Tinder in germany now has a group date functionality so refugees can team up better on german women.
Tinder in germany now has a group date functionality so refugees can team up better on german women
bye germany :( I'm sad I witnessed a decline before going there. Cheers to you! Looking to your eventual recovery after WW4. you guys always come back
Not this time.
Is it safe to say that Germany is now officially a lost cause?
Pretty much. Almost every girl over 18 has had a muslim cock in her at least once.
They all fess up to it if you ask them about previous encounters.
lots of muslim cock to go around, and girls are as horny as guys. They were just shamed into not being, or hiding it. Now they don't care and think it's no big deal without realizing no one wants them when that as used as they get now a days.
I'm sure there are still some in your country, good ones I mean. but they're probably all taken. you're screwed 'til WW3 at any rate
>Almost every girl over 18 has had a muslim cock in her at least once.
This is such absolute demoralizing porn psyops bullshit.
First world white girls don't like creepy Arabs. They're like Indians.
>This is such absolute demoralizing porn psyops bullshit.
No, its not.
At least not in germany
I kind of want to make a fake Tinder profile of a refugee and mass message German women with HALLO AM REFUGEE,, FICKI FICKI?? :))
>First world white girls dont like Arabs
Dont you believe in diversity, Burger ?
refugees don't ASK for ficki ficki user
>First world white girls don't like creepy Arabs
They think of them as tanned white guys, like Spaniards of Eyeties
Do you really expect them to know anything about the difference in religion, and the risks posed by breeding into Islam?
They eventually grow up a bit and see Muslims for what they - greasy and backwards - but often not until it's too late
>also look at the state of that 'girl' in the OP
>sub-Bong levels of 'attractiveness'
Will you faggots just get over yourselves with this? They're trying to assimilate into the culture instead of being a bunch of Akbars who speak nothing but Arabic and go around attacking/harassing women
Stop exaggerating
You barely see any turk x german pairings.Even Black x german is more common
Nothing change since i left school:
German boys stick to themselves and don't care about sex.
German girls are too busy talking about shitty internet and TV shows - Only the east german trashwhores do party and take any form of dick.
Turks stick to themselves as well because having a german gf would result into the turkish boy getting his head washed by his turkish dad for doing haram things with infidels.
>sane first world white girls don't like creepy Arabs
>Almost every girl over 18 has had a muslim cock in her at least once.
In reality all data shows the new generations are having less sex than before.
Boomers and their children are peak degeneracy.
>You barely see any turk x german pairings
Turks just fuck the girls and then chuck them.
>In reality all data shows the new generations are having less sex than before.
Because boys are having less sex, girls are actually having more.
Been around in aus for awhile now, always fun to bag out the one gay cunt in the group.
Only the trash ones from Hartz 4 families
Turks are not attractive for the average german girl because turks are manlets, loud and because they love macho culture.
The average german girl is brainwashed by leftists to think that all humans are equal but so they are also kinda feminist and don't like machos.
They know it, which is why they're pivoting to the whole "Wow, so brave, so courageous" position.
>Turks are not attractive for the average german girl because turks are manlets, loud and because they love macho culture.
Yeah, spoken like a true cuck. You wouldnt believe how many of the educated girls from uni already expetimented with roaches you white knight beta.
You are in a state of dont ask dont tell denial.
But since you seem to think sex is only possible in a "relationship" something tells me you are going to marry some used up university cum dumpster at some point anyways.
I know three Anglos with German girls
They're all round-faced, dark-haired guys with green/blue eyes really far apart (common Welsh/SW-English look)
What is it about that look that German girls like?
>pic related
are you actually retarded?
so all women are lesbians because that's the only situation where what you just said isn't the most idiotic thing I've ever read.
get that self hating cuck shit out of here
holy shit you are a fucking retard mate, you really can't think of another way to make that sentence work other than them being lesbians..?
what if right... 80/20 rule.
Fucking (half)negroes is the ultimate way to virtue signal.
don't get all your information from Sup Forums. move your greasy ass outside and see for yourself kevin.
My Info is from real girls from my university that I dated.
Almost all of them slipped at some point and admitted to having fucked either a nigger or turks.
Dropped them at that Moment. Used up whores are good for fucking but not gonna turn it into a relstionship.
Black women are hot though. Mixed black not so much, also they are probably really insecure and confused about their race identity.
