What's Sup Forums's opinion on Poland? I've been considering moving there for a while now and I was curious about the standard of living and how welcome I'd be over there.
What's Sup Forums's opinion on Poland...
Norwegian in Poland
The Witness: Poland DLC?
Could you give me a general review of your experience there? Like how affordable it is, if the people are generally welcoming of foreigners, etc.?
compered to the west we are relativly cheap country. salaries are low but prices also aren't very high.
and you should be welcome unless you are niger, or chink or shitskin, or speaking german in public, or russian. generally everything different is not welcome but nobody would tell you that. ok english is also acceptable in big citties, but anyway it's highly recomended to not be different. the moral is: if you want to come to poland better learn some polish first.
HAhahaha yes its amazing, please move there. Its a white utopia just like pol says, wealthy country with lots of jobs and a good salary and very very comfortable standard of living! Go now!
Like Mexico but worse.
So you live in Wrocław ? Why not in warsaw? Its better place for foreginers.
To me it's really comfy here in Wroclaw
In certain places here it's much better and more modernized than in Oslo, while in other areas, the buildings don't seem to be in such a good condition from the outside(though from the inside it's all fine)
It's very flat, just like most countries in that region. But also really hot. As of now, it's 32C here
When it comes to affordability, it's cheap here
Compared to Norway, things like bottled water just costs 25 cents compared to $2 in Norway
Gas is really cheap, rent is unimaginably cheap
All this comes at the cost of low wages
An ordinary wage there is around just $500 a month
Though this doesn't mean they are poor. I have noticed they have around the same living standard as us in Norway, sometimes even better
When it comes to foreigners, they are welcoming, but not all of them can speak english. So it's worth having some basic polish language skills if ever you were to go here, or get to make some polish friend, like I did
In general I'd say it's a country definitely worth visiting, and I actually kinda wanted to live there before
I'm from Texas, m8. The fact that they're at least white and have relatively clean streets makes them significantly better than the hellhole on our southern border.
If you have some remote job and salary in € or $ then you will have really good life here. If you're not black muslim german or russian you should have no big problems here
How do you know that I am there
Either way, I've been in Warszawa too. It's like Wroclaw, just larger and with less old houses and more commie buildings
And more niggers too, but still nowhere close to what is common in Norway
Even a minimum wage job in Norway has an income comparable to a high paid job in Poland
Very good country to live in! All the youth from Germany, the UK, France, Ireland is swarming to Poland!
Sounds great. My average temperatures here are around 95 to 103 degrees Fahrenheit (35-39.4 degrees Celsius), so that shouldn't be a problem. That aside, any tips for learning Polish? I picked up German and French fine, but I can't seem to wrap myself around Polish.
Second thing about Poland:
If you're not white they tell'll you to fuck off. If you're muslim you're dead. Just saying.
You ask the same shit every day to slide Clinton threads.
Pick some other country, mkay?
Polish got similar grammar to German with all the case systems and verbs depending on the pronoun.
It has alot of German words in its vocalbulary aswell
Poland is a shithole full of white niggers etc.
Don't move here.
yeah enjoy 50x lower living standards
people here would KILL for a US visa you fucking retard
I'm fairly pale, and that's one of the reasons I'm considering moving there.
As I knew, Polaks are the Filipinos of Europe
You are almost identical
also just try mentioning you like hitler here see what happens kek
cute friendly women
hehe ;p
fuck off we are full, we hate foreigners, especially fucking americans. I hope the witch will win the elections and ruin you shitty meme country
My ancestry is Polish, I'm currently learning Polish and hope to get duel citizenship and consider moving to Poland or getting a house there.
Questions to the poles in this thread - I've tried to keep up with the politics of the country. What would you say a 5-10yr future for the country is - finally going away from communism or no?
Other questions -
Do rural areas have access to internet for overseas work? Are labor jobs available in most areas? What would you say the average cost is per month by city?
Thanks for any information
Generally speaking, if you consider moving to Eastern Europe, do it on condition that you're going to earn a much bigger salary than the average one of that country. Because the average salary provides you a living standard that is on a par with that of a welfare queen in a Western country (living in a commieblock, affording only a 10-15 yo car, etc.)
>What would you say a 5-10yr future for the country is
Mikke will rule the world
How come this Polish province gets its own flag?
