up with a solution for it soon, the people will inevitably look for someone who will. Or do it themselves.

>But the West is bombing them, they have nothing to go back to
>They wouldn't get on a boat if it wasn't safer than the land

Fucking LOL
It happened in Australia too, some Muslim claimed he fled some country & then went back on Holiday to that same country with his welfare money a few months later, Channel 7 which is our biggest TV station actually did a story about it, which was surprising since they are quite leftist

There was also a poll in Austria (can't seem to find it anymore, the only thing popping up with keywords like "austria turks study return" is Hofer stuff) showing that 80% of the Turks do not feel welcome and would fuck off if they were paid for it.

It shows how much of a non-issue this whole shit really is. You wouldn't require any forceful deportations, genocides or whatever else Sup Forums is fantasizing about.
All you need to do is stop giving them money.

That Syrian boy who washed up on the beach? His father already went back to Iraq

So much for "poor helpless war torn refugees"

>It shows how much of a non-issue this whole shit really is. You wouldn't require any forceful deportations, genocides or whatever else Sup Forums is fantasizing about.
>All you need to do is stop giving them money.

Oh it's far from a non-issue.

I agree a substantial portion would just go back if the gibs stopped, but we also know for a fact a large portion stay even after being deported. Deportation in Europe means for the most part getting a slip of paper saying "asylum request denied".. and then just expecting them to leave.

Forced deportations are very few and highly costly.

The point is that if there is a substantial portion of people who will just stay regardless, and you open the floodgates for millions, even if it's just 10%, you've now created a hundreds of thousands strong shadow society in Europe. Living alongside us, most everything they do revolving around crime, taxing our resources despite having no legal stay.

We're creating another fucking Roma race in the space of a couple of years.

Don't act like it's no big deal.

The change in gang violence just from importing ex-Yugos in the 90s was bad enough, now you're getting African violence, Afghan drug connections and Islamic terrorism that's here to stay.

>That Syrian boy who washed up on the beach? His father already went back to Iraq

His father was also a human trafficker who made money off the same boats that drowned his kid.

Of course the media fails to mention this when they bring up the pictures.

This fills me with so much hatred. How do people tolerate this in their own country?

At good 10 or 12 years ago when I first left school and had to sign on to the humble uk jobcentre I saw this happening first hand.

Big beardy Iraqi kicking off at the dwp worker as I'm waiting to be seen. Demanding his child and housing benefits, getting angrier and angrier. Turns out the reason they have been suspended is he had just that day got back from Iraq - the country he was claiming asylum from due to his life being in danger. His whole family had gone back with him (they were all in the job centre too).

No idea if he got the money. Is like to think the whole lying bunch were sent back, but this was under the old new labour days and they weren't going to let a whole family of voters leave that easily.

Well, you don't have to tell me. I am fully aware that we are exclusively dealing with welfare leeches here.
Even the ones that originally had a good reason to flee their country turned into welfare leeches the moment they didn't stop in the first safe country but continued to middle Europe.

No, even Geduldete, i.e. people who were denied asylum but are not going to be forcefully deported, still receive gibsme from the government.

Also maybe calling it a "non-issue" was exaggerating.
But you could immediately get rid of a large chunk of them and whoever stays will be forced into crime, which makes it easy enough to take actions against them, too.

.t Mohammad al-Somali

Anyone who does that should have their visum taken away. And the people who approved should be fired and fined.

One day Europe will make the left pay for this crime against us.

>still receive gibsme from the government.

It's even worse than I thought.

> you could immediately get rid of a large chunk of them and whoever stays will be forced into crime

I guess I agree with you, I'm really just saying that even if the gibs went, we'd still have a huge problem that wouldn't be there if not for Merkel and c/o importing people by the millions.

Also the chances of the gibs being turned off is real fucking low.

We're already kicking natives out of apartments they've waited 10 years to get and letting grannies die because of "new prioritizations" to make the healthcare last.
Pretty sure they'll stop the gibs for natives before it stops for immigrants.

I doubt it had any consequences for him. 10-12 years back that wasn't a common enough problem to be worth the trouble of dealing with it for most politicians.

It's actually like that for pretty much everything in life. Just be unpleasant enough and hardly anyone will refuse you because they don't feel it is worth the effort.

So what was his excuse or explenation? "Shut up Kuffar and pay me Jizya or I'll kill your family!" ?

>immigrants are only their for the gibs
I don't think you realize how much better their lives are in the west compared to the middle east. If you really think they would stop coming if you stopped handing out gibs you are wrong. Just by living in proximity with whites they benefit. Trust me. 11 million wetbacks aren't living in america for gibs alone.

