How did a plane full of 140 brave Americans manage to get taken over by 2 guys with box cutters?
How did a plane full of 140 brave Americans manage to get taken over by 2 guys with box cutters?
They might not have been brave?
Maybe they never noticed?
They strapped themselves with fake explosives.
You do understand that those things are sharp AF?
That's a very good question.
why have i never thought about this
Hijackings were rare but not unheard of. You just let them land the plane so they could get their demands. No none suspected these guys would kill themselves to do an attack
Asked this question to my history teacher in high school, he said they had ak 47s. Looks like my entire life has been a lie.
Well there was a plane going to Camp Davey and they actually subdued the guys with the box cutters. Too bad those people died, but that plane never made it to its destination and away from people.
I was only a kid before 9/11 so I've grown up accustomed to the idea of terrorists and their plots.
Legitimately not think of that being a possibility does seem like a logical explanation if that's how people generally felt.
Good call
>not brave
How dare you.
Americans are naturally subservent pussies. Just look at who they want to elect, a woman or a retard who they want to fuck their own wives.
A plane full of ANY OTHER NATIONALITY would have fucked em up, but americans are too pussy to do ANYTHING.
Stuck in their seats
only richfags fly airplanes, they arent brave.
they get what they deserve fuck them for being such pussies, even if they had a bomb they should have known they werent going to land
Then what about those phone calls made during flight to the passangers relatives?
CIA was on board, and had guns. The opening scene of The Dark Knight Rises was based on what happened on United 93. Nolan is as redpilled as Kubrick.
For example, he even included the plane switching stunt used by having one plane fly on top of another.
Because at that time, no one crashed a fucking plane into a building. Hijackers would land the plane, and get their ransom, without making an emergency stop on the 88th floor.
It is a fair question. It wouldn't work now. Why did some of the Bataclan victims allow themselves to be mutilated while still alive? It is disturbing. Western Society has made many men into pussies, basically. We have lost the primal knowledge that we have to defend ourselves. This is just one reason why protecting the 2nd Amendment is so important. You need to understand that protecting yourself is ultimately your responsibility.
I've thought about this for a long time. I don't know how a plane full of people could surrender control of the plane to 2 people with box cutters.
>only richfags fly airplanes
Back to the trailer park, Dustin.
>Sit near cock pit
>slash someones throat
>demand pilot open door or you kill someone else
>This offcourse will fail if bruce lee is on board
Look at the mad poorfag and laugh, salty he can't even afford a basic plane ticket. Have fun flipping burgers wageslave.
>Over 12 years old
>Still watching batman/super heroes
This is why the white race is dying becasue it's filled with fucking man children.
Until that day, passengers were valuable bargaining chips during a hijacking. Maybe kill one or two for effect but not the whole lot. The plane became the weapon.
Usually hijackers make demands to land the plane and get money. This was a first.
Americans talk the talk, but when the shit really happens they all cower like children.
Ex. Every terrorist attack and mass shooting in America, where despise Americans on here claiming they would stop it. They never do.
Was this intentional?
1) Aircraft hijackings, up until that point, had always been about landing and asking for ransom
2) There were five hijackers on each plane, excluding United 93, which had four
3) Pilots, stewardesses, and likely a few passengers in first class had just been brutally murdered, giving anyone thinking about retaking the plane pause for thought
4) They sprayed pepper spray in the cabin
5) All of the hijackers barricaded themselves inside the cockpit the entire time, making it almost impossible to launch an attack that wouldn't be exceedingly dangerous
What are you doing here on a Japanese Anime Board then? GTFO grandpa.
sadly its true but A FUCKING LEAF.
>terrorists told passangers they had bombs
>they slit the throats of people already
>most in the plane hadnt seen anything as it took place in first class and had no idea how many there were
>muhammad atta on the first plane told the passengers they were turning back to the airport but any stopping them and they would blow up the plane
>people didn't even consider they would be on a suicide mission
Even then flight 93 fought back once they knew what was happening
the plane was empty
Passengers generally expected a good chance of survival in a highjacking prior to 9/11.
