Just curious, what is your take on it?
>Was it still wrong if the victim doesn't feel offended
>Did you ever commit it or is on the receiving end of it? How you deal with it?
Casual Rascism
racism is like voodoo
it;s invisible, and you can't hear it, and it makes black people violent because it's a curse born of invisible ill-will that you can never see
clearly the solution is to treat racists like witches and stone them to death
& Humanities was a mistake
Not /his/
>what is your take on it
Couldn't care less, you be racist to me, i be racist to you, it doesn't affect each others lives at all
>was it still wrong
Subjective. Imho there's nothing wrong with being racist
>did you ever commit it
>receiving end
Yes again
>how did you deal with it
By being an adult and not caring about strangers opinions. If a black or a chink don't want to associate with me because I'm a "cracker" who cares honestly, its their choice and i can choose whether to associate with them aswell
Also, what is racist in that pic you posted?
What the hell is that image supposed to mean anyway? What's wrong?
I don't get it, maybe because I'm not American.
not history or humanities. Go watch Sup Forums
I don't see how that picture is casual racism. Cultural appropriation, maybe, but some Christians strike that pose when saying grace.
No I don't like casual racism. It's rude and uncivil, just like insulting your mother or whatever. If it's behind closed doors and no one is offended, it's still rude. It's just the same as when you say mean things about fat people and no fat people are around to hear. If you do it in public and no one is offended, it's still uncivil and distasteful.
It's banter. Hazing of the same nature has been the norm between white nationalities and cultures forever.
Where the fuck are all your flags?
Yeah and the IDs...creepy.
it's probably a samefag refugee
yeah why the fuck are all their flags unknown
AI is getting pretty good
Thank you for saving this thread with your doubles, burger. I was getting worried.
nip bro
why the fuck is OP's pic racist?
is it the white chick doing the hands together thingie?
It's a thread that got moved to Sup Forums, fucking newfags.
Thread got moved here from somewhere. Hence the ayy lmao flags
No one else is interested in our new AI overlord?
This was probably a thread that got thrown into /trash/ but somehow got moved to Sup Forums
It's just bantz.
You look funny and act funny. Haha, idiot. Get over it.
You clap your hands like that before saying "itadakimasu." Giving thanks for your food. No one would hold it against you if a foreigner didn't know to do it, but it's absolutely retarded to think it's in any way offensive to observe a custom.
or maybe a moved thread desu
Explain the almost intelligible but definitely gibberish nature of the posts
Now THIS is what I call a slide thread
Fuck off space niggers
We deal with casual racism regularly. It's funny.
I happen to like humor.
>>Did you ever commit it or is on the receiving end of it? How you deal with it?
Normally, I don't care, but in America, people sometimes threatened me with a gun for being German (Nevada) or didn't serve me at restaurants (Albuqurque). Stuff like that.
Must be one of those new Germans I've been hearing about.
I'm a full time racist
It's racist because she's white
very offensive desu
Racism is absolutely natural and even necessary.
what the fuck
are astronauts here?
confirmed for shitskin refugee
Cure is worse than the disease.
I make 3/5 jokes all the time.
Racism is a social construct of the white patriarchy trying to separate all womyn of different ethnics from grouping together.
Recently came across old videos my brother and I made as kids.