Ungrateful big lip, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth, cotton picking...

Ungrateful big lip, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth, cotton picking, wide nosed breathing all the white man's air, watermelon eating, rocks in your shoes walking, spear chucking, ass hanging out, suspicious looking, ashy skin, crack smoking, smelly, nappy haired, sheboon loving, drug selling, always casuinh a ruckus swarthy jungle apes

Based ape poster. Fuck those slaves. Can’t wait for the race war so we can slaughter their big lipped asses.

>he hates FREE SPEECH

America: Love it or Leave it Friendo!

You have the right to kneel; however, the joke is on them because the approval of their cause decreased quite a bit as a result.

Why aren't the two white guys kneeling with their team mates?

Yes, I'm sure an able bodied man of the master race like you would be able to easily overpower and kill a member of an NFL team, especially one playing a position that's known for size and strength

Super Bowl champs, bitch

what the hell dude
i'm just trying to have fun

I bet their white gfs kneeled for them that night.

They dont think black lives matter i guess

t. cumskin

Because they respect themselves and thier country.

>everyone on Sup Forums is a weak pussy
Says more about you than anyone else tbqh
Also bullets don’t care if you’re in the NFL idiot.

>mfw american nigs are angry whites won't let them rape and murder with impunity

>mfw only people required to kneel for the national anthem are military; for everyone else it's optional ... and most athletes are too cowardly to EVER be military

>if black people want to be taken seriously, they should protest peacefully

actually i think they are just enjoying the money gravy train to give it up

I can sense the Chappelle show influence in your post. Gets me every time.

Michael Bennett lied
people in Vegas died

yes protest the fact they can't freely murder and rape white people

dumb cumskin, your end is near

Of course. Their lives are better spent entertaining you while making millions. Instead of protecting you making barely a couple thousand. At least we know who the peasant is.

American veterans fought for their right to do that. They didn't just fight for them to stand for their country, they fought for their right to do the opposite too. They fought for true freedom for your country. Stop using mental gymnastics to excuse your racism.

understandable, people are only viewed favorably once history proves them right

No one said they don’t have the right. We have the right to call them assholes for doing it during a moment of respect for our fallen soldiers.

I suggest swapping "jungle apes" for "pavement apes".

No, Ching-Chong. The apes surely won't turn on you next.

>veterans fought for their first amendment right to voice their opinion
>so stop criticizing them!

>national anthem is a moment of respect for our fallen soldiers
How do people become this retarded?

Pretty much. It's fairly easy to protect someone vs keeping them genuinely entertained.

just stop caring and they will too

Which is why the peasant title applies.
If war was to break out majority of the NFL players would jump ship to any country willing to accept their american currency to save themselves and families.
But dumb people always support cowards.

>my race is superior in every way
>also I need a gun so I can kill the "lesser race"

pretty pathetic honestly

also if you think you could overpower and kill an NFL defensive lineman hand to hand you're delusional

>during a moment of respect for our fallen soldiers.

They are a slave race. No one will convince me otherwise. Just look at them. Strong to do work, skin doesn't burn in the sun, enjoys cheap scraps of food, color coded so you can tell they are a slave, smart enough to take orders but stupid enough not to be good for anything but manual labor, ugly women so you won't want to mix with them.

If there is a creator he wanted them to be slaves.

> unless you stand with the american industrial military complex you are an arsehole
> I will call you so many different racially motivated insults instead of just calling you an arsehole

Niggers need to be lynched.

these thick lipped jungle shufflers will meet their doom on the day of the rope my fellow white aryan brothers

and most people here would just stay at home and shitpost in the HAPPENING threads