Because people are pussies. No one wants to be the first person to stand up to them, even though as a group you could easily overpower them. It's not a criticism, just how the human psyche works, most people don't want to put themselves in a position of harm.
t. Harold "get a life bin the knife" Johnson
Bin that butter knife or get life la.
they successfully bluffed by telling the passengers that they had a bomb
you know if you took 30 minutes to watch a 9/11 documentary you wouldn't be asking retarded questions on Sup Forums
there were no two guys
Canada Any diffrent
pre-9/11 most americans had no idea a crazy religion like islam where people would actually go on suicide missions. No really, pre-9/11 most Americans had no clue what islam even was. I bet the people thought it was hindus or argentines protesting the falklands hijacking the plane.
I don't think some of you guys understand what a box cutter is. It has a flimsy mass produced knife that can break easily if bent. Yes they're sharp but even if you got cut with one there's a good chance it wouldn't be a fatal wound. There's no way 140 people couldn't have done something about it.
That was after they barricaded themselves in teh cabin and course of flight became suspicious. passengers of Flight 93 heard about their approaching fate and crashed plane with no survivors (at least in the official version)
How did a country full of millions of brave americans manage to get taken over by hooked nose people with shekels?
Flight 93 was most likely shot down but the public gets the story the people on board fought back. The PR the White House would get for shooting down a plane of Americans would be really bad even on 9/11.
Because you are superior to the goyem. You guys created 2 religions to control us. One for the white and the other for the arab.
Not entirely true, user. Notice the movie and television show trend in the decades prior to the event. During the 80s and 90s you had tons of films depicting at least middle easterners as terrorists (e.g. Back to the Future, True Lies, etc.) This was a well planned and thought out event.
They didn't have reasons. All previous hijackings had different scenarios and mostly ended well for passengers when they comply with terrorists demands.
Yes but not famous enough to register in your average Joe's mind. Pre-9/11 Bubba and Cleetus had no clue what Islam was. MOst Americans assumed all religions were rational in thinking.
there was no plane
Air traffic control most likely would have noticed if it had been shot down
Too many cucks on the planes.
If your hijacker is wearing a supposed suicide vest then surely the passengers should have known that their intentions weren't to end the situation peacefully.
scratch that
there are actually audio tapes of the passengers taking over flight 93
WTF My Humps was released just over 10 years ago.
Where did we go so wrong?
You're saying that as if airplane hijackings are such a strange phenomena that are unique to 9/11. Planes were taken over before in a similar fashion for purposes of hostage and extortion. Also, they had bombs, which may or may not have been faked but scared a lot of people into not doing anything. The people on the planes had no idea they were not going to be hostages and instead were going to crash into a building for a suicide mission. They thought if they cooperated that they would be let go once a ransom was paid or some special forces rescued them.
I thought they were going to the Capitol but I guess you know something nobody else does
Why would they go to Camp David if the president was not there?
There is a list of at least a hundred other hijackings of various nationalities where the passengers didn't try to take control of the plane because the hijackers did not intend to kill all the passengers.
Plane tickets cost like 200 bucks one way pre 9/11
Kek it got harder to fly one way after that though
>all previous hijackings
Yes but did they use guns? Didn't the hijackers of say the Black Septermberists have actual guns? And there were problems because people don't just let that shit happen.
Hence why it's subliminal programming. People were already afraid and prepared to be terrorized.
>back when Black Eyed Peas were listenable
good times
it was on its way to WTC 7
Most adults have had to haveThe Seige with Denzel Washington. . .right?
kek that is a thing of the past bong. Do not forget we are fast approaching the 2040 marker of "whites" being a minority in the gold old US of A.
plane had maybe only about 50 real Americans on board.
have had to have seen*
Many planes before was "hijacked" with just note for the pilots about bomb threat.
At least they didnt have a Sharia Law zone on board when they went down.
>How did a plane full of 140 brave Americans manage to get taken over by 2 guys with box cutters?
>brave Americans
Americans like to pretend they're brave, but in reality they're cowardly rats.
Such as?
>crashing this plane
>with no survivors
>implying there was anyone in the planes at all
they were taken out with nerve gas along with everyone else (except daniel lewin), and the planes were remotely piloted
the muslim patsies were so retarded i'd be surprised if they could tie their own shoelaces
We weren't used to terrorism like EU is
Before 9/11, the protocol for a hijacking prioritized the safety of the passengers over control of the plane on the then reasonable assumption that the hijacker would make demands, have them met, and then leave the plane in peace. No purpose in risking someone getting hurt or killed by a box cutter or whatever when you can ride in the plane for a few hours and end up landing somewhere guaranteed fine.
