>When you're an sjw and feminists turn on you for being male and successful
I don't hate Max Landis or feminism but this is hilarious. Also are they sure that Max is still being made relevant because he's a guy?
>When you're an sjw and feminists turn on you for being male and successful
I don't hate Max Landis or feminism but this is hilarious. Also are they sure that Max is still being made relevant because he's a guy?
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He kind of looks like Adam Sandler now that he cut his hair.
I wouldn't take this shilling too seriously, these companies take Freedom With Writing submissions for articles, so more clickbaity, the better
I guess leftists had a laugh when a bunch of RINOS and cuckservatives attacked Trump, but really, they eat their own much more frequently.
>women even less talented than that nepotistic hack Landis are attacking him out of jealousy
It's all so tiresome
>even feminists are pointing (((them))) out now
this literally all comes down to them being butthurt about the rapey scene from animal house
Max Landis isn't a bad guy. He's a little stupid about certain things, but I don't dislike him.
No, it's a symptom of endemic nepotism.
It's one thing to scream nepotism but another to scream sexism.
Are they saying that if Max were a girl she wouldn't have been able to cash in on her father's success? Seems a bit retarded.
Yeah I can see that.
>Hollywood's Insistence on Making Max Landis "A Thing" Is a Symptom of Jewish Nepotism
The weirdest part is that Max is a feminist. It's kind of like how feminists attacked Joss Whedon. Do they just their male allies.
Do dumb whites need affirmative action?
OP here, sorry for using that buzzword. Even I'm tired of the anti-sjw trend.
Nah just a (((kin))) in the business.
>go into the comments
>immediately see someone who is obviously a Max Landis scrub account
Never change max
Yes most feminists do. It's part of the whole "letter than thou" thing that's comes with virtue signaling.
>I don't hate Max Landis or feminism but this is hilarious.
what is wrong with you
>reading the marysue
that website is run by 40+ y/o harpies
Literally noone likes this guy.
What is his appeal? is John Landis just that connected or what?
I enjoyed Chronicle, in fairness, Quite a bit, actually.
But I've never liked anything he's done since.
>Muh false equivalency
The main problem is that your fellow tribemen in the media and at our universities, and their marxists white pets love to practice double think, which will hurt both Jews and whites in the long term.
According to the liberal mainstream media and liberals in general, when Jews monopolize a certain industry (Hollywood/Banking) , its all down to talent. Even claiming nepotism played a minor role will get you the Neo Nazi/Alt right or Self hating Jew card.
When whites dominate an industry or politics, at the percieved expense of other racial groups, its all down to "white previlege" or systemic racism according to the (((MSM))). And the media and leftist academic institutions, both with a large concentrations of Jews and significant influence in the US, feeds into this culture of hysteria and victimhood amongst minorities whilst they accuse whites for doing the thing their own people have done for generations. They ignore the fact that America is the most meritocratic country in the world and if these minorities had what it take to carve out a niche, just like the Jewish, White or asian communities have done, they wouldnt be so disenfranchised and impoverished. Its pure hypocrisy.
Soon enough, both minorities and whites, emboldened by identity politics will turn on the leftist Jewish intelligensia when they realize that Jews have most of the power in the US when you take account of their population. Lefitst Jews who complain about white privilege, are digging their own graves by ignoring their own so called privilege. When the identity politic obsessed mob that theyve fostered for years turns against them, theyll have no one to blame but themselves.
so he finally cut his hair huh
This. If he was a woman the exact same thing would be happening.
she sounds so fucking jealous
>getting this triggered over a simple comic
stop hurting the wyteys feefees lmao
this is hilarious to read. it's weird, lexi alexander is the exact opposite of how i imagined.
but even if i disagree with some of the adjectives in the article, landis comes off looking like an entitled creep.
At the end of the day I almost expect these smear campaigns against Whedon and Landis to be secret PR maneuvers by their agents to make them, if not likable, at least the lesser evil than this giant pseudo-journalistic parasite.
>Lexi Alexander
Now here's someone who I truly can't understand why Hollywood keeps trying to make her a "thing". The director of this
was considered for Wonder Woman
I kind of like how direct-to-dvd that felt. I may give it a watch someday.
Holy fuck dude calm down
Look at the prize hog who wrote this article
No, it's a symptom of Hollywoods endemic Jewishness.
It's the commonly understood nomenclature.
She was never considered for Wonder Woman anywhere but twitter.
but Hollywood is anti semitic
Nailed it.
No it's not
Lol its funny because the subhumans are turning on their ratlike Jew masters
>The ramblings of a Poltard virgin
Enjoy being a minority in your own lands
Not even trying to hide it now?
