>6 women who didnt understand the film

>not 100%
explain yourself

>cinematography by deakins

why did you faggots even doubt it in the first place?

>Movies women will never understand


>deckard and rachel have a kid who ends up being ana
this is a fucking flick

>Blade Reddit

Fuck off, shills.

Ana de Armas? Then its false, JOI is just hologram. Real Deckard is... GO TO THE CINEMA TO FUCKING KNOW IT!

Well that's pretty kino indeed


ana de armas in this flick is the ultimate waifu.

waifu kino at its finest


Trash and reddit

Fuck off with your shitskin - flavor of the month zero talent bitch.

the It movie had a good score and it was awful. I can't trust reviews anymore

>Guardians of Reddit and There Will Be Blood have the same RT score


The only way it could be improved is with Harrison reading a voice over for it

There will be blood: 8.4/10
Guardians: 7.8/10


Doesn't matter 91% of critics liked both that means that 9/10 critics opinions don't matter

Are you really this stupid?

91% fresh on RT means 91% of critics gave Guardians of the Galaxy a positivr review.

45% of critics gave it an 8 9 or 10 with an overall 7.8 average which is high as fuck for such shit.

Who cares? Who are you to say their opinions are wrong? What makes you the higher power here?

>who cares
Me because they praise trash flicks and oscarbait

>who are you to say their opinions are wrong
Good goy reddit

>what makes you the higher power here
I watch a lot of films

Should I watch it in 3d?

>Me because hey praise trash flicks and oscarbait
Again, literally their opinions
>Good goy reddit
Not an argument
>I watch a lot of films
Okay, name your top 5

how do you pronunce KINO? kay-neu? kee-noh?

>SJWs already trashing it and saying that women won't like this movie
>still gets this acclaim

Critics still give a good film high marks. It's the bad films with tons of ethnic/women in them they have to give high marks to despite being trash. Like Ghostbusters.

ana is the waifu hologram

The latter. Stress is on the first syllable in German and on the second in Russian so I suppose you're free to choose whichever suits you better.

Everyone is going to shit on this movie simply because other people like it. In fact it's already happening now, even when most haven't seen it

So is this going to be /ourmovie/ or /reddit'smovie/?

I think we're going to claim it.

>I don't understand how Rotten Tomatoes works

>I haven't seen this film, it hasn't even been released yet, but I'll just take a screencap of its high RT score, write kino in all caps with spacing between each letter and bingo, quality thread

It got your stupid ass to reply.

Yes and their opinions are trash where have you been you all call everything shit and when I show you proof you act like I'm committing a crime against humanity. Since 2012 critics have mostly been trash.
I watch so many films I don't have a meme 5

and my post got your stupid ass to reply, your point?

>being excited about a movie that looks good, is praised by critics and, the actual mark of the KINO, triggers the living fuck out of Sup Forums contrarions is bad if I write it with a meme arrow

I was already here and I accepted my fate. You entered this thread trying to appear to have some sort of moral superiority. But you hit reply. You bumped it to page 1. You fed the beast.

It's amazing how many completely average and forgettable movies have a 90% or more Rotten Tomatoes rating. I'll never understand why a certified fresh rating is held as a mark of quality when it's handed out to most movies nowadays.

Gosling only finally takes a stand when his waifu is threatened
he acts autistic
it is /ourmovie/

its out in Australia, I saw it this afternoon. Ask me anything.

Well you tell me

In norwegian it's pronounced chee-noo and just means cinema or movie theater

But that not actually what happened here, OP didn't say he was hyped, he claimed the film was kino without having seen it, just because it has a high RT score. Also, no one can be legitimately triggered or contrarian, because NO ONE HAS SEEN THE FUCKING MOVIE. This is the problem with modern Sup Forums, most of you ADHD faggots don't even watch films, you just base your opinion on popular consensus then claim a movie is "reddit" or "kino".

>It's a "Women are Too Stupid to Have Opinions" episode of progressive backwardness.

Is it nostalgia-bating cash-in trash like every "decades later" sequel to have come out?

Is it kino?