>what if right... 80/20 rule.
no, actually you're a retard with no ability to comprehend basic math apparently
all of the society is 20 people
>10 men
>10 women
80/20? you say?
That would mean 8 out of 10 women are fucking 2 out of 10 men. So let's run it down, shall we?
than the best situation is each of those 8 women fucks 2 men, so that's 16 times total of sex happenings in the female part of the population. Those 2 out of 10 women are from tumblr and they die alone.
but when you look at men's side, 8 men aren't getting any sex at all, 0. But those 2 guys will be able to fuck 8 women each, and the total number of sex happenings is still FUCKING 16 YOU DUMB FUCKING RETARD
That's what they mean when they say that "young people are having less sex". They mean that the AVERAGE sex happenings of a person living today is LESS than it was before. Is that really that hard to understand? I know you wanna shove your virgin MGTOW masturbatory fantasies but common m8, this is basic math.
Heterosexual women as a whole (or on average) can't have more sex than heterosexual men as a whole(or on average). That number will always be the same.
>people actually replying to this guys baits
Hoo boy.
>things virgins say
Oh, I should have been more clear. Let me put it this way.
Just because you're a fucking virgin loser who has never seen a vagina irl, doesn't mean all men are.
In fact you can find a female equivalent of yourself. She's probably on tumblr right now. Wish you all the best.
it's in america too
it's for group dates like 3 guys get together with 3 girls
>said the virgin
I once fucked a blasian
not a virgin m8, ask your mum
I mean just like toilet paper , you use them then throw them away.
Hanz , pl0z stop this ... Hanz build world , and now you are allowing jewish propaganda to kill you.
You are smarter then this , you've build nations
Franks were germanic tribe and build great french nation
Dutch are just water germans and their trade leagues build nations and created capitalism
Britbongs are made of normands/danes/saxons
Spain were visigoths
Hunagrians build their nation with your hands
Poland great because of german sweat
Volga germans and germans in russia build greatest cities
Transilvania great because of germans pretending they were hunz
Slavs in central europe great because of german backs
USA economics streghten build with german ideas and german workforce
Argentina white and south brazil stronkest because of german imigration
Northen italy stronk because germans
You've fought against the whole world not once but twice , againts all odds you've even won many battles.
Look german imigration , Look at GDP of countries in time. You'll see it...
There was only one other people whom build like you , who were discplined like you ... and they are more racist and more xenofobic then you... the Japanese had two nukes droped on their heads and they are still stronk !
Remember Arabs and Niggers will not make you stronger, they are not like you , they will not work like you.
Wild wolfs are not a replacement of german sheppards... !
I don't see any police force or any army replacing their dogs with wilds starving ones...
this, I know 4-5 virgin girls in their 20s, they're not ugly just extremely insecure and socially inept
Germany cant die soon enough
All you do is ruin europe over and over again
Can we just please purge all of Europe in cleansing nuclear fire already? It was fun while it lasted. Like Rome, Degeneracy slowly chips away and kills.
This, I don't know anyone in a mixed race relationship.
Not even an acquiantance.
>team up with your white supremacist buddies
>make a fake tinder account of a pretty blonde girl
>make arrangements for a bunch of muslims to come to your house
>hide behind the door and nail them in the back of the head with an aluminum bat as they come into the house
>keep doing this until either (1) no muslims are left; or (2) it goes viral and muslims become afraid to meet grills from tinder
The average girl in Serbia tends to be more conversvative and smart then the average cuck hungry western girl.
I've too ment plently of ok looking virgins. And shitloads of ugly ones, but thats true usually insecure or have very protective and strong families.
But again divorce rates are a lot higher in germany and western europen , then here in eastern. Which means stronger families ties , which makes girl be able to reach maturity without feeling the need to shove cocks in their asses.
Will you stupid fucks stop replying to these delusional cuck threads so people stop making them?
Second this.
sage goes in options field
>not using tinder to troll the living fuck out of darkies
fucking plebs, what do you cunts even do for fun
>talk to hot chick I used to go to highschool with
>ask her if I can use her facebook pics for tinder trolling
>she agrees as long as she gets too see what I write
>chill with her most of the week after work, and troll muslims
>lead them on, and like the creeps they are they send nudes and topeless shots
>me and chick just laugh, she usually has another 2-3 hot friends over who also go on tinder and swipe right to the same nogs I do
>I abuse the living fuck out of the niggers and me and the girls name every insecurity or imperfection they have and just rip him a new one
>he flips his shit, probably cries.