Poland is pretty shit. Most foreigners move here with high hopes but unless you find a woman and marry + stable job, which most foreigners fail to do, they move back having little purchasing power unless they have back-up. Fuck it, I'd move if I had the chance. This place is retarded.
Additionally - what is the cost of land by area/acreage, how much would building a house be?
Been two times there because girlfriend is Polish, from Gdańsk.
My opinion is very positive for now.
The country is still pretty much a shithole, but polish people are proud, nationalistic, hard-working and, if you don't get into the shittiest areas, very polite.
At first they are very close to you, but if you start speaking their language and respect their culture, they can become very good friends to you.
Also, white paradise. It's the first time in my life I don't see niggers or moors around a big city.
The landscapes and temperature are amazing, and the prices are cheap.
Girls are also very hot and smart, although recently part of them are getting into the swj and tumblr shit due to western influence, especially in big cities.
>finally going away from communism or no
nigga were going back into communism full steam. The last twenty years we got rid of all that, plenty of businesses moved here, place started looking good.
Now the "red pilled" commie-hating conservatives got in power and guess what they do?
They give people free money to buy themselves a re-election. We're spiralling into shit now.
Economically the pro-EU people were light years ahead. Poland is fucked and its just a matter of time.
You want a slav country thats not retarded go to Czech Republic but they are very "blue-pilled" and liberal
Our girls are fucking shit
t. Pole diaspora
How's Dutch treating you? Where are you? I'm thinking of moving to Amsterdam.
Are you serious? I can't seem to get an idea of how the average person in Poland feels about him or the Korwin party. The Law and Order control seems to be a good start, but they've been held up by leftists freaking out over them removing the illegal judge placements. I don't know much about regional politics there.
>if you want to come to poland better learn some polish first.
This is also true, and it should be always like that.
>I've been considering moving there
Or you could marry a foreigner.
Hope you like it in the butt.
As in what? I don't get it, what are filipinos like?
Mikke is the laughingstock of the entire country.
Plus he's recently started obviously taking money from the russians and shilling for them
WE DO NOT like russia here. Nobody thinks putin is based. If you hear a different oppinion from a poster with a polish flag he's either a moscow shill or his parents were communist officials.
Either way, not a real Pole.
Right wing, nationalistic, cute women, good food, fairly Catholic, and white.
Bureaucracy in Poland is nerve wracking. Remember that.
Everythink you do in 5 minutes in USA it takes hours or days in Poland.
Also costs more.
Start a company in Poland:
ZUS - social security - $200-350 from the first day! Every month!
You have to pay first, start after, not like normal country where you do your thing and then register when you feel like you can make it.
If you are a cheap bastard you can buy an apartment far from town and then drive everywhere.
$ 31k - 2 rooms.
15km from a Baltic sea.
>go to Spain
>can't talk to anyone because I only know Polish
>go to Japan
>people keep looking at me funny
>an old man puts his hand on my ass in the subway and grins at me when I meanmug him
>can't tell him to fuck off because I only speak Polish
>go to Brazil
>get robbed, raped, robbed again, shot several times, infected with Zika and AIDS, and forced to be involved in a state oil corruption case
>can't plead my innocence because I only speak Polish and the huehues just hospitalized their only translator.
Hardworking, honest catholic people, though they seem to have some self-hate in them because their country is poor
>They give people free money to buy themselves a re-election.
The law and order party is doing that? If so, what a massive disappointment.
>You want a slav country thats not retarded go to Czech Republic
I want to go to Poland because it's where my family is from. My grandfather fought in the battle of Lwów, and later Armia Krajowa during occupation, I have pictures of him with Władysław Sikorski.
I want to do my part to help make Poland great again
chill, it was a joke
I love the country, could write up a whole report.
I am from around Rotterdam, the city itself has good/alright areas (east/north) and absolute shite (south/west). Luckily I live in a village a bit outside of it. Most post 2004 Poles who came here went to The Hague or Brabant for seasonal work and picking fruit. Amsterdam is shit for labourers so you better have a good degree, we desperately need IT so if you have that you can try Amsterdam but I don't recommend it as costs of living are terrible. Utrecht or maybe even Leiden seem like a safer bet.