SJW Runner should be boycotted, not celebrated here.

however in english, the word kino has been adopted and taken on brand new semantic value. in english it means "a medium of film that has transcended the expected quality of a film"
such examples of the english meaning of kino are:
terminator 2
children of men
the fellowship of the ring
the tree of life
henry v
the fly
starship troopers
hell or high water
the matrix (first one only)
grizzly man
the godfather part 2
spiderman 2
shin godzilla
godzilla (1956)

i hope this helps clear up the misuse of kino :D

how does it compare to the original?

but why?
You cant just declare a claim like that
You have to explain yourself.

Films with mixed or negative reviews are more memorable

In the future hardware is so powerful you can put an A.I. on a usb size device. However if you have to sift trough simple data cards you have to do it manually
> Kino

how many decades later sequels have there been?

I can think of only that Martin Scorsese Paul Newman movie from the 1980s
And Blues Brothers 2000

I would say this is good
I don't care for autist terminology
pretty good

>gosling literally can't act episode
He's shit

You shut your nigger mouth you faggot.

>black out

>how many decades later sequels have there been?
Independence Day 2
Jurassic World
New Star Treks
New Star Wars
Prometheus and Alien Covenant
New Terminators
Jumanji 2 or is it 3

Not all are decades later but you know what I'm saying. They were clearly made only to cash in on people's nostalgia and the brand name of the original.

You shouldn't be trying this hard.

>Jungle Book
>Not kino

It's kee-no

It was shit and you should feel bad

You should feel bad about your pleb taste, faggot,

I fucking love it so much when Sup Forums is wrong, lads.

>calls someone a pleb
>thinks favereau is a good director

JeremyJahns didn't even give it his highest score ie it's hot garbage.

saw it this morning, absolute kino but Jared Leto was awful

Huh i thought leto was decent.

Ford actually seems like he gives a shit in this one

Sup disney shillo

>Believes he has the right to have an opinion
>thinks favereau is a bad director

You forgot Fury Road, which along with 2049 are the only two Decades Later Sequels that are actually good.

Sup WB shillo

>I thought Leto was decent

All he does is mumble exposition disquished as
psedo philisophical bullshit. Movie would have been improved if Wallace didnt appear at all, just mentioned and giving orders off screen.

Certified Kino, baby

See ... This part “Deckard & Rachel” who may be an Android, had the child ... like “how???”. They build a kid from ground up like LEGO or nature the love making like the living being with fresh & blood. How their kid comes to the earth ??

She says in the article it's mostly because the female characters don't last very long, usually a problem with men but i guess the shoe is on the other foot


I guess his character was just so unnecessary that his whole shtick did nothing for me and all I wanted was for him to not be on the screen. I think cut his introductory monologue and he'd be fine.

I'm gonna watch it next week but I still need to watch the first one, which I'll watch on the weekend. What I wanted to know was which "version" of the first one do I watch?

T H E A T R I C A L if you can find it

>tfw no 10/10 qt hologram waifu

the fact that she's not even "real" in the movie make it hurt even more

when will our technology catch up?

>he's not joking

Just watched it. Pure kino.

>boring orange/blue contrast poster


This is gonna bomb in the box office isn't it

seeing it tonight in IMAX

give me the goosekino I've longed for

is this for real?how is this person considered a movie critic?on what basis?

Trainspotting is a recent example that was 2 decades and good

God it was beautiful, will /ourguy/ finally win an oscar lads?

>Rotten Tomatoes scores matter when I like the movie.

>its an 'user didnt pay attention to the film episode'

Replicants are synthetically created but they're are still biological lifeforms almost identical to humans (which is why they have to do a long test to see if they're replicants.) they have all the necessary "parts" to create life they just lack the "spark" to create a human life which is why they're still seen as sub-human. That's why the higher ups don't want news of a replicant child getting out, at this point not being able to create life is the one thing keeping them from basically being like humans and the one thing justifying their treatmeant as sub-human property/equipment.

Directors or final cut
Theatrical has harrison ford doing a hilarious voice over the entire film, dont even bother with it unless you want to laugh

because it objectively looks like shit
just blue and orange filter

Blue and orange are commonly found together because it naturally looks great. Idiot.

no it doesn't nigger