Still considering yourself to be an Atheist

>still considering yourself to be an Atheist

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I rather get called a fedora than be bound by religion and their dumb sacred texts. You lot can eat turkey every Christmas or fly planes into buildings. We will do whatever the fuck it is that we do.

I switched to Christianity after I was called a fedoralord and shown image macros about how stupid I was
Never felt better
Praise Jesus

>still roleplaying as Christian
no one here is actual Christian, you call yourself that for the sake of contrarianism

>if you're not an Atheist, you have to be part of organised religion

Top-tier logic.

You did the right thing.
I'll pray for you... brother.

>Jews are bad!
>Now turn around and worship one! Good goy!
Where do you think you are?

>Implying Deism isn't Atheism

>still being this bluepilled about religion


>proceeds to deny any science that conflicts with the current cultureal milieu, give Richard Dawkins a stroke and hound Francis Crick into poverty.

You're not even good at nothing, m8.

Remember goys, the only difference between a theist and an atheist is semantics.

Two fingers in your eyes

Kek, no one gives a shit about Dawkins outside the anglo world. Atheism, or apathy towards religion, is now the default option in much of Europe.

>considering yourself
What's to consider? I don't believe in any deity. It's not a voluntary decision, I just don't.

We have an aching need within society to redefine our values as our culture.

Please anyone reading this, you can be the catalyst for change. Christian white culture isn't dead, it doesn't matter if you believe in a god or not.
The enforced morality of our religious systems helped forge the world we hold dear today.

Get out there, be the culture change. People are waiting for someone to follow.

I believe in you user.

>Kek, no one gives a shit about Dawkins outside the anglo world

And nobody gives a shit about atheism outside the anglo world, either.

>Atheism, or apathy towards religion, is now the default option in much of Europe.

Apathy toward ANYTHING is now the default option in much of Europe.

also, for bonus points:
>implying Atheism is just apathy toward religion

That's called Apatheism. Atheism is an active belief.

>tfw unironically Deist with a bent toward Christianity after spending your entire life as a militant atheist

Feels good famalamadingdong. Really it was the knights that did it for me

Worshiping a dead kike on a stick and considering yourself "redpilled" kek

What does it make me if i say religion is not a part of my life, at all. I'm not connected or bound to anything. I don't deny nor accept anything.
I simply don't care about spiritualism and religion. People say i'm agnostic but that is accepting that there might or might not be something and that you're waiting on definite proof to make a choice.i'm not even that, i don't care if there is something or nothing, even if there was definite proog i still wouldn't care.

Can you guys understand what i'm trying to say? Religion is not a part of my life, simple.

>He's not even aware that most atheist speakers are Jewish!

Maybe they'd rather follow the Jew that betrayed them rather than the hundreds you venerate.

>posts teutonic knights who were nothing more than a niggier-tier thugs who chimped out when Lithuania was made christian.

It makes you an apatheist. A product of atheism. Basically a dumb goy.

>guys like, I didn't even CARE about spirituality! The higher breath of the universe like ain't even a thing, man! Who gives a fuck about the grand workings of the universe, bruh! That's, like, boring, man!

>The enforced morality of our religious systems helped forge the world we hold dear today.
But user it was done by catholics who as we all know aren't really christian!

I'm not a dumb guy, i'm a vomputer specialist with my own very succesfull business. I'm doing really good in life by simply not caring about that stuff. The working of the universe will not be told by some dude in a fairytail book.

I think you're the dumb goy for indoctrinating yourself with thousands of years of bullshit and then even preaching about it like its the absolute truth.

Picking a religion is literally like going to the bookstore, pickih out a book and without even properly reading it saying 'THIS BOOK IS THE ABSOLUTE TRUTH AND FUCK ALL OF Y'ALL THAT SAY DIFFERENT' while if you would have picked the book next to it, that woulf have been the absokute truth.

Calling people that don't believe in religion stupid, is exactly why i don't care about divides people in any way possible, just like you did rightnow.

>calling other people nigger-tier

Ps: Saying that the universe is like it is because it's controlled by something, is retarded as all hell. The universe is something we cannot wrap our mindq around, we only understand 0.1% of the universe so far.

Dumb knowitall's like yourself like to paste something over the gaping hole of knowledge just so you don't have anything to worry/think about because 'muh god you know'. Look at what religion did to Europe in the dark ages, we could have been 200-300 years ahead of ourselves by now if it wasn't for religious bullshit stopping all progress.


Yeah, i'm sure you're a real go-getter.

>I think you're the dumb goy for indoctrinating yourself with thousands of years of bullshit and then even preaching about it like its the absolute truth.

I haven't done ANY of that. Literally none of it. Making up traits in people to argue against is the kind of tactic a dumb goy would use.

>it divides people in any way possible, just like you did rightnow.

Good! people SHOULD be divided! It breeds competition, and struggle and advancement.

