>waits for you to eat food
>hovers over you
>punches you in the face
>people still think Cesar was the goodguy
Waits for you to eat food
he was /ourguy/ but not goodguy
>dogs are not your friends
Then what's the point of having one? It always bothered me when he said that
He is pretty much a pickup artist but only uses it on dogs and like pickup artists think low of women so does he of dogs.
I bet I could kick that dog's ass
Wait so he fucks dogs?
gotta show them who is the boss
>Humans have been using this stance for thousands of years to domesticate animals
They even got us fighting dogs for them now
But yeah, the 'brothers' and /lgbt/ queers have it the worst, right? Cool story
>mfw I own this board game
all he does is pedal pseudoscience
if you want to alter your dog's behavior you need to feed them anti-depressants
>muh doggo dindu nuffin!!!!
>spams this thread every day
>episode is about dog who'd literally attack their owners repeatedly and bite them and didnt want the dog to murder their child
Caesar wasn't impressed when the tables were turned on him!
These are meme threads but to anyone who actually believes he's being cruel. THESE FUCKING DOGS WOULD BE PUT DOWN IF IT WASN'T FOR HIM.
>teaching a bitey old lab new tricks
why? you can just get a new one at the pound for fifty bucks, balls cut off and everything
Not including the picture
Dogs aren't your friend, they're your pet
Ur mom's my pet
My mom is 67 years old
It's more humane than getting a new one.
He feeds and seeds dogs
Our relationship with animals has become so dysfunctional that the average person now has a problem with retaliating against an aggressive dog. He didn't even harm it. The dog is fine. He hit it. Do you want your child's head turned into mush or do you want to hit a dog? Animals are carnal creatures that we domesticated for the purpose of human wealth and health. I'm beginning to question if it's even normal to domesticate dogs for reasons other than work and security.
that guy is just stupid
the dog clearly warned the gardener: dont do that m8 or i'm gonna wreck your shit
Did you manage to rebehave that doggo
dogs are supposed to work for you as a tool
spoilers: animals can be dicks too
*blocks your path*
lol what a dick
*bites your hand*
What is this stance called? And does it work on other breeds of dogs?
If a dog is about to bite because you hover your hand over its head you'd better put the beast down cause you made the shittiest job at training it.
But he didn't train it, he just saw the dog for the first time
dogs need to understand that you control their food and water so that if you ever need to take its food away it doesnt bite you. they were expecting a child and if the child did this it would be very very bad
Yes, the couple was bad at training their lab.
-bites him in the balls- back the fuck off!?!?
worst part is that the fact that it's a labrador. they're pretty good dogs if you give them a shred of attention. the owners must have ignored it totally as a puppy
Oh, i agree with that, i thought you said Cesar is bad
Have to agree with some of this. I own a collie that's extremely obedient and well-behaved when I'm with him, and as soon as I leave the house, he's snapping at my GF's ankles and barking incessantly. He sleeps in the kitchen, but he's learned to open the door, so as soon as I leave, that's what he does. Then he makes his way upstairs and pisses on the carpet. Then when I get home, I hear all about how bad he was, and I'm supposed to be angry with him. But she refuses to assert any kind of dominance over him. Simply raising her voice, giving assertive commands, and hitting him lightly on the nose when he snaps at her would show him that she's boss. I've got half a fucking well-behaved dog. People ruin pets.
Your girlfriend is an idiot.
I'm sorry you're in a bad mood today, but she's literally a pharmaceutical scientist that got nothing but straight A's in school. I've found that most women are absolutely useless when it comes to looking after dogs.
No, she's a woman. Compassionate, emotional, passive. Women feel sorry for things and then we all get eaten
*cough* migrant crisis *cough*
>a misbehaving labrador
what the FUCK did they do? Labs are the chillest and gentlest dogs in the world
Do you get your dog to fetch your pizza while you larp online, or does he just lick your fat rolls clean?
>These are meme threads
I have so little faith in the average Sup Forums-poster to believe even half of what's being said in "support" of the dog is ironic.
>retarded people still believe in dominance theory in dogs
>cesar millan perpetuates this myth with his retarded show
>t. never owned one
they are fucking insane until 3 years old. A good owner can train any dog but labs are notoriously badly behaved, what do you think Marley and Me was about? My 18 month old lab is sat next to me right now banging a ball on a rope around on the floor and I consider that pretty good behaviour
Holly is clearly an extreme example but it's not like labs are the most docile breed or anything.
Chocolate ones are known to often have crazy temperaments.
There's no such reputation for black or yellow labs though.
Working labs obviousky have lots of energy compared with show labs so more likely to act up if their energy is not used
I've got a black lab because my brother is a dumb shit and adopted a dog without having any knowledge or desire to train it and then decided he didn't want it anymore. I got her to do basic commands but yeah if you don't start training them early they are a pain in the ass. Very willful dogs, if that makes any sense.
most of them are, like >90%
sometimes dogs just have weird issues no matter what the breed
Okay Mr. Smartypants. What's the best way to train a dog then?
I have a Labrador, he was difficult until he was like 18 months, as all puppies are. He calmed down very quickly thereafter
shoot them
What is his stand called?
when you come back take him to the carpet calmly without any hints of what you're doing . If he becomes scared when near the piss it means he understands. Shove his punk snout on the piss and throw a couple of good spanks. Also of course your gf has to assert herself.
As you an the previous poster said we've become to soft on our pets. In my discipline book no sins are higher than biting the master , a friendly person in general, or showing aggression to a friendly person.
The best policy is love with no bullshit attitude
t. owner of many well behaved disciplined and loving dogs over many years.
He has a point though. A lot of dog trainers criticize Caesar's training methods.