Oh yeah, you have similar history of being fucked over by numerous countries, living in filth for years, and have a huge grudge against the nearby regional superpower(China/Russia)
Yes, it is called 500+.
500zł for every child (excluding first one).
They use money to boost families.
Seems to be working fine to be honest.
>Mikke is the laughingstock
I was afraid of that, I was reading his posts and recent trips to China. Where he seems to be more like the American libertarians, wishing for greater economic freedom. Does this idea resonate with average pole (disregarding his other views)
>WE DO NOT like russia here
I'm aware of this, Russians and Ukrainians
Is it easy to buy land in Poland?
It's a small country and I do have a degree but I don't know how that's valued over there. Rotterdam sounds good, which is my second choice. I might try that see if it bears out. Thanks for the response user.
>If you hear a different oppinion from a poster with a polish flag he's either a moscow shill or his parents were communist officials.
You forgot the third explaination
>The law and order party is doing that?
yes they are
Dont forget the weird Smolensk 2010 plane crash cult that they have got going as well. Every month its a new theory
>it was a giant magnet
>the russians sprayed synthetic fog to make the plane crash
>there were actually two planes
and its all endorsed at government level. About the only useful thing they did was not taking refugees
Armies have synthetic fog sprays you know.
Here on Sup Forums it's always catch 22. If I say I'm proud of my country, some butthurt german or limey is gonna shit up the thread with anti polish crap. If I say Poland is shit, I'm going to get called a self-hating cuck. It's pretty much impossible to discuss anything here.
A meme or a bait or an idiot...
Polish visiting germanistan
Our liberal media paints him as Hitler himself thats wants to kill everyone who doesnt support him. So mostly people supporting him are 14/25 years old. Also Poles are way too used to socialism.
>Bureaucracy in Poland is nerve wracking
>Everythink you do in 5 minutes in USA it takes hours or days in Poland.
I am living in California, where bureaucracy is already massive nightmare. Say I wanted to buy some land in Poland, than build structures on it, would this require a lot of permits and bullshit?
>Start a company in Poland:
ZUS - social security - $200-350 from the first day!
You have to pay hundreds in social security just to start a business? What about selling goods on streets, vendor licences or something like that are required or can you just do it?
What kind of degree do you have?
they social and economical programis more leftist than program of actual left parties
they are basicly like commies + catholic church
>500zł for every child
Isn't this a good thing? To encourage higher birth rates?
>Seems to be working fine to be honest.
If it's what I'm thinking than I would imagine so, that sounds like a good policy
yeah why all this shit about the Smolensk movie?
Why it got so shitty ratings? Please enlighten me kek
I've been to Poland, it's nicer than here in some respects. It makes me sick how self hating most of you are on the internet, the Poles I met irl were a lot cooler.
Administration degree.
>Smolensk 2010 plane crash
That was the one where all the major Polish government officials were oddly on the same plane and crashed near / in Russia, right?
>About the only useful thing they did was not taking refugees
This is a big thing in and of itself, California is overrun with illegals. I'm lucky enough to be in a part that's half asian half hispanic, so not to much crime.
It will bankrupt the country. I heard they are planning to make another 500zl program this time if you enlist in the paramilitary right wing death squads which I plan on doing kek.
But it will make us venezuela tier in 10 years because now nobody will have the balls to take these benefits away and we really can't afford them especially if EU is crumbling.
Privately I'm glad that I have a US H1b1 visa valid for 10 years and my father is a citizen so we can bail the fuck out if it gets bad enough - for the first time in my life I'm thinking it really might
you can buy a land here
to buy land you must to be polish and farmer
Yes, if by "working fine" you mean encouraging the worst and the poorest to have more children. They don't spend that money on kids. They just buy expensive shit they don't need, just like niggers would. Imagine what will happen if the next government decides to cut these benefits in 2020. Poland gets a fuckton of LOWEST class human trash with no hope of changing for the better.
On their way to Katyn memorial. Ironic isn't it?
Don't get discouraged, I'm proud of my Polish heritage, I've seen many Poles in the Americas who are too. I think Poland has the potential to become great in the next few decades, especially as western europe falls, investors will be looking for stable investments
>all the major Polish government officials were oddly on the same plane and crashed near / in Russia, right?