Nice trips

And do not forget that it was a concerted effort of the big business party VVD and the PVDA that led to mass migration.

Up to 1990 the Marxist SP was against mass migration.

i hope Poland anschlusses gercuckmany already

>Also the chances of the gibs being turned off is real fucking low.

It's not actually that low. All that would be required in Germany is for Seehofer to grow a spine. He has the figurative gun at Merkel's head and all he has to tell her is that he will pull the trigger, i.e. let the CSU run on a federal level and split the CDU/CSU vote to dethrone her, if she doesn't fold on the refugee topic.
Merkel is too obsessed with political power to refuse that one if they keep it as a backroom deal as to not damage her reputation even further.

And the CSU is already suggesting these things, their party platform is almost indistinguishable from the AfD's by now.

Mexicans are willing to to shitty jobs. Somalians are not.

Believe me, you are lucky that you have Mexicans and not Somalians flooding your borders.

>Forced deportations are very few and highly costly.
It's due to the cluster-fuck of bureaucracy and legal fuckery involved that nobody in government want to change because it counters their raison d'être. If we collected illegals in one place, categorized them by nationality, then chartered them out on rented/government flights there wouldn't be a problem. If we applied arm twisting towards nations who refuse to take in their citizens (looking at you Africa!) instead of allowing yourself to be blackmailed there wouldn't be a problem.

>Mexicans are willing to to shitty jobs. Somalians are not.

I work at a HR department in a call centre and sometimes I do interviews.
Last week we had a Somalian come for interview through an agency. Me, the manager of the department and him were in the room and the manager went to get some folders.
The Somali guy leant over the table and whispered into my ears
'me tell need interview.... or no money money. you will tell, interview me. but not want job. you do call centre. hello. ring phone. please buy from us! then this is hard money money. only want easy money money'. I didn't know how to react. The interview only lasted 5 minutes because he barely spoke english.

You cannot really compare Mexicans to Muslims.

The Mexicans come to your country because they know they can have a better life in it.

But the Muslims fucking hate us. They hate us, they hate our society, they hate our laws, they hate our country. The only thing keeping the majority of them here are the financial benefits. There is nothing else that makes them want to live in our countries. It is obvious as fuck from the fact that they heavily self-segregate, to the point where even after 30+ years of living here a bunch of them still do not speak German, and that every district with heavy Muslim population immediately gets turned into little Istanbul.

Mexicans come for the Western way of life, but the Muslims hate the Western way of life.

Doesn't "Vom Staat Geduldet" pretty much translate to "Our hand are legally/politically tied and we don't wanna upset anyone by untying ourselves" ?

>In ten years this bright Somali-British man will be Britain's Werner von Braun

.t Naïve Leftist

It's only natural that people will head to where the money and jobs are. Don't need to stamp your feet like breaking those precious EU rules isn't surprising. Everyone knows it's not shit holes like Greece or the Balkans.

I don't want them here either. The majority will never really integrate, because Germany just isn't set up like that. Education, job training, career paths... It's all gently elitist here, even for proper Germans.

Pretty much, yeah.
It's essentially

>You have no right to be here but we also can't be arsed to make you leave forcefully and deal with the consequences if you don't fuck off on your own

For example, for a lot of them it is simply that the other country is not cooperating and refusing to take them back.
Which would be rather easy to solve since they all depend on our foreign aid, but since the politicians only care about the economy and this might lead to a minuscule downwards trend, they are horribly afraid of doing it.

>But the Muslims fucking hate us. They hate us, they hate our society, they hate our laws, they hate our country.
If this is already more than obvious even in Germany; Why the fuck Brussels and other eurocrats still talkin' about Europe should accept more?

>It's only natural that people will head to where the money and jobs are.

Of course. Still changes nothing about the fact that they are not running for their lives anymore and thus obviously have no right to asylum.
They are exclusively welfare leeches and economic migrants abusing the asylum system.

Because the people in power never have to interact with them. The only time they meet them in public is during events with a cherry picked audience.

So they just brush off everything that doesn't fit into their globalist worldview as exaggeration, lies and stupidity.

Same here.

>free lawyers
>free vacations in the "dangerous warzone" they come from
>more and more luxury hotels being paid by taxpayers to house them
>60% of them disapearing from centers or even before being registered
>crowds of nigerian dealers spending their days in public parcs or at stations

If you're from central/northern europe and still pay taxes just kys, there are many ways to get your money back or avoid them.

Switzerland is cucked too, don't belive the lies.

I think it's time we maintain some public list of Doctors Without Borders members.

