Where were you when you realized that the USSR won the ideological victory in the cold war?

Where were you when you realized that the USSR won the ideological victory in the cold war?

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>won the victory

too bad about losing the physical one

anyways seems like we just switched each others ideologies

ideological war
are you happy now? do i need to take your last potato so your family doesn't starve this winter?
you very well know what I mean

but did they actually lose the physical one?
If you collapse from within but Russia is still together by the end of 2100, they would have still won in the long run which is what they wanted when they figured out they can't outproduce and outgun you

Give back my wooden spoons you gyppo

It was a capatalist v.s. communist idealogical and physical battle dumbass. Maybe if there were a few communist soviet countries around that outlasted us.

NO, they belong to MY babushka now
now we make compot for winter
fuck your spoons

The next-level redpill is that the "west" actually won. Both sides were fighting against traditional civilisation/Christianity, the only difference is the communists of the USSR were working against human nature, while the leftists of the west used the worst aspects of human nature to degrade us all to slaves.

you're implying the russian federation doesn't have similar leadership structure to the USSR.

they are NOT the ussr, but they're the closest they can be to it and still keep up appearance

maybe i'm just paranoid, but i objectively think they knew exactly what they were doing and perestroika is an illusion

Cold war is a myth, user. USSR was trial version, (((they))) were satisfied with results, so release version is now being deployed world-wide.

> won the ideological victory in the cold war?
But capitalistic didn't get the memo.

They didn't necessarily win ideologically, but through their subversion of our education system and media they were able to sow the seeds of their garbage political and economic system in the fertile young hippie/boomer mind. It was too little too late to have any real benefit to their empire, but they did ensure that the US wouldn't make it out of the 21st century ideologically intact.

but it's about subversion of values; and you planted the bomb from within.
It will eventually go off.
this guy gets it
also he watched that interview with Yuri Bezmenov that said pretty much the same thing

i dunno man global markets are capitalistic and our currency is the standard for oil. it might be changing but it seems like everyone bows down and worships our giant capitalist cock. do you mean the whiny cunts at home? they just influence the surface level. how dense are you to think they actually do anything meaningful?

they're meaningful enough for you to actually have a million genders for example nowadays
they're meaningful enough to start movements such as BLM

you're the dense one if you disregard them

this, its just jewish dialectics

muh nukes is a poor excuse, the elites have no problem destroying cities and killing millions of people if they actually want to, if it was a real conflict they would have fought

set us up the bomb

Totally this.

KGB has been successfully infiltrating the American Government on all the high-levels ever since the Cold War.

Your country was at its weakest during the 70's and the 80's, exactly when the KGB was it its peak levels. They infiltrated the universities, the scientific communities and the government and in result they created an entire generation of brainwashed drones that will probably lead to the end of US hegemony in the world.

Hell, I'll give just one example of American Intelligence fuck-ups:

>"During the 1980s, Romania’s political police enlisted Carlos the Jackal to assassinate Pacepa in America in exchange for one million dollars.[8] Documents found in the Romanian intelligence archives show that the Securitate had given Carlos a whole arsenal to use in "Operation 363" for assassinating Gen. Pacepa in the U.S. Included were 37 kg. plastic explosive EPP/88, 7 submachine guns, one Walther PP pistol serial # 249460 with 1306 bullets, 8 Stechkin pistols with 1049 bullets, and 5 hand grenades UZRG-M."

Pacepa was a god damned traitor

>one million genders is a legitimate fact now outside of tumblr
>BLM isnt Soros meddling

youre right though we shouldnt disregard them

>>one million genders is a legitimate fact now outside of tumblr
but it is...
sadly it is, since your presidential candidates felt the need to address the situation
>BLM isnt Soros meddling
soros is just a cog in the machine

>but it's about subversion of values
Only for goys who are now denied capitalism. Rich live under capitalism it is actually goes back to its initial form. Ruthless and oppressive.

>and you planted the bomb from within.
Proletariat has all tools of power stripped from them, they can't explode only boil like a frog.

P.S. All tools except Islam.

What values? The only value that America holds dear is making the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Nothing has changed.

>Only for goys who are now denied capitalism. Rich live under capitalism it is actually goes back to its initial form. Ruthless and oppressive.
The rich and powerful live good under gommunism too.
Proletariat has all tools of power stripped from them, they can't explode only boil like a frog.
>what is race?
>what is feminism?
they're working on different tactics, and not appealing to the proletariat.
tactics are the same, subjects are different but it still boils down to social equality

He was indeed, and he should have been shot for betraying his country above all. But in the end, he showed the world how corrupted to the core was the entirety of the so-called American elite.

