Is Olaf the most cucked name ever?
Can any swedes tell me the pussiest name you know?
Not really, most cucks I know here have more American names. People with traditional names are raised by parents who care about their heritage.
Kek are you having a tough time in Norway?
Looks like the one in the middle got knocked up already!
That was one school that was next to a muslim ghetto
Holy fug now I noticed it
Muslim ghettos? Can you carpet-bomb them?
In russia we have a word "Oluh / Oлyх", which means "gullible, stupid, retard". Sounds a lot like Olaf
Hopefully soon.
Did you enlist?
I have too much to do at my university atm, but I am thinking about it.
Karl probably
Based King is an exception
What is your major?
Chemical engineering
Why did Sweden use to be so successful?
And what changed?
Is Karl Gustav the new king?
Can you chemically engineer some gas?
Based leaders really
It pains me to say Im poorly educated on the era
How is it like in Romania?
If you were educated you could MSGA
>And what changed?
Jews wanted to destroy the quintessential example of the Nordic race after Hitler's fanboyism of them. They're succeeding.
Åkesson will do not worry my friend
It's poorer than most countries , but it makes up for it with great internet and a rich history/culture.
Yeah it's sad , unless the peaceful muslims actually blow up some large building killing people swedes won't rise.
>Somalian Muslims CAN become Swedish!
I'm sure he will MSGA :DDDDD
''Jimmie Akesson este liderul partidului de *extremă dreaptă* Democrații Suedezi''
Yet hes the only hope for Swedens current political climate
Motståndsrörelsen or anything like it does not have that kind of support
Olaf isn't swedish tho. Olof is.
Olof Oberg?