9/11 changed that, obviously. It made the equation less certain, as you could now be hijacked and end up dead due to nutso muslims. In other words, the box cutter style of hijacking would result in mild collateral damage while everyone in the plane beat the fuck out of the would-be hijacker.
Faith in our government. They thought for sure that our government would handle the situation, and the irony is thats the day the government began to actively turn on citizens.
>How did a plane full of 140 brave Americans manage to get taken over by 2 guys with box cutters?
First off, they had box cutters, and fake bomb vests.So, the threat of blowing themselves up and killing everyone on the place was a deterrent to bum rushing and overpowering them.
Second, as other people have said, the commonly understood protocol for hijackings prior to 9/11 was to let the hijacker take the plane, and deal with him after he gets off the plane on the runway where they land.
Flight 93 allegedly heard about the hijackers crashing other plans from panicked love ones calling them to see if they were okay, and decided to rush the cockpit.
Because it was 2001 and no one had ever been exposed to this terrorist shit before.
The fucking glory days of the the late 90's and early 00's died that fucking day and ruined airport security for everyone.
There were still states in the US where you could drive onto the fucking tarmac.
They would have had no idea what was to happen and thought if they cooperate it will be fine. Try that shit now and see what happens.
Also 9/11 wasnt an inside job, it was the sheer fucking arrogance and incompetence of the US government who new about it but thought they never had the balls to pull it off. Every dodgy event was a cover up on the fly of their own ineptness to hide the fact they could of delt with it but instead got rekt by sand niggers.
Yeah I fucking said it. Fight me cunt.
How did a former empire manage to get taken over by shitskins?
Non-meme answer: because Mark Wahlberg was not on the plane
They thought they had a bomb and that they were being taken hostage for ransom/negotiation.
Everyone learned on 9/11 that this wasn't the case, and that's why it's harder for them to do stuff like this now.
Except in fucking Australia;
>Literal retard with a sawn off takes people in cafe hostage
>Starts putting up ISIS flags and ranting about ISIS shit as he waits for the cameras
>Oh yeah, I got like 5 bombs all around Sydney that will go off if anyone tries to stop my Jihad
>Oh gee, we shouldn't just shoot the cunt because totally he's telling the truth and the last 15 years of precedence is irrelevant
>Guy gets his attention, does his speech and starts blasting
>Also 9/11 wasnt an inside job, it was the sheer fucking arrogance and incompetence of the US government who new about it but thought they never had the balls to pull it off. Every dodgy event was a cover up on the fly of their own ineptness to hide the fact they could of delt with it but instead got rekt by sand niggers.
Fucking thank you, I'm sick of people seriously saying that our shitshow of a government would actually be intelligent or competent enough to pull off a scheme as brilliant as the proposed 9/11 conspiracy
it was an assault box cutter
Oldfag here.
Literally the assumption was;
>They have a bomb
>They will land the plane in Libya or some other shit hole and we will go through negotiations, maybe they'll kill someone, maybe Mossad will bust in etc etc
After 9/11 the rules changed a lot.
On the flight 95, they apparently heard from family members via phone calls that the other plane(s) that had been hijacked had been deliberately crashed, which is what prompted the passenger revolt.
1. Shock.
2. They immediately look to authority figures (who are dead with their throats cut)
3. They had fake explosives.
4. They assured the passengers they were going to land and negotiate like all the other Arabic hijackings prior to this
>140 ljudi
>dva retarda
Znam čoveče da mogu da ti iseku prste ali 140 jebenih ljudi...
Bio je falseflag inače
>they had fake explosives
A possibility but Derka Jihadists are not that smart.
Two planes had already been smashed into buildings. Flight 93 heard that they too were already dead. Only then did they decide to fight back. Or so that was the story (((they))) told people before shooting it down with a missile.
9/11 was nothing more than a tale of cuckoldry. For years we had been raised, been told, to just bend over and let the nice criminals fuck you in the ass and wait for it to all be over, never daring to fight back.
The Government completely could have stopped the attacks, but no Government wants to tell their citizens to fight back against criminals. That goes against their own interests to have a population willing to resist.
Fat boomers thought they wanted money and waited for someone to solve the problem with someone else's money.
>fug I think we are gonna crash!
How did a club of 300 faggots get shot up by one dude?
A) Even if you think the plane is just being landed somewhere for demands it is still terrifying, there are also past incidents where the plane was landed/ demands not met/ everyone shot.
B) After a while it probably became clear the flight wasnt smooth and would probably crash or even that it was clearer that that was the aim.