Today Russian Muslims (we have around 10-15%) celebrate Kurban-Bayram.
All hail the white non-degenerate Russia!
Today Russian Muslims (we have around 10-15%) celebrate Kurban-Bayram.
All hail the white non-degenerate Russia!
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More celebrations.
Top notch file names Boriskov
This is literally the best ad for jeans. American culture is on the rise.
But Tartars are an entire race of hapas.
That's right, Russia should do away with those who are traditional and true to themselves, and promote faggotry and POZloads, and ofcourse, Transtesticles with artificial wombs to save the white race.
I sure prefer having the country succumb to dicksucking and degeneracy
The difference is that those muslims were cucked by YOU, not the other way around. In conquoring the stepps, Russia destroyed dozens of muslim nations and thus many muslim people are left over in the country. The West is accepting muslims artificially.
Quick sidenote: seems to me like Tatars have less of a propensity to snackbar than others.
They worship their own little Pootin.
Stop spreading lies about Russia!
These are not Tatars, these guys are mostly from Tadjikistan, Uzbekistan and countries like that. And I must tell you that ISIS is popular in their countries too.
>(we have around 10-15%)
15, 10 or 7, still more than Germany or France.
Tamed domestic churkas. Nothing new, no shekels for this cheap work, Shlomo.
This. Russia also had hundreds of years under absolute monarchs and then commies to integrate them.
not an argument.
All that crack...
atleast they don't explode
>kneeling staring at another mans ass all day long
absolute degenerates i bet they all fart and smell each other. just gas them all stomp these mutts out
Daily reminder Slavs aren't white.
> Muhammad Abdallah al-Hollandia
Stalin stamped out any lunatics
t. Sven Cucked by Longdongs
Russian homicide rates are so much higher than in any other European country. Russian level of homicides is at the same level as in Gabon, Chad, Togo, Nigeria and other Muslim and non-Muslim African shitholes.
But yeah, good that they don't explode.
Islam was part of Russia for centuries. Russian Muslims are well behaving and work for country prosperity. There is literally nothing wrong with Islam. This is ultimate redpill.
They do when hit by GM-94 grenade.
Yeah, and Chechens are getting huge money transfers straight from Allah, not from Russian budget.
Daily reminder that an American is the last person to care about when arguing.
Literally dumbest, most ignorant society ever created.
A reminder that russian muslims are so bad that they have had to fight several wars against them in their own country
>This is literally the best ad for jeans
You called bro ? my cripto jew senses are off the charts !
They put them into good use. What did you do to deserve money? That's right.
This. In fact, we should expect another war any time as soon as Russia stops sending them money. They get the biggest money transfers from budget.
They almost look like a road :)
one get out of gulag token has been deposited to your mailbox.
>B-but muh third Rome
>B-but muh saviour of le white rice
Why are pollacks so dumb?
Why do Europeans get so angry when you call them not white? Why can't they take such a small amount of banter?
Not Europeans, you mean Slavs. Especially Polack Slavs who love Russia.
The pictures in the thread were from Moscow. This one is from Saint-Petersburg.
Oops forgot to attach the asses.
kek. Putin is a cuckold
Do you understand that these people is population any Emperor would be dreaming of?
How has russia avoided so many 9/11 tier happeding, looking at what they did with Chechens(granted nigger tier people) but still.. Why isn't there trucks mowing people and bombs going off daily?
these guys are definitely going to integrate
rip europe
Soon i will kill all muslims
>How has russia avoided so many 9/11 tier happeding,
U wut m8?
>what is 1999 apartmen bombings
>what is Dubrovka
>what is Beslan
Reported to FSB.
Saving these images just so the next time a russian talks shit about muslims in Britain I can show him these.
Literally nothing considering latest events in the west.
Worshipping with their arses in the air like that, they look so emasculated and brainwashed.
Ukraine might be a poor shithole but at least they have no those shitskins.
Do you think who attached bodies of dead muslims to helicopter and flying with them over dagestan?
Haha yeah.
Look at this video. They can openly scream ALLAHU AKBAR in Moscow, force the SPECIAL POLICE FORCES to release their "brother" and no one would even touch them. Russia can't do a shit with them, they are the lords, and Russian are the peasants.
They do terrorist attacks in the South of Russia each month, especially in Dagestan. You just don't know about it, and it is poorly reported.
>implying Russia is about Russians
Russia is an Empire.
They are not lords, they're janitors
I'd be angry too if my country was shit tier. Hahahaha
Just a reminder. These are not Russian Muslims. These are labor immigrants from Asian countries. Tadjikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgizstan and so on.
>put it to good use
Like buying expensive cars and weapons?
He is ingush btw
Who? Did the FSB do that? Seriously? I never heard about it.
>Tadjikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgizstan
>implying they are not part of the Russian Empire
>muhh empire
I know putin loves retards from those and other republics but why do you russians want them?
That's mostly because you're slavs
Your soviet empire has fallen 25 years ago and nothing will rebuild it. Deal with it.
imagine the smell of shit mixed with sweaty socks
>Saving these images just so the next time a russian talks shit about muslims in Britain I can show him these.
Those muslims arent half bad as your pakis though.
doesn't look very fun
Assholes and elbows.
Rebuilding actually just started and NATO cucks could do nothing about it.
This is just a power display, praying is not supposed to be turned into a show. They are just saying they are there, they are strong and they will change the way of life.
the day the queen tells me to get up and march to the palace, i will.
PRO TIP: she wont
The funny thing about Russia is that it's kind of the opposite of the US in terms of political alignment.
There's Putinoid pro-establishment, pro-big govt, pro-communism leftie niggers who are weirdly considered conservative, and then there's a lively nationalistic, anti-nigger, anti-pork barrel spending, pro-western values, pro-constitutional freedoms opposition who are weirdly considered liberal.
Кaк пoгoдa в Гoнкoнгe?
What ? They all sniff each others Butts? Looks like a pretty messed up religion.. would not join.
Right? I think Russian and Iranian mooslems are actually the best ones, with Western values, no victimhood bullshit, anti-radical, growing up in the western culture, speaking the same language as everyone else (when speaking about Russia).
Хopoшaя, пpиeзжaй, ниггep пyтинcкий.
Muh Empire retard spotted, do you know that your kind was responsible for the downfall of Western Europe ?
>ko-ko-ko NATO surrounding Russia
>protect the motherland((((
>rebuild the empire now
Ignore the Russische Schweine, the only thing they are still allowed to do is bitch about the Empire and how Obama ruined their country.
The rest of Russians already GTFO of there.
They have to go back
The dumbest shit is that Russians are literally turning their peaceful mooslems, like those in Crimea, into radicals by burning their land and placing them in jails.
I mean just look at my dear China and its Mooslem problem.
Can Vlad just drop a bomb?