I've just never been convinced that there's anything supernatural, let alone a god, let alone any of the gods that mankind claims to be real

Once again, you are pasting traits onto me and argying against them, you DUMB GOY.

Also, lel @"dark ages'

Do you realise that during these so-called dark ages, laws were written and codified, civil structures started to develop and languages and literature flourished?

No, of ccourse you don't. Because you don't know history any more than you do spirituality. You're a sad little puppet who mistakes ignorance for freedom.

I'm typing on a smartphone, i don't really care about my spellig because this isn't first grade english class.

You replief to nothing in my post, just trying to paint a deluded image of me. Get a grip on life. Seek help.

>giving a fuck about religion one way or another

What fucking difference does it make if God exists or not? If he does or doesn't, how would your daily life change? You'd still have to work and still have to eat, shit, and sleep. You'd still need to fuck to procreate and everything else. Nothing changes if we ascertain the existence of a god.

>there was once a jew who spoke out against debt collecting, greed was humble and good

>the entire jewish world teamed up and conspired to kill him

really makes you think

>how dare you be something I don't like
Get a grip Mohammad. Take some of that heroine you keep injecting those 13 year olds handcuffed to bed frames, it'll calm you down.

>Get a grip on life. Seek help

>oy! If they prove you wrong, don't forget to imply they have mental problems, goy!

I pity you so much that I hate you.

Yeah because those thing flow naturally. Languages devellop naturally, unless you kill every native speaker.

I'm talking about scientific progress. Medical advancements. That all came to a screeching halt. You are literally trying to contradict something that is a KNOW FACT and you still think you have the upperhand.

I'm done, nevermind, havih a discussion with religious people is impossible. They always immediatly stamp you as 'stupid' and thats the end of it. The conversation never ever goes any further than 'you can't talk about thid because you're stupid'.

Fuck religious people, keep living in your world full of lies. I'll be here enjoying life to the fullest without worrying if there is a man watching my every move. One big fuck you to everything you believe and stand for, i'm out, going for a ride with my jetski and taking a dip with my wife, cya.

I don't believe in anything I believe in my own set of morals I am not an atheist and a Fuck-Off-And-Think-Your-Own-Thoughts-eist

I'm somewhere in between. I was raised a Christian and I live by Christian values, I'm just not really practicing. To me it's not so much a matter of actually believing in god, I'd still consider myself a Christian, but I can see why actual, practicing Christians would disagree with that (and think of me as an atheist)

>changing the goalposts.
>man-made laws are "natural"
>no scientific advancements.

Crop rotation, cannons, lenses, rockets, movable type, optics, compasses, navigation, military tactics, gunpowder, mathematics, coiled springs, etc.

You have got to be THE dumbest goy-slave I have ever encountered. So, well done on that one.

Good goy. Keep worshipping jezuz. Now please donate some shekels to err-um charity.

if you need religion to be a good person your not a good person

>i dont believe in anything
is that even possible? i mean i know there are many people without spiritual beliefs but to not belive in anything dosnt seem possible

Religion tells you what the rules are, it's up to you not to transgress them.

Without religion, we live in a world where it's celebrated to murder the unborn, fuck in the streets and to beat, rob and destroy in the name of "justice".

>being this edgy

>Being a Christfag

just doing what god tells you dosnt make you good. knowing why you souldnt do evil makes you good and you dont need god for that.
also people are destoying and murdering in the name of god right now,

I guess I'm an agnostic atheist, because the first time the religion issue was brought up in my life was when I first started visiting Sup Forums.
I really just don't give a fuck.

Look, the atheist movement is on ice ever since it was co-opted by intersectional politics but atheism itself has yet to be refuted.

Judging by your pic I'll assume you're Christian and the truth is that atheists and Christians have a common enemy: Islam. Let's team up. We can attack it from different angles. Atheists can attack Islam from secular positions while Christians can attack it from theological positions.

As an atheist I'd rather be in a world where we have to continually argue, debate, and refute the theological basis behind Christianity than a world where Muslims are explicitly told to destroy those who will not submit and they obey.

Nigger, you do evil every day and justify it to yourself. The self is no good determiner of what's right and wrong, because it can ONLY determine what is right and wrong according to the self.

Don't you have some somalian cock to worship, sven?

>The self is no good determiner of what's right and wrong, because it can ONLY determine what is right and wrong according to the self.
not if you have empathy

The self is the product of one's upbringing and experiences. The logical conclusion of your argument is that atheists are feral children which is patently absurd.

Even empathy is just a collection of your own experiences and emotions, and isn't near as good a government of your morality as external forces.

>The self is the product of one's upbringing and experiences

And that is, therefore, nowhere near as good a determinant of morality as a committee or consensus of several people's upbringing and experience.

After all, if your upbringing and experiences were of dirt-poor horror, you might see it as moral to stab a guy for money, to keep yourself alive. Moral relativism is stupid.

if you're and intelligent person who takes an interest in the world around them it isnt hard to develop a good moral character just handng your morality over to someone/something else is naieve and actually kind of weak

Religion is learned. Religion is a product of upbringing and experiences. Religion only exists as the self interprets it.

