>claims to be redpill
>hasn't had sex with a woman
Wew, just .. wow. Should've known better. Explains why most of you are so radical on your political views.
>claims to be redpill
>hasn't had sex with a woman
Wew, just .. wow. Should've known better. Explains why most of you are so radical on your political views.
Other urls found in this thread:
Also explains why we like traps.
Truly the saviors of western civilization.
This is a good point actually.
Opinions of virgins on Sup Forums should be discarded. Unfortunately there's no way for anyone to prove they've gotten laid on this indonesian basket weaving website.
I fuck my sister AMA
>claims to be redpill
>doesn't have children
Not everyone on Sup Forums is a filthy /r9k/ degenerate. But I take what allies I can get in this conflict.
>claims to be redpill
Nah, I'm not into dumbass buzzwords,
I don't blame you, AMA
>opinions of virgins should be discarded
C-can I fuck her?
How's the pussy?
But my magical sky daddy says no sex before marriage or else I'll be a degenerate
If you aren't fucking your retarded brother then you aren't living your life correctly.
why did you let her get tattoos?
is my fetish too extreme?
>i-it's not like I wanted sex anyway. F-fucking degenerates
at first she complained that i was too big and it hurt her but now i broke her in and she rides like a champ
I would say most people here have. I mean you can tell when someone hasn't because they'll have an irrational hatred of women lol
Fair play lad.
i dont own her
yeah no wonder
>irrational hatred of women
>Sup Forums
Pick both
>falling for the vaginal jew
Good work
Be sure to never use a condom for maximum success
She looks like Janice Griffith with a dented tooth. Good job
>schlomo now getting scared of White men not being with women
You wanted this, you hooknosed fuck.
It's not my fault I come before insertion every time for the past 10 years.
actually that was a problem at first
I know about incest kids being tards so I used to always wear one she started pulling them off and then holding me down and make me cum. had a close call so I made her get on the pill.
>hasn'd had sex with a woman
your sources are shit, m8
Unless she's your wife, that's very bluepilled actually.
I've had sex with 6 different women this year alone. 1 asian, 2 strayans, 2 frogs, 1 burger. I hookep up (as in kissing) with twice as much. And that's really in the span of 6 months, because I was in a relationship for half a year.
I'm 25.
They all love my dick. Last night I banged a girl so hard and so long she actually had to stop in pain and finish me off with her mouth after 4 hours of pouding. In the morning her vagina, which I though was as innie, was so swollen it was literally popping out like a flappy burger. Still, I fucked her twice more.
Get on my level you fucking homos.
virginity is the ultimate redpill
How many times have you tried? and do you do any foreplay at all? and do you use a condom?
>hasn't had sex with a woman
>Can't have sex with a woman because I lost my testicles in an accident
Way to hit below the belt, metaphorically speaking.
thats hot
First generation incest kids aren't much of a problem, most of them are fine
It's when you go beyond that when shit gets real weird
Well done chap.
Doing God's work.
>after 4 hours of pouding.
Hey budy, you're supposed to see a doctor after 4 hours. Don't get too dependent on the pills!
i have fucked like 30 hookers and 2 real women
Nice copypasta, Frenchie
What happened burgerbro?
Even without balls you can get an erection, so you can still fuck
>not having sex with sluts till your in your late 30s and marrying a virgin
Literally the way God made it to be.
If you are not married you are a failure of a human.
>fucking anyone other than hookers
out out out
I don't even know why I took the stupid red pill.
I know for a fact that I'm smarter, more attractive and sociable than 99% of you.
having feelings or desires is pretty bluepilled
are you half vampire?
>tfw 26yo touchless virgin
>tfw also a nazi
>made her get on the pill
That's horrible. You should put babbies in her.
sure thing, Elliot
i vant to suck your blood
Opinions of virgins, weebs, 2dpd fags, trap fags, source/sauce fags should be discarded.
Made me chuckle.
some czech casting site, can't find the rest of the set tho
Nice hairy back, Genghis
And yet here you are. Kicking it with the shit-munchers. Is it because the other crowd are intolerably politically correct, sanctimonious beyond comprehension and generally awful human beings?
inderesding, post a thread in Sup Forums
Pussy is pussy
Ehh, whatever you say. I fuck my GF but I still hold just as radical views as I ever had. She's still young and ripe for redpilling. She hates muslims now. Her father is pro-Hilary but I convinced her that she's a hag.
>And yet here you are. Kicking it with the shit-munchers. Is it because the other crowd are intolerably politically correct, sanctimonious beyond comprehension and generally awful human beings?
I'm here because my job requires me to be in front of a computer. I also mostly post in politic threads but OP is right. Most of you are either anime neck-beards or yellow fever mongloids.
back to hitler
I was in a pretty savage car wreck. I dont even remember what happened. When it comes to fucking women, over time, your sex drive fades into nothing. I can't even get it up any more.
>hasn't had sex with a woman
why do all these people claim to know anything about the users of an anonymous image board? You just pull this shit out of your ass? Is it just memes?
Hello Gab.