Same way they used Colin Trevorrow as a "Why dis new guy get dah big movie job and not dah girlz?".
Maybe look at his ethnicity you fucking dumb cunts.
Say what you want about MAx, he's the only one who called out Mary Sue in Star Wars right when it wame out and nobody even dared criticizing that garbage movie
>Try to be as progressive as possible with your nepotism powers
>Still end on the other end of the barrel somehow
It's impossible to not end up on The Mary Sue's hitlist unless you are a literal Sup Forums parody of a Tranny SJW.
very true
First they took Fantano down and now they are coming after Max?Is it happening are they movilizing?
That's interesting. How do I fit in to all of this?
The fuck did they do to Fantano?
They put a black woman in the advert. What are the chances they actually hire a black woman?
Someone published a fluff filled article about him being an alt-right icon and racist/nazi he was going out on tour and because of the reaction of the article most venues are cancelling on him
He called Rey a Mary Sue.
Never mind that Landis talks alot of sense in amongst his craziness, he just points shit out that he notices or has experienced.
In their eyes, by calling Rey a Mary Sue...well...it's treason, then.
How'd they tie him into that? He's a straight white male, therefore he must be a shitlord?
American Ultra and Dirk Gently are good
Something about him making fun about a black rapper on his other channel and making a video about pepe not being a hate symbol. Never saw the videos myself and it seems like the chanel was taken down.
Jews will become a minority in Israel too
Feminists actually have a deeply conservative view of masculinity, and as such have a tendency to worship alpha males.
Ironically, by supporting feminism, men make themselves betas in the eyes of feminists, thus leading to them being thrown under the bus.
the plot thickens
Here's the founder of TMS, Dan Abrams, white jewish male who works for ABC, a company that belongs to Disney. That's why TMS is always hyping up capeshit and nu-wars
Wouldn't it be more about Jewish nepotism than "sexism"? Because women get just the same privileges if they hate family with connections, like Amy Schumer for example.
Oh the fucking irony of that quote
Oh fuck.
It's ironic, because for all it's blabbering about racism and sexism - The Mary Sue is literally run by (((white))) men.
I can't hate him.
"Drunk History of the Robins" was great back when I thought he was just some fag on youtube.
People used to argue but do so respectfully , now you say a contentious opinion and you are ostracized.
The site is owned and run by Jews.
Obviously they're not going to point out the obvious.
It's a much tougher time all around user.
Max seems like a reasonable guy who genuinely just says what he thinks so of course no one likes him. These days everybody has to fall in line 100% or you get constant hate. He really doesn't deserve it but that's what you get when you're an effeminate weirdo who rightfully called Rey a Mary Sue.
>Posting about yourself on Sup Forums
You're worse than Dane.
kek he really is
>I read blogs
What is wrong with you?
It's easy to be creative, just use your imagination, and think up ideas and stories.
If you are truly creative, the occupant of the White House would have zero effect on your creativity.
Just saw that, Max better run and delete it before he gets into racist accusation since he says nigga at some point desu
>tired of anti-SJW trend
it's barely even started
and it won't end until all the dirty rats are dismantled and dragged through the mud for all the damage they've done to western society and culture/pop culture in the past 10 years
Max landis is a worthless sjw faggot, but god are feminists fucking enraging. Repealing the 19th was 100% the biggest mistake this country made. Niggers deserve more rights than women
Feminists today support the patriarcy in islam, supporting polygami, hijab/niqab/etc - because of their racism of low expectations.
However, if you're a white male, you're a problem - no matter what.
The Mary Sue not only accepts freelance articles (and as such, anybody who's good enough at writing and knows what keywords to include for publishing can get accepted) but they also look around for things to publish about if they've not done it.
A year or so ago they published an article, if not two, about how Warhammer 40k is sexist. A setting less sexist than fucking utopian Star Trek, where gender doesn't fucking matter because you're meat for the grinder, a slave, a slave to another race, an ingredient in a ritual or whatever or food. It followed the same script 'I'm the biggest 40k fan....but.....'. Like fuck you are. Anyway, my point is, Mary Sue will publish anything, whether it's legit or not.
No, because despite what (((they))) say about other countries opening their borders for immigrants, Israel will not, and (((they))) defend this at every turn.
Alot of previous generations of feminists would be aghast at current feminists.
It reminds me of when they attacked Lauren Faust for that Powerpuff Girls episode which criticized those who cynically use feminism for selfish personal gain.
came here to make sure there's a post like this because there seems to be an influx of redditors trying to make this board a safe space
So when is this guy coming back to Milwaukee to hang with the RLM boys?