He's high as fuck, venting and ranting about youtube comments. Hilarious degeneracy.
Other urls found in this thread:
>feeling sad
Gee, I fucking wonder why? Anyone else have a guess?
This is just sad.
Uhh excuse me?!
Get the London look.
Fug me, that's a nightmare
Someone start using its male name so it commits suicide please.
John Numbers really fucked this guy up.
That's three London looks.
WTF is this ultra swede?
Is this the jewish endgame? to make people look like whatever the fuck this shit is
The trolls didnut do nuffin
I was just about to eat you sick fuck
more proof the end is near
Man, how do you let yourself look like that? I mean he wasn't exactly good looking before but... fuck... that's something you see in a nightmare before you were born.
>tfw u get your OOT time BTFOd so hard you "change" genders
woW what a fecking story mark eh lad
Link to dolls?
Remember when Cosmo just played Vidya?
lol Americans
i love this stream senpai
specially the pol comments about jews brainwashing him
he looked fine as a guy if that op pic isn't shopped then ijust don't know
I remember actually looking forward to watching Cosmo speedrun Windwaker at AGDQ
I can't watch this but it's funny
Sup Forums you've sent her off the deep end, nice one
who is it? I can't be here all the time
His runs were fucking amazing. Entertaining and top tier commentary. I was looking forward to them every fucking time. It's such a damn shame he's gone and stopped doing them. Fucking tranny shit ruining everything again.
It's not photoshopped, I saw him laugh in the stream, he really looks that fucked up.
He looked average before but now he's a fucked up frankenstein's monster with hair he forgot to re-dye
A speedrunner called cosmo who is undergoing hrt and goes by the name Narcissa now.
> narcissa
Well he sure picked an apt name
>These mods deleting messages of just "VOTE FOR TRUMP"
toppest keks
>falling for the liberal transgender meme
How can you not think about killing yourself if you look like that? He fucking knows that he looks like shit.
How much taxmoney is wasted on this creature? How can they force us to accept this is normal?
Is that thing british?
Or is there another reason for those teeth
I'll be streaming in an hour. Don't miss it!!!!!
Nah its an American from Wisconsin
Fucking hell it is unsettling how he's getting off so much on the attention he's getting.
these mods cant handle grown men bars
Right? This guy loves this shit. He only talks to his little twitch followers, he doesn't have friends.
Cosmo is like Michael Jackson at this point. Complains about haters, but can't stop talking to them.
>I don't have biological goals
>Earth is overpopulated
>I don't wanna have any kids
He's definetely a good goy.
I'm trans and yet again people like this make me cringe because they cast a negative shadow on all of us. I live like an average girl and I have 2 real jobs and a healthy social life so we aren't all uggo batshits fyi.
>Fucking hell it is unsettling how he's getting off so much on the attention he's getting.
Don't worry when his appetite surpasses satisfaction the inevitable suicide will occur.
this shit isn't political, it's just depressing get this shit out of here
I'm trans
Why do some of us go so fucking insane?
You aren't trans sweden...You are b8ting
At least european trannies can pass unlike american ones.
make a vocaroo to prove you are trying to be female
It is really really ugly but when it laughs hes EVEN MORE UGLY.
This is your average liberal btw. Nature is not real you guys.
Because trans already are fucking insane. But that just shows when you get your emotional breakdown, specially when you get older when you realize you'll die alone and nobody want you.
I don't know sis, I just don't know. Maybe they arn't trans at all and latched onto the idea that being a girl would make their problems evaporate and when they realize the error of their ways its too late and the become batshit sjw's in a futile attempt to re convince themselves of their own identity that isn't their own in the first place.
damn that was deep
>At least european trannies can pass unlike american ones.
Okay that was a low blow. I bet I pass better than you do.
Another victim of marxist (((education))).
No wonder all these weak faggots are voting democrat.
I'm sorry.
>find the idea of speedrunning totally fascinating
>don't play any vidya myself
>always enjoy runs with good commentary
>find Cosmo, then a few others
>quickly realise that ALL of these people are mentally Ill and have awful, autistic personalities
Totally soured it
>American men are actually men
Wow, America BTFO. Sweden bringing the bants this morning.
