>no kids
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Just wait till I make my move
any "women" over the age of 25 that doesnt have at least 2 kids should be publicly executed
Truly hope this is bait.
I'll put enough babies in her right now to make up for it.
same goes for any male over the age of 18 and still a virgin
no because men gain value over time, wheras women become valuable after they hit puberty and lose value after their mid 20s
what a waste, user! just allow them to be sold off there'll be plenty of takers (myself included)
You're in Sup Forums. Where men speak their mind, sadly.
Can it, shitchest.
Calm down Ahmed.
then why don't you kys yourself lmao
If I end up getting married I would want to adopt so my wife doesn't ruin her body with kids
My genes are shit anyway
just shows how far jew indoctrination goes with these examples showing whites not having kids and only proves more why jews are the problem in any society and their removal must be given more consideration by intellectuals.
I wouldn't really call the males here "men". Most of them know more about anime than auto mechanics.
how exactly are Jews stopping you from getting a woman pregnant?
It was a courtesy. They need it.
>because men gain value over time
Tell that to your failing erection my man
You're not a real man if you've never watched Gunbuster.
I can't pay someone to watch anime for me :^)
He has to blame someone
technically you can
>he doesn't pay a guy to watch anime for him and then summarize the plot
Fucking plebs I swear to god.
A girl asked me to watch anime with her, and it was the kind of anime that gives anime a bad name. She is 25 and i am 24. I thought i had something going with her but now i don't know. I dont usually watch anime btw
>Buying into the marriange and kids meme
Small kids never stfu at the kinoplex
When they become teens they act like obnoxious faggots with their numale friends and on top of being loud will throw popcorn at people to prove how edgy they are
When they get even older they complain about everything and don't stop eating loudly
When they get old af they make death noises
Just don't fucking do it man, the kinoplex is overpopulated as it is, do you even care about the environment?
This. I've read so many books without having actually read them.
I'll take the job pls
Make a date to watch anime with her you fucking moron.
>he isn't friends with a fat nerd who will summarize the entire plots of obscure animes while you're in the car picking up a case of beer
I have principles. I dont watch anime
is there anyone who wouldnt worship those feet
Girls that watch anime are easy they just want a senpai to notice them and they'll do anything. The catch is most of them are unattractive or gross.
You made the right choice. Girls that watch anime are universally trash.
Is that two Tom Hardy's?
Who needs kids when you've got a harem of man slaves
She has like size f boobs and is at most 4 11. She has also asked me to do yoga with her but i am way too awkward of a person to make any sort of meaningful advance
Ask her to teach you downward facing dog if you know what I'm sayin
I dont want to get an awkward bonder durring it. If you know what im saying
realtalk though that's an incredibly helpful stretch for the calfs and hamstrings and does wonders for the lumbar spine
>good looking men gain value over time
Fixed. That basically excludes most people posting here
If you're dating there's nothing awkward about a boner while looking at her. You gotta own and laugh about that shit. Besides it'll be just like one of her animes, she'll love it or she'll call you a baka and slap you for being a hentai.
reach for the stars fellow user
send me to the gallows
Were not dating though. This is like get to know eachother shit
If a girl asks you to come over and do yoga she wants the D my man. Unless she thinks you're gay or something
She just got out of a 4 year relationship where her fiance dumped her. I don't know if i want to touch that shit, but by god do I love her tits