>race is just skin color
Why do people believe this?
Cultural marxism?
Race is just skin color
>blaming everything on the big bad evil jew
why do you say jews?
what do jews have to do with it?
if in doubt it's usually the jew, learn from pogroms they always ended in positive result for native population
I'm trying to find out why people argues that race is just skin color, when there are so many other differences between sub-species. Is it a political reason for this misinformation? Why is it do hard to find factual information about race, but it's easy to find misinformation?
The political left are stupid and to "end racism" they think they must either eliminate the concept of race or blend all races together.
What your talking about the one part of that scheme.
"Race is only skin deep !!!"
Yeah right.
I prefer to take the word of Charles Darwin over some faggot in a skinny jeans.
It is well documented that (((Boas))) and his followers in anthropological departments everywhere subverted that art in the name of jewish aggrandizement. If you three aren't jews (which I doubt), you could do your own research on it. If you need a pointer, a good place to start is Kevin MacDonald's Culture of Critique, available in a free pdf here: www.angelfire.com/rebellion2/goyim/je1.pdf
Native Americans have pretty nice skulls desu
>Wu, Dong-Dong, and Ya-Ping Zhang
Fucking sick of these white racist assholes trying to justify their bigoted beliefs.
A lot of scientist depend on outside funding. It's become to social norm that "race isn't science" and so going against that could cost them their reputation and funding.
I think we lose a lot when we don't look at the differences. Sure we're still the same species, but you can look at the parts of our bodies and faces and see eons of adaption in there.
>light skin = adapted to clouded environment where you need more vitamin d from the sun
>dark skin = adapted to a sunny environment to protect against radiation damage
>Thin nostrils = cold climate, the narrow passage ways warm the air before it enters the lungs to prevent icing
>Wide nostrils = hot environment, need the extra space to cool the air coming in
>Thin silky hair = prevents collection of moister, which again has to due with ice formation
>Thick hair = traps sweat and increases cooling
>hairlessness on a body = dense, wet jungle habitat as it prevents moister from being trapped and protected against fungal infection
>Lactose intolerance (common in non-white races); indicates that their ancestors had little experience with animal husbandry
>Alcohol intolerance: (common among native American tribes) Indicates their ancestors didn't participate in traditional fermentation practices
>Mercury resistance in the liver: (common among asian races) indicates an ancestral diet of mostly aquatic life.
The lists go on and its really interesting but you can't bring this shit up because its apparently racist. Learned this stuff in anthropology, it made a number of students uncomfortable lol. I think it's cool
You can look at someones body, face, hair and bones and know what their ancestors had to go through to make them this way.
>imply others could even see that if those were things
the funniest part is the nose is the biggest difference
Because the races can interbreed.
And people don't know what "race" means, and think it is a synonym for "species."
These are the same people who think dogs and wolves are the same thing, as well.
Dude u r such a faggit like tf just post memes nigga
we wuz gassed en shit
Do you deny the constant push for this tolerance by the Jew in the media outlets and think-tanks they control/pioneered?
I swear, it's like overnight, a wave of this mongrel trash swamped this place. I blame the elections.
>A lot of scientist depend on outside funding. It's become to social norm that "race isn't science" and so going against that could cost them their reputation and funding.
So then, politics?
>he doesn't wear skinny jeans
want to know how I can tell you're a virgin?