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WHG - Women hate general
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The only stipulation I have a problem with in Big Mouth is the fact the animation is atrocious.
(But it's supposed to be!!!) Yeah South Park took that artistic award first, can't keep doing it.
cute cat
In a way, men have it easier. Even the betas. We start our adult lives with nothing. In order to be successful with the opposite sex, we have to learn, practise and fail socially. We cultivate skills and resources that will make us desirable. Eventually, we might get the hang of it. Even if we dont become 10/10 Chads, most of us still mature out of that awkward adolescent phase. For males, it's a gradual process of things getting better
It's the opposite for women. If you've ever read Flowers For Algernon, you'll understand the horror of being a woman hitting The Wall. In the story, a mentally retarded man undergoes a medical procedure that gives him super human intelligence. For a while, he lives as a genius. But then the procedure starts to reverse, and he slowly, helplessly, regresses back into a retard. That is what it must be like to be a 30 year old woman. She starts life as a young girl girl, hits puberty, and is suddenly treated like God's gift to the world. Everyone laughs at her jokes, people hang on her every word, doors are held and drinks bought for her
But then, as she enters her late 20's, things start to change... Her youth starts to fade and with it goes the attention, the social priority, the sense of value. She clings to it, desperately. Resents the younger women around her and the men whose glances, little by little stop falling upon her. Maybe she even doubles down and tries to maintain the carefree party of being a 20-something girl in a big city.
But she's 30 now. And the drinks and the nights aren't quite as exciting as they once were, so she nods off early. And one by one, her BFFs got off the subway, so now she rides alone. The tinder date never showed up, so she just got a pizza. But like her rapidly fading youth, it's slowly sliding away. It hasn't quite touched the floor yet, it's still separated by some wax paper. But at this point, is it worth saving?
I just stop thinking about them and enjoy my things
justified by
>a thread about late night talk shows
>a thread about a hollywood producer who has had recent bombshell allegations
>2 threads about cartoon comedies
you're supposed to actually find off-topic threads when you try this defensive autism
good post, really made me think. lines up with those articles about women being less happy despite having more social power and independence than ever.
>that picture
because you guys are all lining up for ugly women, right?
>hitting The Wall
Suck my clit, little bitchboy
justified by this off-topic post
How do we save the female race?
women are sex objects and holes, have you ever tried to watch them do the simplest tasks? sub-human desu
>i was raised by a single mother and never knew my father
>now i hate women and suck off guys in mens washrooms
attempting to have sex with women is the most blue pill thing in the planet. I'm just so fucking done with all this monkey business.
nice projection
Women are awful. Who the fuck created them?
you're such a sexist creep. don't you know how much harder women have it?
look at all these virgins over the age of 20
>unattractive people are treated differently
huh... fancy that
I'm not a virgin, life already fucked me over.
>Flowers For Algernon
Absolute 10/10 short story
typical virgin rebuttal thinking he's clever
the difference is I don't hate Chad. I hate roasties.
ITT: Bitter aging virgin manchildren blame all of their problems on women while simultaneously being stupified that women do not like them.
I never got how one can hate a group as big as women. I just don't think I have enough hatred in me to extend to them all.
I like how people kept adding onto this old ass image over time.
>I hate girls cuz they won't fuck my ugly ass
get a plastic surgery and stop eating
I wouldn't be a virgin if I were clever
that's pretty much what I said
sure, why not, we can be ugly together
I hate girls!!
even if I were a Chad, I wouldn't want anything to do with roasties. I know that's an alien concept to normalfags.
You said I thought I was clever, but I never thought that to begin with.
A wise man knows himself to be a fool.
men, even good looking men, line up for ugly women
I fucking hate roasties
As for me, virgin, lonely and ugly, at times it just seems right to acknowledge the bitter hate as a "natural" reaction. In reality it is not that, but more of an irrational thought perpetuated as a vice, however there's more weight on taking it as natural than judging it for what it really is.
I suppose it can be justified in some way for some people.
Some of the inherent realities of this situation just can't be ignored. Life is harder when you are ugly, simple as that. So its natural that people will react in a certain manner to the way people have treated them, in this case in the form of hate towards a very important group of people.
Ugly women get shat on as much as ugly men. But at least ugly men can still become something if they work really hard. Meanwhile most ugly women are destined to marry some low tier wagecuck that struggles to pay the bills because all the Chads were already taken by Stacy and co.
The worst cases of bullying at my high school were the pretty girls relentlessly bullying the ugliest girl in class until she changed schools.
>pretty girls relentlessly bullying the ugliest girl in class
That's mildly fucked
Those last 3 are Sup Forums related u retard
Ugly bitches deserve even worse desu