Since we pretty much memed Hillary's death into existence, it's time to use memetic magic to raise the 4th reich

Since we pretty much memed Hillary's death into existence, it's time to use memetic magic to raise the 4th reich.

we already have dumbass but not in the way we want it

Kek will forge a new Europa, without sandniggers and joos

that would be a fifth reich

Eu is not a reich.

Repeating digits and 4th reich becomes a thing. Its capital being London. The reich is destroyed by allies after 7 years of reign.

My ID begins with 5 and all my posts end with 5, cool.




Fuck the reich.
We need a strong communist superpower in Europe.
Kek wills it


I ain't checkin shit fggt

Hey thats pretty neat


Ahahahaha here comes the ARYANS attempting to place all of Europe underneath their jackbooted heel.

Looks like we will have to summon the ANGLO ANCESTORS OF OLDE to wipe clean the slate of the ARYAN STAIN once again.

germanistan turns commie and ends up as a 3rd world shithole


I dont care what a NEET echochamber thinks my nig. Still voting communist

Praise Kuk

Heil Ketler


uh, no we don't want Europe anymore you retard. Have fun with those Muslims. Praise KEK!

so close...

turk nigger detected

>tainted blood
I think not.

you 8ch stormfags did not meme anything into existence, you cry the tears of despair cos it turned out your boss shillary is basically a walking dead and your shekels might be late


Fuck nazis and fuck 4th Reich.

Sincerely, Conservatives, real nationalists and rest of alt right.


>Implying that's not what we've been doing

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

Please explain how you will efficiently allocate resources without price signals you nog

Also, I fucking hope you try with that bullshit, I'm literally screaming inside with the urge to kill fucktarded communists

We have an aching need within society to redefine our values as our culture.

Please anyone reading this, you can be the catalyst for change. Christian white culture isn't dead, it doesn't matter if you believe in a god or not.
The enforced morality of our religious systems helped forge the world we hold dear today.

Get out there, be the culture change. People are waiting for someone to follow.

I believe in you user.

>wouldnt be considered subhuman by the reich
You're following an ideology that literally fucking hates you. I would know.


>poor allocation of resources isnt just as prominent in capitalism
>what is technology and big data?

I'm American with all western European Ancestry. That being siad, the Georgians are based, they've avoided all the pitfalls of western decadence and have very comfy traditional lives

They've managed to maintain a distinct culture and wholly unique language (it is not a derivative of any known language and they have their own alphabet) despite being smack dab in the middle of the mongols, Russians, Soviets Turks and whoever the fuck else

Some of them are a bit swarthy, but they're cool in my book

>What is liteerally hundreds of mmillions of people dying from starvation because centralized market control is retardedly inefficient

b-but athletes get paid more than teachers waaaaaaaaaaaaaaah


>Georgians are based
True. But doesnt change the reality of the Nazi doctrine
>liteerally hundreds of mmillions of people dying from starvation
>communism is meant to be implemented in an already poor economy where starvation is inherent like it has been every time so far
>but athletes get paid more than teachers
Some people are still starving while billionaires order piles of food they dont eat in restaurants where a single meal costs the entire monthly wage of 80% of the workforce. That isnt effecient either.

Kill a commie for mommy

Communism will never rise again.

Shills are trying to mess with our meme magic

>political party run by a woman
>ever doing what's necessary to save western civilization

So Hillary is paying /pol to btfo socjus?

For what purpose?

Never say never eMUG.
That said I dont think communism will ever rise again in the same form it has before. It needs a make-over. But many policies 200 years from now will be inspired by communism. It simply makes sense in a highly advanced society.

>True. But doesnt change the reality of the Nazi doctrine
You don't know what National Socialism is. There were black and ARabic Muslim regiments of the SS. The idea that the Nazis wanted to purge all those without blond hair and blue eyes is a meme - national socialism is the preservation of distinct nations and cultures, not merely Germanies

>Communist countries were starving to begin with
If starvation was a constant stae of affairs then we wouldn't suddenly see mass die offs under communism - good that you admit thought that communism at least did nothing to improve the situation
>Some people are starving while there are billionaires
Yes, niggers who keep having children when the ones they already have are starvng - more poverty has been eliminated in the past 60 years under pseudo capitalism than under any other system of government for any period of time in human history

you 8ch stormfags are not 4ch Sup Forums

hillary is paying you to shitpost hitler memes on 4ch to discredit trump support coming from Sup Forums

jewry gets added benefit that you discredit adult conservative discussions by drowning it into sea of white supremacy hitler bullshit

they also get you to discredit free independent thought by falsely presenting it as a part of engineered "alt-right" containment group and bundling it with neonazi retardation making it easy for your jewry masters to attack it in their media

My spirit will rise and you buggers will know that I was right!!!

Just leave the EU alone and you'll get it

Did he bust a nut on that nog's face?

Except that's not what's happening, instead white self interest is becoming mainstream

Also, I wouldn't give a fuck about normie poltics if it were not useful for pushing the overton window farther to the Right

PR is for cucks

>I'm American with all western European Ancestry
Givi PLZ
georgians not based, they have all reasons to build agry-touristic economy. but really a lot of georgians are criminals becouse of deep roots of ussr criminal society

When your views are reduced to an anonymous image board and the majority of ppl who share your beliefs look like this you've already lost.