Better to use reward and positive reinforcement rather than pounding your chest like an ape.
The dog will trust you more and will eagerly follow commands.
Dogs are horrible pets if you're a social person. Yeah, you probably get along fine with your dog, that's great. But I don't want to have to have the giant furball walk all over me / lick me as soon as I enter your home.
Or even worse, if your dog spergs out with strangers so I have to wait for you to pull it away from me, because if I clock the little shit on the nose you'll be the one sperging. It's like going to someone's house and they have a mentally unwell child who attacks strangers and you just have to patiently wait for the parents to pull it away from you.
And dog owners are always imposing their animals on anyone who visits them, thanks to this. It's even worse with girls, I know so many single girls who get dogs because they are a replacement for kids, and then they usually don't take proper care of them.
Your gf should break up with you and she will once your dog seriously harms her and then it will be put down. Whats so hard about locking the kitchen door?
If your dog is a psycho to anybody else but you he still is a shitty dog with aggressive personality. Obviously you haven't trained him properly or he wouldn't act out with strangers (not even a stranger, someone who lives in the same house as it), not even my little sisters' german shepard does the shit you describe and she shittily trained him as well.
Let's face it, neither the blind fanboys of CM nor 99% of the people crying about him have any idea what they are talking about. It's either "hurr everything is dominance i must dominate my dog" or "hurr no such thing as dominance durr muh STRESS cant you see how STRESSED your dog is????".
It was justified
kek I've never seen a fucking labrador of all things act like this. Are the owners legit retarded? Is the ep on youtube?
Is that really the same dog? So the owners gave it up and he took it in?
*instantly becomes the best and most bro tier breed you will ever have the pleasure of owning*
Our lab grew up in a family with 4 small kids, gentlest, most obedient soul in the world. He went to puppy school though.
RIP Arnie you are missed
>when you come back take him to the carpet calmly without any hints of what you're doing . If he becomes scared when near the piss it means he understands. Shove his punk snout on the piss and throw a couple of good spanks. Also of course your gf has to assert herself.
What a shit fucking advice. Your dog won't understand what the hell you're trying to convey by shoving its face into piss ages after it actually peed on the carpet. I bet you also retroactively beat your dogs like my grandpa used to do if he didn't feel like punishing immediately.
I love that at this point it doesn't matter how many hundreds of thousands of dogs ceasar rehabs, he will always be remembered as the meximanlet who kicked a labrador retriever in the chest
You idiot. It's part of showing the dog who's alpha. You can be friendly with your dog but once you start treating your dog like a human being equivalent, you're gonna have a bad time with dogs because some dogs don't realize boundaries.
>"""dominance theory"""
t. brainlet blind cesar anti-fanboy
Is this a real breed?
Nah mate, if it knows what it did it will become fearful near the scene of the crime. As i said treat him normally while approaching it, don't drag him by the collar or anything. They're not total idiots with 0 memory. If he acts like nothing is wrong when on his actual carpet piss then you wouldn't have footing. But he will
Disregard some of what other people are telling you. Some dogs needs some dominance and some people refuse to give them that. For example, I have a beagle who's a food pick up artist because he'll start shaking and making s face to look like he's suffering if he says a stranger with food. He usually gets food that way from sympathic people which is why he continues it but he doesn't try to pull that shit with people close to him because we don't fall for his antics.
Dogs naturally consider you something akin to a father/mother figure (whom are usually the alphas in a natural wolf pack, mind you) unless you are a weak beta bitch who lacks any kind of authority. There is no need to constantly "show them who's alpha".
Yes it's Azores cattle dog with cut ears
They have a very narrow time window of being able to associate two events with each other (bad deed --> punishment). Retroactive punishment doesn't work with dogs, all you achieve is making your dog distrust you or even fear at worst case.
That's still dominance theory but applied in a different manner. You're demonstrating your dominance by rewarding whenever he performs an action YOU deem to be positive.
Labs are naughty dogs but almost never aggressive like in that video
its just a parent/child relationship not le alpha beta dichotomy meme
My dog just licks people to death and just wants her tummy rubbed
i'm not saying a day later, but for example my clever bitch broke into the treat cabinet and ate some reward sticks. called her into the room normally and then opened the cabinet and without me saying anything she instantly fell to the floor and started whimpering. She got a couple of good rump slaps (she's 40kg) and a stern voice, then wrapped up with some obedience and discipline with light treat rewards for good behavior.
She's the most difficult I've had so far, she does most her crimes at night at a rate of once a year. My french bulldog I used to have was never re disciplined after puppy stage.
Rate my new pupper Sup Forums. 13 weeks old.
maybe she fell to the floor and started whimpering because she knew you were about to hit her
Dog whisperers are fucking retards, all of them. Also punching a dog is fucking retarded, if you want to assert dominance grab him by the neck and push him down, make him lie on his back and show you his belly because showing their belly is how Dogs actually show submission. Punching him will only make him more aggressive. I swear to god these faggots have no idea how to treat dogs, (((they))) only pretend that they do, so that (((they))) can make some quick shekels and every housewive that has never owned a dog in her life can be like "Wow such a smart man this is how you have to treat dogs omg".
they are friends now :3
But it worked you retard.
Wtf is this meme you're trying to push
As i said i showed no intent other than to open the cabinet, all the other times she's super harpy about it but this time an hour after her crime she wasn't... weird.
Plus i didn't get my toothed whip out until a while later
The bitch was biting him retard, did you even watch the video
Qt but a women's dog
I like this image
Why Did CESAR MILLAN Get Bite bros
Seems like a good analogy. I like it.
He wants to be seen as alpha but instead of humans he shows his dominance on animals that were bred specifically for obedience.