>if you're and intelligent person who takes an interest in the world around them it isnt hard to develop a good moral character

The self can never extend outside yourself, and you will never fully understand another. No matter how intelligent you are.

Conversely, your actions can never limit themselves solely to the self.

I think you're arguing a losing position here.

But Religion is a collective experience, or a community. Religion is discussed and pored over by groups. You could ague that for personal faith, and i'd agree wholeheartedly, but still wonder where your point is.

someone else "self" could also could not extend beyond there self so why would their morals be any better

They wouldn't. Which is why morals cannot be governed by the self, but from an outside force, as a community.

Atheism is just the lack of belief in a god

Where do you suppose these communal morals come from in the first place? Why do they have to attend weekly sessions where they are preached morals by a non-divine source?

how can deism be atheism?

>morals cannot be governed by the self
why, do you have no restraint?

>Where do you suppose these communal morals come from in the first place?

A considerable committee of people? Where else would they come from?

>Why do they have to attend weekly sessions where they are preached morals by a non-divine source?

Well, they don't have to attend, from what I gather. It's not mandatory. But people like going to church, don't they? And to learn?

It might be worth pointing out that i'm not a Christian? Maybe you think I am. I will argue for them, here, simply because in a world like ours, I kind of respect people who take the time to go and learn about how to be good and moral and kind, rather than sit around and think "i'm all the experience I need", which I have already shown to be fallacious.

Are you naive enough to think that everyone has RESTRAINT?

Have you been outside in the last 20 years?!

>tfw Deism is more logical than atheism and religion.

>Year of our Lord ,2016
>He browses,reads and posts on Sup Forums
>Not an orthodox christian
>muh spagetti god
>muh intellectualism
>muh "mommy baptized me once and now im brooding all my life !"
Fedoratheists should KYS or actually start experiencing christianity instead of reading about it from childless,bitter old men that hate western civilization.


You mean: "childless,bitter old JEWISH men that hate western civilization."


>Orthodox Christian

Shine on, you crazy diamond.

being part of a religion dosnt give you restraint either.
as atheism has grown in the uk crime of almost all kinds has gone down, why would tihs be if only religion could give people morals and resistant

>The archetypal "lefty" looks like a pink haired nu-male

Gee I better be right-wing, I don't want to be like that guy!

>The archetypal "atheist" looks like a fat fedora-wearing neckbeard

Gee I better be religious, I don't want to be like that guy!

>being part of a religion dosnt give you restraint either.

No, but it teaches and venerates restraint, which would at least have many people wanting to cultivate it within themselves.

>as atheism has grown in the uk crime of almost all kinds has gone down

Because crime by Muslims has gone up, and the police are too scared of being called racist to apprehend criminals.

>only religion could give people morals and resistant

I'm not saying that at all. The miliary also does this. Or any upbringing or community which teaches it. Our modern secular world does not.

Yes, we will often define our values according to those we dislike. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. Good post.

>still believing tribal monkey superstition
Grow the fuck up OP

>Sigmund Freud
>not a Jewish occultist


>crime by Muslims has gone up
i think you've just disproved your own point there
if Muslims are in an organized religion they why are they committing crime?

Not him but muslims commit a lot of crimes because their religion tells them that they have to literally fight anything that goes against their religion. Which, when they live in the civilised west, is basically everyone around them.

>if Muslims are in an organized religion they why are they committing crime?

Because their community teaches them that the kaffir are basically slaves-in-waiting and they can get away with whatever they want.

I have respect for the Christian teachings that ended slavery and offer an enriching relationship between a God and his adherents. I don't have respect for Islamic teachings that exhort submission and offer a slavish devotion in return for virgins.

Not too hard to understand, I hope.

>the whole board about how jews perverted everything
>posts this

no i understand i dont have a religion but of all the religions christanity is probably the one i a gree with most
my point is if those muslims thought for them selfs and didnt let the community decide their morals for them they would probably act like better people
. yeah i dont think muslims care at this point whether there right or wrong. they only care that their culture is being imposed

>boohoo it's not cool to not believe in god anymore
i'm glad you're over your rebellion phase, timmy. now see there are people who don't choose to believe or disbelieve things based on how cool or rebellious they are, that's a thought ey?

Guys like this are the reason you can't call yourself an atheïst anymore, you just get grouped together with these angsty edgy fedora teens

>my point is if those muslims thought for them selfs and didnt let the community decide their morals for them they would probably act like better people

Interesting, but i'm not sure what to make of it, or how to respond. If they didn't follow Islam, they wouldn't be

I would probably argue that community is the only real way to properly impose/encourage morals and decency, but that cuts both ways, and it's also the best way to encourage hatred, slavish worship and 'evil' behaviour.


>girugamesh lad

Man, I haven't seen that face in so long.