I'm trying to make something of myself before I find a woman. I'm actually pretty young compared to what I assume is the average age here. I don't want to live off my parents and I don't have much to my name. Thats all. Also
>In ANY way a bad thing
You're part of the problem.
It's same as castration and while you can get an erection your libido would be dead.
Get back to the shed, Jamal is coming.
>In ANY way a bad thing
>complain about the state of western civilization
>can't even find a mate, which every single animal is capable of
If you get "redpilled" as a virgin and still wish to mindlessly lose said virginity, your "redpill" was probably expired.
You fucking wish it were pasta Polbro, so you'd feel like less of a shit compared to me. High test prevails, it's a fact.
t. failed state
It's not a bad thing. A lot of idiots associate not consuming and making poor decisions as "Weird" these days which is idiotic.
You've got two kinds of people
1. People who make good decisions with their life, they're marriage matieral and they'll more then likely be inexperienced and virginial, if not they've had 3 or less partners in their life span fi they're older, just as a result of relationship interest. They're usually the people you want to fuck a lot and fill with come because they're worth it.
2. The degenerates, as much as /r9k/ makes these idiots defendable, degenerates are pretty much red-flagged almost always and pretty much give signals off for you to avoid them. They're usually obsessed with commodities and are quick to jump onto anything, usually accomodated by a lack of personality. Easy to have sex with them, but not at all a good choice of a relationship or marriage.
Also, there's this:
A man is a barrage, the kind of tool you'd use against castles to knock them over. Of course this will be succesful in knocking walls over because if ti isn't, it's a poor barrage.
A castle which can't defend it's walls properly is a shit castle and isn't the one you want to live in.
First things first,
>Sup Forums is one person
I've never complained about the state of Western Women, I just feel that I need a bit more under my sleeve and bank account and a bit more to my name before I start seeking out women in which to plant my seed.
>Can't find a mate
I have turned down more women than I can even count, every single one of them says I'm" above it all."
Also, sauce? I want to see that trap get fucked really hard by the biggest blackest cock.
i have ahd the sex. it bored me. then i had it again a few years later. it bored me. then i had it again a few months later. it bored me. then i finished university and had it more times again it bored me.
sex isnt really much more than masterbation.
>I've had sex with 6 different women this year alone.
>Fucks only 6 women in the entire fucking year
>thinks that makes him a chad.
When you get to double digits let me know, faggot.
You could just as easily be on reddit lad. You're here cause you know that Sup Forums is right. Accept it.
Thats Lana Rain, a camgirl and has an actual vagina
I'm not against mindless banter, but you have an argument to defend here, my mongol friend.
>having sex
>this somehow changes your political views
People aren't too bright nowadays, are they?
Thank god a non-virgin, finally. I will say loving someone definitely makes sex and foreplay interesing. I love getting blowjobs from my lovers.
>Also, sauce? I want to see that trap get fucked really hard by the biggest blackest cock.
This is like asking someone to shit in your coffee, are you retarded?
admitidly now when i have the sex (very rarley and only to avoid social ostracization) i have my partner says things like 'the holoaust was a lie', this is super good if they are part jew.
i prefer to just masterbate while fantasizing about raping albanian hookers
>sex isnt really much more than masterbation.
When you are shit at it maybe, obviously you don't know what you are doing.
>I want to see that trap get fucked really hard by the biggest blackest cock.
Sup Forums general
What a disappointment, I was really hoping I could see some pussy ass white boi get jewed by Negrodamus.
I'd take it a step further.
If you are a virgin you shouldn't be able to vote.
You shouldn't be able to run for public office.
You should be considered mentally unfit to handle dangerous or expensive machinery.
You shouldn't be able to apply to college/uni.
A virgin with "strong opinions" is a hilariously sad creature.
This just shows how low testosterone you are. I bet you're a skinny sissy faggot.
Yourself seriously.
I was introduced to this shit way too young. It's not easy to deny shit when you're constantly presented with videos and statistics on crime. It is also very liberating to be able to share my true views with others while remaining anonymous.
i have strongly liked the person i was having sex with before (loving women is degenerate). and it didn't make it much better.mostly i was just bored calculating the minimum ammount of time i had to keep doing it before it was socially acceptable to use them as a self-cleaning cumrag
i would much rather discuss purging the nigger race with a fellow aryan than have sex anyday
>double digits
A real chad would be hitting it something closer to 156+ a year.
A lot of people on Sup Forums are older folks. I have kids, oldest was born right around the time Sup Forums launched actually.
In this day and age, the truth has become radical, so I suppose in that respect what you said is true. Though not in the way you intended.
You're right user, women are the answers to all of our problems.
We just need to have sex and everything will magically be better.
Other words for
>I'm so goddamned shallow that I eat food to feel full, rather then be pleased by eating something which has quality
You're shit.
>Guy practically just saying he's got standards and is bored by sex
Not sure where you're getting this other then your own insecurity problems, senpai.
It's practically on the same level senpai, if you don't have a interest it's boring as shit.
>Posting anime
>Has probably masturbated so much to that shit that he no longer gets a boner from non animated characters.
You're a pathetic human being.
This is the true red-pill.
This board is filled with way too many sexually frustrated beta faggots - and you can tell just by the way they post.