>Conservashits liking crapitalism stepping on them
Conservashits liking crapitalism stepping on them
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poor fag detected
You are one of those class cucks who think being smart and hard working will make you rich.
72 KB
my father is a ceo of a public company
Capitalists are parasites, stealing work from workers
so left/pol/ has started editing Garrisons huh?
To have debt, you need to take a loan.
To take a loan, you need to be a retard.
If you're a retard, you need to be killed.
Ben "upper class, turn on the gas" Garrison
Poor people have no choice
Fucking cuck ass socialist. We like capitalism because we're hard working people and we get a lot from it. The more free market it is, the more money we can pocket.
Now fuck off back to your cuckshed. Your irrelevant and dying system is worthless
And fuck poor people. Sup Forums isn't your liberal hug box, we don't give a shit about poor people
I fight for justice, you fight for rich idiots
then why don't the workers establish their own business
spooked the fuck outta me
>Poor people have no choice
They do. Instead of taking out a loan t buy the latest Audi car, they could buy a used old car. But some people feel entitled to be the same as others without putting in the same amount of work, so they take dangerous shortcuts
I fight for my own interests. I fight for ability to keep and own private property. You fight for abolition of private property. I fight for justice, kid. Justice to keep what you earn
Fuck off pigs, you need to wake up
>"Waahhh, I've made terrible life choices and have zero ambition or drive, so I'm gonna sit and blame the government and those who are better off because I'm a degenerate piece of shit. Where are my drugs!?"
Poor people buy iphones and luxury cars and brand new tv with consumer loans.
Taking a loan should warrant automatic sterilisation and that's final.
You're like a retarded version of feudalist lord, who want to take things from us, hard working citizens. Except that in your retardation, you give a % to some poor fuckers.
Because of mentality like mine, you'll never see commies in the country, you know, where hard work actually matters
>t. Vladimir "I haven't seen sliced bread since I was 12" Communistovich
Ooh, already without arguments? Only ad hominems left? Commies are a joke.
not an argument
why would i want to stop a system that benefits me and my family
>we're hard working people and we get a lot from it.
At least feudal lords offered legitimate protection in return for their peasants labor.
If history has proven anything, communist regimes are just as likely to kill you for being a burden than help you.
>having SUCH shitty genes you aren't born into a well-off family
Poor people are objectively completely worthless and a drag to society. Why would you take hard earned resources from productive members of society and give them to worthless members. That is opposite of evolution and common sense
Commies are worse than Feudalists confirmed.
Truly better dead than red.
You must really be a loser if you whine from Norway one of the richer nations out there that means you wont be able to stay alive in 95% on nations in this world
>Poor people are objectively completely worthless and a drag to society.
Not true. Poor people can benefit society and improve their situation, if they are willing to work instead of demanding only handouts
>CEOs aren't needed
>It's the workers who are needed but they're worthless
Leftypol leave. Without the capitalists you hate so much, people would live like in the 800's
What are they supposed to do? Capitalism causes unemployment.
in the US 'the poor' just means niggers
in Europe, nobody is poor
you're just an angsty teen that thinks he's edgy as well as not understanding why the manager at the restaurant you work at makes more than you
Gauss curve or normal distribution is how most of this world variables distribute.
If you think you can make poor people productive, against law of nature and normal distribution, you're mistaken. There will mostly always be those who do nothing: you can lower their number though, but never completely get rid of them
workers are expendable you fucking retard
Do you really not understand supply and demand?
I thought secondary school was compulsory in the UK?
People do not realize that poor people build this society.
You can't make unproductive into productive. Even in communism, you could give them jobs, but they just refused to do anything, make others less productive, and bankrupt the system.
Some people are worthless. Get it through your thick skull.
Like they did in the USSR? You know the time in Russia after they actually lived like it was the 800's? LOL.
I'm a poor fag and I love capitalism
It's only actual well of college fags that like communism
I don't want my shit stolen (communism); I might not have a lot, but it's mine, and I worked for it
>Capitalism causes unemployment.
lmao, what?
"capitalism" as you call it is a way for richer people to invest their wealth to become even more rich. In order to do that they need workers and these workers are genrally poor peopl which are given the opportunity to work and thus become richer.
Well, anyone can but put to use as a bricklayer or street cleaner, even the most low IQ moron
Poor people didn't do shit. They're replaceable. We could get rid of every poor person and just hire a bunch of Chinese/ Ukrainians to do their worthless jobs.
>I'm a poor fag and I love capitalism
Why? It is killing you.
You mean the USSR that inherited everything it had from the advances of Western capitalism?
Businesses don't come out of thin air, so that workers can work for them.God isn't the boss of mcdonalds.Someone has to create the whole damn thing.
the thing i find is that people who hate capitalism refuse to take risks and that is why they are poor
IQ has no correlation with success. You're thinking of emotional intelligence.
No you can't fucking moran capitalist.
What do you mean by "they should normal distribution"?
>but they just refused to do anything, make others less productive, and bankrupt the system.
Do you have any proof? I'm waiting....
>Some people are worthless.
Yeah the rich.
the USSR went from straight neo feudalism to the communism
>you are free to trade with who you want
Don't fucking buy their shit if you are so against it. Why don't you go into the forest and start a comune you hypocrite.
