scenes that had no meaning or purpose to even be in the movie
Scenes that had no meaning or purpose to even be in the movie
>i looked at my phone through half the movie
plebtard. you might as well watch everything on 1.5x while youre at it.. all you do is waste your time.
It's the best scene in the movie, though.
Also if you think about, Sam Elliot narrating the movie makes zero sense, as he's playing a cowboy at the bowling alley bar. How would he know what the fuck is happening with The Dude? The whole character and narrative technique is purposely made arbitrary just so the Coens could satire the various character stereotypes around a interesting story. And it worked out great.
Dammit, now I want to watch The Big Lebowski.
What are the point of any scene or any movies? You are a god damn rat.
>entire ending and meaning of the movie hinges on it
Fucking idiot.
If you don't like this scene you can giiiiiiiit out
but it sucks dick and should have been left out
This. This shit right here.
BL is just a goofy character study around a decent plot but it's nothing super serious or special, nor was it intended to be.
People treat it like every last little detail in the movie is super important or meaningful when that was never the intention.
>added in the directors cut using leftover footage from legend...
What was the significance of the Saddam and Gulf War stuff in Big Lebowski? Was the plot a parallel for the war or something because I don't get it.
So? Your little pop culture knowledge turns this scene to shit somehow?
fucking hell i'll be right back
I don't remember any of these
Haha look at me im so silly tee-hee, im so clumsy and sexy and dont care about getting wet haha tee hee xd
wtf I love whores now
I'm actually a sax player and if anybody, even some cute grill, decided it was a good idea to spray my horn with anything I'd kick their ass
>t. Homosexual
I dont have to be gay to spot a try hard girl
Nigga just admit you're gay for even spending time thinking about that instead of wanting to fuck the shit outta her.
Deckard is a replicant, and that Gaff
knew about Deckard's dream
because it was an implanted memory.
The aggression would not stand, man.
>not understanding occult symbolism
Kys plebian
Why Beatty would leave Deckard alive then? It was clear it was to show him how much living ment to Beatty and if Deckard is a replicant (which the screenwriter and Harrison highly disagree on) it makes no sense
You're LGBT, friend
Every time I try to watch this movie I either fall asleep during this scene or turn it off because I have to go do something. I've never made it past this part, and I don't care.
*sprays ur horn*
What's going on with that scene anyway?
Why does Saddam Hussein give him bowling shoes?
i wish i looked at my phone for the whole movie
pile of shit
Classic noir films were set during ww2, a major conflict. The gulf war, a one sided slaughter, was not a big deal. Setting the film during the gulf war accentuates the parody further.
girls are supposed to be cute, if you don't like you're a homo
>I'm actually a sax player
Holy shit no way dude that's so cool
>Also if you think about, Sam Elliot narrating the movie makes zero sense, as he's playing a cowboy at the bowling alley bar.
>What is a Greek chorus?
Read a book, fucktard.