>eventually he swipes right on one of the other girls in the room
>she flirts with him a bit, then she will say ''oh wait ive heard about you on''
>nog has no clue
>she sends his nudes and shit to him calling him fucking disgusting and talking shit about more of his imperfections. and then saying how most girls on tinder were told about him and how hes a fucking creep
>this happens about 4 -5 times that day (depends how many chick are over chilling)
>do this to about 10 nigs a day
>they are in ruins by the time it gets to the last chick
if youre not already doing this youre a loser. plus I just give the girls my phone and they get me dates and roots every now and then, so its a win win, usually pretty fun, i rock up to a date and I usually have some weird fucking job.
prepare yourselves.for the reports.of the new "gang date" epidemic which has all the same issues as gang rape just with added tinder
get on it mate, you dont even need hot friends. just no fat fucks.
its hilarious, works well here because chicks hate non whites anyway, they just dont have the balls to say it without a guy there to encourage them to get mean.
>tfw 21 year old kissless virgin
>tfw women ignore me
>tfw incapable of talking to them
>common Welsh/SW-English look)
Is it?
All those guys thinking that
>good girls only go for proud white aryians like me
are delusional as fuck. Girls generally go for guys that ask them out and currently turks are agressively asking out girls.
I really dont like to call anyone a virgin but at least naive. You guys have not had any proper contact with girls if you think they are all angels to be put on a pedestal and would never fuck a smelly turk or nigger in a moment of "weakness",which might be alcohol induced or by her dumb friends telling her to do it.
You seriously underestimate how prone girls are to making "silly mistakes".
Don't worry m8, give it a few more years and you will stop caring
Also another piece of information.
>I've only had one prior boyfriend
means NOTHING. Most of the girls I have been dating in the last year had 50+ previous partners at age 20-24.
It's really INSANE how much milleage girls these days have.
>filthy german skanks
aussie women (at least the part im from) wont touch non whites, italian/ greek is as dark as they get. chicks that date anyone darker get nothing but dirty looks from everyone.
you don't see multicultural couples anywhere other than uni campus or at the train stations near said uni campus.
shame nazi boy, should have taken racial lessons form glorious australians
been using tinder since 4 months in germany and i have like 10 matches although i like 100 girls everyday.I will die virgin so dont believe in the memes.German women see foreigners as untermenschen and they completely despise them
>Man has sex with three women at once
>Way to go dude!
>Woman has sex with three men at once
>Ew, what a slut
Sexist much?
>you don't see multicultural couples anywhere other than uni campus or at the train stations near said uni campus.
Well I'm studying at uni. I have no idea how the frequency of mixed couples is elsewhere.
But at uni I'd guess 60% of girls at least have fucked a nigger once to proove to themselves how tolerant they are
if a man fucks 3 women in a row he needs to put effort in
if a woman fucks three guys in a row she just has to be there and ask the first 3 guys she sees.
thats because you guys are cuck, we hate niggers here
>aussies hate the coons
>british hate the pakis
>saffer scum hate niggers
all our white immigrants are racist and hate non whites. whites only hang with whites here.
When I was a child. My mother. Bless her heart, showed me a paper she wrote in primary school. The paper was about how Hitler was right. She taught me about the 3rd Reich, and how hitler had tried to save Europe from the Anglo and Jewish evil.
I looked up to Germany. Such a beutiful people, all coming together to stand up for a strong Europe.
Watching Germany fall is like watching a love one fall into madness before succumbing to a slow panful death.
The German people have betrayed me. They have betrayed Europe. They have betrayed the Aryan race.
They cannot be saved, they must be excised.
You don't know how girls work. They will put out if pressured enough
The thing is the momment society criticize Islam, is the momment the ones with daddy issues want mudslime cock.
That rule work for everything with mentally handicaped girls, tell her don't do this, and she will do it only to be an edgy idiot.
Then comes the beatings, the rapes, the single motherhood and so on...
Why did you save pics of another mans cock?
Not a virgin, but didn't do it with a woman, right?
>Muhamed, Muktar and Ali want to run a train on you!
Christ. Perfect for setting up cuck dates as well.
Just let it all burn.
>80/20 rule.
>memes = real life
You need to go out a bit more Pedro.