Gambling on anime

>gambling on anime
How does that even work out?

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shipping wars

I don't know much about Higurashi. Was there a lot to make on that one?

The comic is just bad, user.

I like it.

also, it has been speculated that it's actually this guy:

I used to love it, then I kind of forgot about it for a while, and by the time I rememnbered, I would have years of backlog to catch up on, and it's just way too much.

>gambling on anime futures

That means investing in anime. The "gambling" would imply the investments are risky.

Make sense.

the first episode is cutesy school stuff then devolves into one character murdering two others because of paranoid delusions.

there are a few arcs like that (one episode of cute school shenanigans, then someone gets paranoid and starts murdering).

you don't find out what's really going on until the second season when it's revealed that the blue-haired girl in your pic is reliving the timeline over and over and over again until she can find the mastermind who has been triggering everyone's deaths.

Okay, next time I have a bit of time ahead, I might actually binge watch it.
>when it's revealed that the blue-haired girl in your pic is reliving the timeline over and over and over again
Eh, now that's a ref joke I missed in the OP strip.

When did you left out?

He is the masked guy from the day he was fluxed.

Now, that would be a stretch. Then again, that would be the best way to save his friend. If he manage to remember her.

words words words

reading is hard.

Apparently not as hard as being clear and concise. Sorry, Bendis.

you try to organise overarching plots with daily update of strip that still each require punchline while remaining on schedule and we'll see how you do better.

Sure. If I could draw.

The biggest problem these people have is not having a coherent plan beforehand. Just write down some notes on what's currently happening and what you want to happen and you won't have authors going "lol I forgot" so often.

waifu gladiatorial combat

>The biggest problem these people have is not having a coherent plan beforehand.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
>Just write down some notes on what's currently happening and what you want to happen
You really have no idea of what you are talking about. It takes far more than that.
>and you won't have authors going "lol I forgot" so often.
There was nothing forgotten. It was about conveying concept and story progression while being limited in how much you can do in a daily production while still making most of each daily update having a punchline.

those strips aren't too wordy, they just convey what need to be conveyed without doing several update because the daily progression is already slow enough as it is.

>what is a recap

>You have no idea what you are talking about.
Nice argument! Who's your teacher, the legendary logician Aristotle himself? I wish I could be on such a level.

>There was nothing forgotten. It was about conveying concept and story progression while being limited in how much you can do in a daily production while still making most of each daily update having a punchline.
The point was that the challenge, "organise overarching plots with daily update of strip that still each require punchline while remaining on schedule" was easily solved by having a plan beforehand. The problems that usually come from not being prepared is what I was getting at. If you plan properly, you don't have to cram a thousand words per strip. Plus, doing that looks ugly anyway.

>Nice argument! Who's your teacher, the legendary logician Aristotle himself? I wish I could be on such a level.
I don't write story, but I have to write reports. They require no creativity, but I can guarantee you that even for that, "writing some notes" is barely the beginning of how you do it.
>nise overarching plots with daily update of strip that still each require punchline while remaining on schedule" was easily solved by having a plan beforehand.
This is something Pete do and some more.
>If you plan properly, you don't have to cram a thousand words per strip. Plus, doing that looks ugly anyway.
It's actually okay. And no, some planning just don't do it. The first casualty of war is plan, and it is the same when it come to write story. No amount of nice planning can prepare you for all the hiccup of writing.

Not to mention, here in this case, it is an in-story recap, an actual GOOD writting thing for such a long story. Not need to lay it out on several days.