Lol. Since when will sanctioning and turning off the spigot of money to vertable Hellholes like Eritrea have any negative effect on the German economy. No sane country would ever boycot Germany, other than maybe Sweden.

The economic well-being of Germany outweighs everything. If your economy collapses, then so will the European banking system, pulling the world economy down the abyss

>willingly go back to where they sought refuge from

Why do you let it happen?

>> "This finishes Germany"

Says increasingly nervous Non-German for the fifth time this week.

>They get clothes, they get food, they get a shelter

I would prefer just kicking them out, too.
But that is a fairly unrealistic goal unless we have a total collapse of society before. People generally prefer the status quo, so the way to most likely achieve your goal is to implement softer versions of your original goal that still lead to pretty much the same end result.

You know, the same reason why America is refusing absolutely any change on their gun laws. Because they know what the end result will eventually look like.

because muh diversity trumps everything

>Since when will sanctioning and turning off the spigot of money to vertable Hellholes like Eritrea have any negative effect on the German economy.

Because the markets are fucking retarded and take a dip every time something unexpected happens. A decision that might lead to international tensions, even if with some irrelevant shitholes, is definitely one of those things the morons at the stock market would lose their head over.

Why is it even called diversity?

It's basically the exact opposite.

Yeah, but I fear the SP has been fully cucked by now. Sometimes they sound OK, but then they go full far left again. And just like with the VVD, a cuck party is basically just an extension of the PvdA.

Please Germany, please stop this is too much.

Because the word had no prior negative meaning associated to it and at the same time is vague enough that everyone can pretty much decide for themselves what it is actually supposed to mean.

It's the same as "integration".

I just want it all to burn.

You're fucking pathetic, Hans.

Never thought Germans would be so content with communism desu senpai.

why are women so worthless

> cuase god cut their dick off and told them to go get fucked

They should be shot at the border when they try to return. Fucking parasites

Basically this. They also don't seem to care much about these ill-defined words, as long as they make them feel good.
I think almost the whole political left is on an odyssey looking for virtue. To make the nazi guilt go away. But they seem to fail every step of the way.

"I don't care what you say, we're gonna keep losing, we have to lose more!!" -- Angela Merkel

Wow this is sick

>why are women so worthless

Women don't create societies, they just integrate into them. They thus also give less of a shit if their own society gets invaded and subverted, they were never really heavily invested into it to begin with but only lived in it.
And the invading culture is also fully aware of that and thus doesn't see them as threat, they have much less to fear from cultural subversion than men.

The funny thing is that the left revived the German right. The CDU/CSU created the perfect controlled opposition. The CSU would keep spouting right wing positions, but only ever run in one state. So while they were often part of the government, they never really had anything to say but were constantly overruled by the CDU. Still gave hope to the right wing in the other states though, going
>At least someone who shares my opinion is in the government. They might not have gotten it their way this time but they surely will with the next issue

Now with the asylum crisis they killed all credibility the CSU ever had. This is just going way too much against the view of the right and the CSU's constant complaints about it just showed how powerless (or rather unwilling) to change anything they are.
Rather than putting their hopes into the CSU preventing the worst, people are now looking for an alternative that is not just controlled opposition.
If they hadn't flooded us with Arabs and Africans they could have basically ruled forever.

It's always the women, isn't it. Those useless cunts would betray their own kind in a heartbeat.

>They get clothes, they get food, they get a shelter (but not a comfy apartment) but not a single cent of cash
Guess why we don't have many refugees

If the market didnt care about Brexit, it definately wont care if you stop sending aid to Eritrea.

It is all narrative, no substance, made up by neoliberals and leftists to scare you into submission

And here in the UK. Every single race that comes here and claims "I'm as British as you!" regularly fucks off back home whenever they like, and we just keep on paying for them to live here and licking their arses as if they are somehow better than us.

All a woman wants is
1. To know she isnt free and she's owned
2. Big cocks

You're right Benjamin, there's nothing to be worried about. These far-right-leaning trolls are only looking for an excuse to act upset, everything is okay with the world otherwise.

B-but if they travel to the countries they fled from they will literally die!

I worked with those parasites,
they all do it.
They visit their family and convince them to come to Europa while showing of their free houses and washingmachines. They get so incredibly much free shit, and then they manage to never pay any taxes/healthcare.

I quit after some niggers illegaly imported their their family and we were eating fucking cake to celebrate. I felt like vomiting all over their smiling dumb faces. I decided to report them to immigration, because they were lying through their teeth to get their kids AND grandkids a permit. Guess what: you can't report illegals that LIED to get a permit. You fucking cannot. I had proof and everything.

Maybe I will send a letter to the PVV explaining such a 'meldpunt illegalitait' is more than nececary.