Should goverment ban boob jobs?
Should goverment ban boob jobs?
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they should ban it if it is above C cup.
No it makes it easier to spot the whores.
They should ban all cosmetic surgery minus the burned victims or car accidents.
You have to know the real aspect of the human you are dating.
It's like raping really, like puting a mask and impersonating some girl's boyfriend just to fuck her.
It's cheating.
>Fake tits
>Still absolutely tiny
Woah. What the fuck.
Have germans taken it too far?
Or not far enough?
that sloot is a 10
No, but there should be absolutely no taxpayer money going towards funding it, or fixing any complications.
>telling people what they can or can't do with their bodies
we fought wars over less
She's married with a multimillionaire.
It's hard to tell if. I wanna to puke yet at the same time my penis is saying I'd ravage her for days...
women would massively start to burn off their own tits and we will have to pay for their surgery. we get blamed for it as well. no thanks spain.
it is also not rape or cheating. a woman is much more than just the quality of her boobs. it is your responsibility to find out what a girl has to offer you when you start dating and start to get to know each other. i never date superficial plastic fantastic face paintings. i am intellectually promiscuous and don't judge solely on the quality of a girls body.
maybe you should take some time to grow up before posting this shit.
I didn't mean boobs cause it's easy to know if they are fake
I mean cosmetic surgery in general
korea style
would bury my dick so far up that, the man who'd pull me out would be crowned the next king of England
All elective cosmetic surgery should be banned.
Odds are she's taller than you.
I doubt she's taller than 1.87m
she doesn't look that "stretched out"
maybe on 20cm heels she would
Height 1.76 m (5 ft 9 in)
She's not.
c'mon she is pretty, but not 10
It's kind of false advertising but I wouldn't say ban.
Government should ban being topless.
in that pic she is, in others not so
No surgery for cheaters.
Not far enough desu
>woman is much more than just the quality of her boobs
Yeah ass matters too
my precise thoughts
She would be a hotter fuck without those ridiculous tits.
It is banned in certain circumstances though. Of course there are nudists beaches and stuff because we aren't savages who can't contain our urge to rape.
but they do
in your shithole
in the civilized world, there are no sexual emergencies
Isn't she biudifel?
It is nothing to do with rape. It is about dressing appropriately.
like this?
Not far enough.
LA 6.
> she
why? can't you contain your urges?
in a truly civilized society, it's your choice to socialize or not with such women.
as it is their choice to dress or undress as such
regardless of the reasoning behind it be it improper education or just the general fact that X girl is a slut
You do not have civilisation if you let people act as an animal.
i see your people have a proud tradition of scuba diving
being a Muslim must be a pain the ass
no thx.
I'd rather see pic related when I go to the beach
Yes, I truly see your standards now.
So we should allow people to behead, because animals don't do such things
However we should not allow women to stay topless because animals are naked.
your reasoning is solid as a rock, ahmed-pajeet
Italian women are the best
>talking about civilization
that is because you are a degenerate
You look bad next to India and you're trying to talk about us not having a civilization.
Holy kekking lmao
>says the guy that puts women in a hole and hurls stones as them till they die like a dirty caveman
>talking about degeneracy
absolutely halal
>literally housed Osama Bin Laden
gr8 civ m8
I hope you two are joking and those are shopped, because they are nauseating.
On the other hand, guys who think "pro-wrestling" is a sport tend to like freaks like those two.
I think it's the white version of black guys who actually want to have sex with 80 year old women; genetically broken sex drive.
High level faggotry detected.
>People wanting government regulation on private matters
There is literally 0 reason to ban something that make people feel better.
drugs make me feel better
fuck their socialist utopia dreams nigger
why even bother with these people?
it's so funny that after all these years it becomes blatantly obvious that the USSR won the ideological victory of the cold war.
I would fug her, but I'd only brag about it on an East Timorese Papier-Mâché forum
Then, in the comfort of your own house, do whatever you fucking want, but don't expect help, gibs or free treatment if you can't live without
is that russel brand?
Is it crazy that I'd fuck righty 7 times straight and love it but lefty is kinda nasty?
I don't want rehab centers I want goverment out of my drug deals REE
Women getting fake tits in their late 20s and 30s after having kids doesn't lead to family breakups because of all the new attention, don't be ridiculous goy
No, it is the soon to be glorious leader of the 4'th reich
>implying the germans don't need inspired Austrian leadership during times of turmoil
>5'9 is considered tall in Italy
Ironically it's their faces that should be covered, not their bodies hahah
Then you should ve prevented the government to pass laws that make it illegal to do so, hmm
>6'2 is considered tall In the US
They're just squinting you faggot
I'd nut in the right one 15 times a day for a year if i got the chance
>tfw no 7/10 brownie gf
Why even live lads
You swampniggers need to be tall in order to survive 6' of floods from rising sea levels
Can't argue with that
She has parents, doesn't she? Ask to see old photos of them.
>Tfw 6'6
Everytime I go skiing I feel like an Austrian church in a cute mountain town
really tho'..i'm pretty tall as per general standards, but every dutchman i ever met was over 1.90m.
women aren't that tall however, at least not what I've seen in Amsterdam
Because breast cancer isn't a thing.
You faggots think boob jobs are used to fix small tits. Not always. Small tits are of course, fucking beautiful, as long as they're shapely. But unshapely tits of any size are straight up fucking disgusting. Some tits are just so gross the government should pay for them to be fixed up. Not enlarged. Just made into a reasonable shape.
Why are you all so goddamn tall
It's like god tried to make the ultimate nation of basketballplayers but accidentally made you white instead of black
Hey I saw that guy on the highway in Portland!
some jew friend from the US posted this a few days back and i was in tears trying to restrain myself from commenting on his leftist bullshit and of course his shlomo friends that were PETRIFIED BY THIS HAPPENING IN '16
nice boobs, shitty nipples. 7/10 would fuck
>tfw 6'3
Most finnish men I know are pretty big but the dutch are just mutated to be freakishly tall
who is she
Try being 5'8 m9
When i went to the Netherlands last year to visit a friend of mine, i felt like a spic next to a basketball team, despite being 182 cm.
Fucking hell.
I've never been to Netherlands but I've met several Dutch guys in Moscow and in military exercises and they were all either my height or shorter. I'm a hair under 6. Anecdotal sure but this meme seems overblown to me.
Wow it's fucking nothing, that's literally average size.
I'm 6'2 and when i went to Netherlands i've never felt so small. Those fuckers are huge
Milfags are manlets who need to compensate for their heights, so it makes sense
klinefelter's syndrome is like 3 times more likely in your country, just sayin
>Smaller genitals
But on average the Dutch Schlong is one of the largest of any Western country
>wants plastic boobs bigger than his head
degenerate sharter detected
Kek this lismore is also a shithole
T. NSW fag
>tfw Dutch
7"x5.5" dick though so I can't complain
no secret that fags have big dicks
something about maternal hormonal milieu
Fight on Brother
Doesn't count if it's found on Mohammeds.