It was not, however, an official trip and the president that died was NOTORIOUS for making his pilots land in shitty conditions. The last pilot that defied him was relegated to hauling cargo on a shitty domestic route and there was discussion in the parliament whether or not to demote him and take away his decorations.
>what are Filipinos like?
>Our liberal media paints him as Hitler himself
Sounds no different than media here. I've listened to a lot of his speeches, and posts. He doesn't seem to extreme when you actually view the information. Sure he has a more inflammatory way of expressing his points, but it makes him stand out.
>So mostly people supporting him are 14/25 years old.
This is good, the new generation is interested in policy's which will improve the nation. Means good future for Poland
>Also Poles are way too used to socialism.
Yes, higher economic freedom is one of the major focuses of Mikke that I've seen, something that Poland is in need of as far as I can tell
Learn some basic polish then take classes/make a conscious effort to learn the language when there.
Non English speaking countries absolutely love foreigners who make the effort to learn their language, especially a less popular one like polish
>Why it got so shitty ratings?
Because it's the most hilarious piece of propaganda recently made in Poland. There's literally a scene where the former president (by now practically a deity in smoleńsk cult) is greeted by ghosts of polish officers murdered by russians during the war :DDD
I'm from a very Polish area in the states.
Honestly, be proud dude.
You're one of the few uncucked nations in Europe.
Your people work hard
You have great food and drink
Your women are beautiful, as long as they don't scrunch up their faces
You gave us the best Pope
Your women gave me hepatitis
Be proud!
>Don't get discouraged
I'm not, I like my country and culture. I was just reflecting on the low standards of discussion here.
The people: shit
The culture: shit
The culture: shit
The food: shit
History: shit
Polish immigrants: Pure fucking Islam-tier cancer
>It will bankrupt the country
Is the budget for federal government really that limited?
>500zl program this time if you enlist in the paramilitary right wing death squad
Can I sign up for Polish military if I succeed in getting duel citizenship? From what I've read it's much easier to get citizenship if you can prove direct family connection to Poland, know the language, and pass a kind of history test. But I heard from another Pole in another thread that Polish government wants to claim as many as they can as citizens and had trouble in the past with claiming people as citizens when they came to visit kek
>take these benefits away and we really can't afford them especially if EU is crumbling
If the program is for children - which conceptually is a good thing. Couldn't they just cut from somewhere else to balance the budget to avoid problems?
>so we can bail the fuck out if it gets bad enough
Where would you go?
>You can buy land here
How much would an acre cost, or a few hundred?
>You must be polish and farmer
Polish citizens who aren't farmers can't buy land?
>Katyn memorial
Very, the ghosts of communism still haunts poor Poland
greater prussia
I am in the same boat as you (public administration) and the market is quite satiated, but I am sure you might find something nevertheless.
What was the procedure for replacing so many cabinet members after the crash?
How come this prison cell gets its own flag?
Krecik jest polski!
Do you live and work there? Are you married to a Pole?
the military is conservative as fuck
even if you would get in you'd never make much headway.
And being an enlisted man in the polish military would be about the dumbesst thing you could do. For a commission you need a polish degree
>give free money to people for re election
This is a symptom of democracy, or any system where a vote decides who is in power.
It has nothing to do with whether are party is left or right wing, it's just the left wing are smart enough to convince their idiot tax paying followers that's it's a good idea for society
they were mostly the parliamentary opposition so I dont think there were many cabinet members on that flight
it wasn't an official function, the prime minister went there for that but Kaczynski felt snubbed and decided hes going too
it's an absolute shithole, even by European standards
you could get the same or better in multiple other significantly less shitty countries
Listen nigger, there's a reason why 2.3 million Poles live abroad
It's hilarious as fuck to imagine an upper-middle class American stepping off the plane in Warsaw imagining some white utopia. the reality of communism is going to hit you hard bruv
with new law, we can't
>For a commission you need a polish degree
What kind of degree? Also, I figure even serving part time would be a good way to establish myself in Poland, to really feel like it's home
>imblying this is in any way a bad thing
Can a pol tell me if polish men would marry a male foreigner to move elsewhere? I'm curious about the sentiment over there...
>with new law, we can't
Citizens cannot buy land in their own country?
Terrible, think this policy will change any time soon?