The USSR has been masterminding most of the events that completely changed the course of the US official policy. From killing presidents to taking over the schools, every rule in the book has been played by the Soviets.

Hell, even us, a tiny little country in Eastern Europe, we had a huge foreign intelligence apparatus that infiltrated the US government up until Pacepa's betrayal. That should tell you something regarding the use of counter-espionage by the US intelligence agencies.

Don't just talk without thinking
the US was a beacon of hope and freedom up until the 90's when you did the whole Serbia thing.
You had strong american, patriotic values that everybody aspired to

then something happened and you went full leftard
i'm vouching on perestroika

Yes he should be shot!
The USSR's intelligence service reached such a complex level by the fall of the Berlin wall that I truly have the feeling that this was all a sham.
They're playing the long-game, Europe gets weaker the US gets weaker, they get sympathies towards their cause and when the time is right, they strike.
I'm not even talking about all out war, that's improbable; ideological subversion is enough.
Hell, look at Turkey's 180' shift, and love them or hate them - they roaches have the second largest NATO army

Also, if you haven't seen this series - it's interesting to say the least
10/10 would recommend

>The rich and powerful live good under gommunism too.
Not really as good as under capitalism. Their wealth is not inheritable and tied to position. They can't have outrageous personal luxury. They need to hoop through loops , learn and cite Marxists manuscripts, at least pretend they care about over population.

I do agree with you, but depending on the system in place, this might now always be the fact.
Think Khadyrov
It's just another form of gommunism. Maybe call it otherwise but it's still an authoritarian big brother regime

Khadyrov is feudalism. Sign of Russian state regress, just like in Roman Empire. In the age of strife government and social structure fell back to more primitive forms.

>Khadyrov is feudalism.
Funny how that progressed, isn't it?

>They can't have outrageous personal luxury.
seriously, Ivan? what about all the luxuries enjoyed by communist party bigwigs? fancy summer homes and so on?

>Not really as good as under capitalism.
Because communism sucks at producing wealth.
>Their wealth is not inheritable and tied to position.
AJAJJAJAJAJajajaja. Yeah, no. It's not formalized to be inheritable, but you're a fool if you think that children of prominent party members don't get special treatment and far better possibilities at advancing the ranks of the party.
>They can't have outrageous personal luxury.
Yeah they can, what is going to stop them? Any mechanism meant to stop them is so easily subverted in communist societies due to corruption that it's not even funny.
>They need to hoop through loops , learn and cite Marxists manuscripts, at least pretend they care about over population.
Oh no, not learning Marxist manuscripts and pretending to care about the population. That is almost impossible to do.....

Really nothing big. I was in the soviet government housing complex, this houses were granted for soviet officials (ministers and such), still doing same purpose today btw, really very humble houses for today. Average American home. Comes with microphones in the walls for free. Russian official still live there because territory is guarded by state security what is very nice perk but of course for many of them who are literally billionaires it is not enough and so they build their own mansions using personal money on that territory. These mansions dwarf soviet houses like Cadillac Escalade dwarfs Zaporozhetz. And this is spare change for them as after they are relived from there position they of course can't use these mansions.

I should ad that lack of personal luxury for ruling class was one of the reason of USSR collapse. I could image butthurt of soviet ministers who can travel across globe and see that upper middle class in US lives not really different from them and rich like Rothschilds or Trump live entirely different mythological type of personal life.

I was on Sup Forums
I came here years (when we got to pick our own flags) ago because I was addicted to the raw competition and harshness of the place. This place was unlike anything I'd ever seen.
Couldn't work out why everyone on university campus was a fucking idiot. Degenerates everywhere, talking total garbage and engaging in self-congratulatory conversations where tell each other how intelligent and enlightened they are. I felt alone, I couldn't relate to anyone, it was like they were all under a spell.
Then there was a big thread on the origins of Cultural Marxism, what critical theory was and and the frankfurt school etc
The whole "complex" and why university was filled with such drones instantly made sense to me. Then the killer is when you see the old interview of the ex-KGB agent who literally says on camera that our grandchildren will be socialists because of the unchecked amounts of communist propoganda being pumped into our education systems.

Sup Romanian little bitch
My living conditions will surpass yours till we both die
live with it commie