Fuck me, so this is one of them "scientists" of theirs they played there....
wow.... hahahahaha omg you must fix this shit.
People speaking gibberish like this here on unis etc would just have to go back and redo their research or flunk actually if it's the thesis..... sorry you are not good enough to become a scientist try baking.
no idea why did he, he was FINE, he was popular, interesting, and stuff, now it's a circus freak
He started eating soylent green, lodsofestrogen in that garbage, also where's your leaf?
omg this is the best. this freak is nothing but TOP KEKS
Well you should be. The europe vs the us thing is bs, like the silly east coast west coast rap shit of the 90's.
I went to an all Lutheran school from kindergarten to 12th grade, never bought into jewish dogma, and never bought into mainstream films or music or food or fads. So your argument that society is making people trans is bullshit. What's making people trans is all the fucking chemicals that pregnant women accidentally ingested in the 80's and 90's and that's why our brains have a slight deformation in ths BTSc, a specific structure in the brain linked with sense of self and gender.
I used to watch him and biinny all the time, I think biinny is still the same but i miss straight cosmos
lol fucking idiot got banned from twitch because he wanted to camwhore instead of playing games
Play video games for money and ruin it how many months do we give him?
>I hope trump doesn't win
jesus fuck what is this monster?
Are you asmr?
I couldn't stand the shit, but it was funny til they gassed all my accounts.
why would any trans person vote for trump? Lmfao
I mean I couldn't bare to watch but had to bait....
but man soon food again euew...
Plz no this here
Because muslims want trans dead and Trump wants muslims goners, you dingus
Yeah but Trump supporters want trans dead too so...
They don't want them dead, they want them cured. Big difference.
Sounds like he's about to start crying.
they are freakin raysist!
Seriously. I wish I had sauce of this, a few years ago, I saw this polack messing with it there so he saw it too. Well
>Be sweden
>50-60ies much progressives! yes sexchange
I don't remember exact date, but they were early on this their jews
>Time passes
>Many off them selves
On the end you hear them ALL say this
>How on earth could you do such a vile thing to me, as to mutilate my genitalia, I was very sick and you played along with my psychosis/mental illness
>You made me into a monster, I am only now a mutilated man/woman.
>I could never get a normal life
>I never got any children as I should have
>You mutilated and exterminated me to your own amusement
It's rare you get anything useful from those parts these days/years/decades but sometimes they are able to shine. And this was a pretty good objective documentary, well for Sven to be.
Think it even was "uppdråg granskning" of all things. Sven you got this for us maybe?
As I remember (then) it was very redpilling and showed us here what we always known.
>these are sick people and very fucked up people are enabling it... they don care about the person... they want to posture... to them it's just a zoo animal....
look at me I am supporting something! yay this person will be mutilated and i am such a good goyim!
I got pills
Why the fuck is this tranny being posted on pol?
>I'm trans
Fuck off faggot
I want to choke fuck her and see her make that face
God damn dude, he's so fucked up. Why didn't he just get therapy and not mutilate himself?
You new here? We don't like trannies.
>Will never fall asleep in bed with tablet playing one of Cosmos chill windwaker streams again
Good thinking Hans.
Leave cosmo alone you degenerate bullies
>What has been seen cannot be unseen.
Fuck you.
>Why do some mentally ill people degenerate into insanity
Gee, I have no idea.
>"Kill yourself" -Trump supporters
>"We don't want them dead" -Trump supporters
Who the fuck is that slut ? Tell me.
I find it weird that Cosmo has been to my house once. Always thought something was off with that kid.
>when you blow someone the fuck out so badly it emasculated them
I wonder of the guy who did it gets a boner when he thinks about it
And then loses it when he sees how much of an ugly cunt cosmo became
Kill yourself is the new "fuck off"
An actual legit sincere request would be to constantly persist on an individual by an individual in most cases
I shouldn't have to explain this