>He doesn't know the difference between private property and personal property
Kill yourself useful idiot.
>Like they did in the USSR?
Compare the USSR to Western Europe and the US and see the difference between life conditions granted by capitalism and those granted by communism. Tlk to some people who actually experienced communism rather than jerking off to leftypol memes.
You probably never spoke to people willing to die just to escape East Germany. Moron
Yes I could. I could even hire a bunch of niggers to do your worthless job. Laying bricks? Who The fuck can't do this? Cleaning streets? Again I could hire a fucking Palestinian one legged moron to do this job.
Proof? Soviet Union, Socialist Yugoslavia, Venezuela and about every other communist failure
I work, and I get paid money for the work I do. I'm not taxed into oblivion, nor do I get free gibbs from other people.
I'd rather be poor than steal.
I have bread, circuses and medical care through insurance.
I don't deserve to have "equality" in finances, as that's stealing.
but niggers and Palestinians have a terrible work anyway
wow, that makes you so important!
How come the workers aren't rich then? I'm sure the capitalist class is making poor people rich in India and China.
>tfw you'll work in sweatshop
feels bad man
What's the difference, then?
What the government allows for you? No thanks.
If I want something, I'll save up for it.
Still, poor people can easily be used for unskilled manual labor. No need to kill anyone, just to create a strong job market
> How come the workers aren't rich then?
It's really simple, really. If you make more money than you use and save the rest = you are getting richer.
Workers can get quite rich depending on how much they make. My boss for example (a state worker) makes 10k per month and already has a patrimony of almost 1M, thanks for saving and applying it smartly.
protip: without poor people, you would have no one to produce or ship the shit you want to sell. Possibly you'd have no one to buy it either.
wtf i hate freedom now
>We need the capitalists class so they can create these companies so workers can be exploited
We go from capitalism to socialism.
The Business are already here
If you constantly watch over them they should do fine. At least they wouldnt over-value themselves like some of these commie fucks do
No, you fught for idiots who don't want to work.
tell me about your hard work then :^)
>How come the workers aren't rich then?
They are richer than unemployed poor people. Same as the average worker wasn't rich in the USSR. Social strata always existed and will always exist. The best you can do is improve social mobility and that doesn't happen in communism
>tfw you'll work in sweatshop
You do know that sweatshops are prohibited in the civilized world, right? Capitalism doesn't mean having zero regulations and slave labor
its like how you had to whip niggers to pick cotton because even if they had their own farm they would not pick it
I don't need hard work i have an inheritance
> protip: without poor people, you would have no one to produce or ship the shit you want to sell.
Until technology makes it obsolete. But then the economy will have to re-adapt to it.
> Possibly you'd have no one to buy it either.
Now this is actually a very fair point. The poor are actually very important for sales. In fact I once read a businessman saying that there is far more profit selling in mass to the poor than selling a little to the rich.
They kill workers in China and Bangladesh.
How about you go care for human life
Stealing is not really stealing because capitalists are the opressors.
The businesses are already here?Soooo your going to police thought then?No one is allowed to create new businesses that are better?
exactly, top tier parasite :^)
the slovenian fag is also proving all the points that capitalism is the ruin of society, of culture and of the spirit of a people
American unemployment rate (9% in the 80s)
American murder rate
American access to healthcare and good education
but I guess none of that matters because they wouldn't have been able to buy twenty IPhones
private property=mop and land
personal property=things that aren't the mop and land
He's going to lose all his money, if he does nothing with it
Why? There is 7 billion humans and counting. Why should human life be valued by default?
> We go from capitalism to socialism.
Socialism cannot compete with capitalism on innovation and modernization. Businesses under socialist government are always less effective because they prioritize sharing wealth (like creating ineffective jobs) instead of actually creating wealth.
A business who don't produce wealth needs to close down. This is why capitalism and capitalists are needed: only they have the vision needed to create wealth, also because they don't have a moral obligation to make what essentially would be 'hand out' positions or creating unprofitable products for the nation.
its been put into an investment company which i will have to manage when my father dies
Unemployed poor people are symptoms of capitalism but I never asked that I asked how come the workers aren't rich then? Thanks in advance for your answer.
Without the "uncivilized world" the workers wouldn't be able to afford the shitty products.
>libcucks want H1B1 visas and immigrants to take the jobs of Americans
He will not give it to you, capitalists usually do not care about you
Yes I agree. I'm being provocative to show this commie fucks that their assumptions are worthless and completely ungrounded
So, you're saying communism is fine with taking away things other than your house and land and evenly distributing them?
No, thanks. That's stealing.
Sounds like trying to change definitions to make it seem less scary.
Stealing is still stealing.
>Implying most Conservatives are happy with the current system of economics.
You may have heard of this Republican candidate called Trump. He wants to change capitalism.
Okay buddy.
not that easy, he really needs to be an absolute moron to lose the entire inheritance that a ceo father would leave him. the current structure allows people with shitton of money to just hold onto them forever and basically live on with a passive income for generations.
i want to believe that his father was an hardworking dude. he isn't.
free enterprise is the salt of a society. capitalism is made of lobbies, closed groups and legislations AGAINST possible/future competition.
its in my father's will that i gain his assets where the fuck else would they go
He will spend it on himself