When does this get good? Watching episode 2. Seems very simplistic without any compelling plot, and of course, there's a mindless action. If some interesting story doesn't start soon, I'm going to drop it.
When does this get good? Watching episode 2. Seems very simplistic without any compelling plot, and of course...
It's just literally bossfights: the anime
seriously just read the manga
Really? Wtf, why was it recommended in this list?
Just read the book. Or just read Berserk, because it is better in every way. The anime, just like the Berserk anime, tells an extremely small part of the story. And then it rushes to the end. Don't waste your time on it.
On a side note, it pisses me off that it is revealed that the monsters are man-made--created as weapons to fight a bigger war. A much bigger, more epic fight is taking place on another continent, and the audience never gets to see it. That makes the entire plot irrelevant when looking at the big picture.
Reminder the rise of Sup Forumsedditors coming over to Sup Forums as a result of Bane memes has led to a shift in taste on Sup Forums
99% of the anime threads here are made by Sup Forumsedditors who only watch LE EPIC MANIME shonen trash and are too scared to post on Sup Forums because no one wants to talk about the same 5 old classic anime that only entry level newfaggots know about. Then they cry about Sup Forums having shit taste and proceed to buy their next avengers movie ticket.
Sup Forums has actually done a fantastic job at keeping out you Sup Forumseddit scum and so all you faggots come crying here because no one wanted to accommodate your newfaggotry.
Also you all treat Sup Forums as a place to ask for recommendations when was made to deal with garbage threads like these that aren't actually discussing anything. This thread should be deleted but since Sup Forums mods are garbage it won't.
So many anime are objectively inferior to the manga, like why watch Monster ever when you can read it.
Oh shit, I meant to post this on Sup Forums, lol.
just skip the anime and read the manga
I shitpost Evangelion and Gurren Lagann rather frequently on all boards.
you can tell the person who made this dseon't even visit Sup Forums
I love when fa/tv/irgins try to act like they're better than Sup Forums.
I liked the manga ending desu. It took years for that to happen.
Gets better with the prequel episodes.
Claymore is my favorite manga.
It was tied with Berserk until it got an ending and Berserk is doomed to not have one.
the manga start like 5/10, then around at chapter 100 it becomes kino
Agree so much with every thing here from LOTG, to Bebop, to Ghost in the Shell, to Millennium Actress, to 5 Centimeters Per Second, to Samurai Champloo, to Tekkonfuckit, to Code Gayass, to Mind Game, to Jin-Roh. Exceptions would be Ghibli, (which really is just contrarian b8), and Big O, Perfect Blue, and Paranoia Agent. If you go in with the right expectations, these can definitely be enjoyable. As a sidenote, Big O has some fantastic music.
It goes full retard with the ending
Imagine how sad it must be, the life of a man who likes literally nothing.
The manga is pretty lame too. I liked Berserk and wanted to like this, but it was not nearly as good.
A lot of great anime isn't there, user. Just a lot of overrated shit is.
Name 5.
I dropped it after one chapter. I should have given it more of a chance, but nothing about it grabbed me.
If I remember it correctly, every episode was "I can't get too powerful or I'll turn evil". The only thing I thought was cool was when Priscilla awakened and was all calm like she had a moment of clarity.
Full Metal Alchemist, Azumanga Daioh, Death Note, Lupin III... Attack on Titan? Shit, I haven't even seen that last one. I can't think of that many good anime series, and with Ghibli gone, that's pretty much every good anime movie. I guess anime is trash. But really, there is a lot of overrated anime on that list.
>Attack on Titan
It gets good when you meet Teresa.
I told you that I hadn't seen it. I just assumed if it so highly praised, it was probably good. Let's see, what else... Inuyasha?
3/5 of those you suggested are the most normalfag entry level suggestions you could have selected, and liking Ghiblishit just cemented it.
Attack on Titan is aninkino. Just when I thought anime was completely dead, we get this.
Though I'm worried it's taking so long to get it out, it might never finish.
>haha you're not a totally weebed out fat ass nerd, lmao at your life
K. They're still great and not on that list. Care to mention what anime on that list is actually great? I probably haven't seen it, making you a pretentious hiptster.
I personally just think it's Normie meme fuel. Interesting concept but not amazing or anything
Glad you're enjoying it though
If you don't have enough anime that you need some list thing like myanimelist to keep track of it, then you haven't seen enough anime.
The same as reading a book instead of watching the movie. The only difference is that the anime is more faithful to the source material.
Half of the shows in that pic are entry level
Why does an anime called "Grenadier" have to be associated with this gun toting bitch and have nothing to do with grenades or the throwing of grenades?
And? Should that be surprising? What's surprising is that it's only half.
yeah it's a 'starter pack', that's basically the point
>like why watch Monster ever when you can read it
Because Monster is literally a frame by frame adaptation of the manga?
Seriously, why the fuck would you use that as an example? Monster is one of the rare perfect adaptations.
I'm actually relieved that this was an accident and you're not one of those people that just boldly posts an anime thread on Sup Forums as if it's on topic here.
Speaking of monster anyone else bummed by the ending? They practically built Johan up to be this supernatural force and then just end it on "nah dudes just nuts lol"