Why the FUCK would ANYONE willingly adopt this aesthetic?
What television is he aimed at, in all seriousness? Who can even look at his fucking face without wanting to take a shovel to it?
Why the FUCK would ANYONE willingly adopt this aesthetic?
What television is he aimed at, in all seriousness? Who can even look at his fucking face without wanting to take a shovel to it?
>What television *audience is he aimed at
meant to write.
Haha my dude seems like you have a bad case of ass hurt
He's aimed at the cuck audience
pretty sure he does it on purpose
I don't watch his shit. I am just repulsed by him on an aesthetic level. It's inexcusable.
not rural and suburban retards
Get madder Kidd ;)
Yeah, I've considered this.
Like they're realize he very much looks like the annoying little pipsqueek who says "UM, ACKSHUAALLLY" so they cartoonified it so that it's 'self aware', it's just being 'on brand'.
I mean, that's obviously what it is. But it's still just genuinely offensive to look at.
What is it about his appearance that is so enraging? Its hard to pin down
t. pussy with poor eyesight
Sorry bud, better luck next time
What did he do to piss off underaged white kids from Sup Forums now?
It's okay, op is 'tsim
t. buttpained cuck twink
>Why the FUCK would ANYONE willingly adopt this aesthetic?
Adam Conover is just a fat, numale DLC of the Drew Butera.
He... actually makes so much sense... damn...
I feel so guilty for being white...
>What television is he aimed at, in all seriousness?
He's a Jew.
I think it's a bundle of innate qualities + associations that have that effect.
Like, he's making a really unlikeable, smug expression usually. And has the demeanor of someone who is annoyingly trying to burst peoples' bubble (but who at the same time probably doesn't even know what he's talking about, which adds to the insult).
But then there's that twerpy cosmopolitan look he has, and all the associations of self-superiority and smugness that comes with that. And his stupid faggy hairstyle. And the glasses - which by now so many people have a pavlovian dislike of due to constant association with the worst critic / journalist types who always push the most lame, preachy, toxic shit.
Also, his just total lack of charisma (it's almost a negative-charisma, an anti-charisma). Like someone with a physical quality that makes you love to hate them.
he has chronic masturbator droop eyes.
There are people in this thread defending this man's sense of style.
Why does this guy trigger you people so much?
Are the liberal shitposters starting to get to anyone else? I'm almost thinking about dropping my Sup Forumsish politics all together just so I can finally ignore them. They never end. They talk about politics more than I do.
Nice try tough guy but alpha males don't exist
this is what happens when you discourage bullying in schools.
>waahhh white rich safe suburbs are bad!
Why should anyone feel guilty about living in the suburbs and getting to send their kids to good safe schools?
Shut up. You are wrong about absolutely everything. You exist basically to be wrong and to be btfo.
its called being a fop and theyve been around for hundreds of years
Ok kid ;+)
Totally, basically upper class people who have become these utter useless cunts and yet in their absolute twistedness now think they have the right to preach their disgusting social sickness to ordinary healthy people.
I disagree with the video but it didn't really upset me until the end when it turns out there's no solution provided.
The moral of the story is just "feel bad, white man".
because not having Section Ape black people ruin your school ratings and property values is racist; choosing to live in a place where you have to take care of the yard and can't let the building fall apart discriminates against ~80% of them
The irony of this smug preachy cunt is that if he EVER lived anywhere NEAR a black or brown neighborhood, let alone went to school with them, they would have bullied and beat this twattishness out of him and he would hate cuck-y types like the rest of us.
He only has the luxury of being such a prissy little dweeb because he clearly grew up in a safe white/Jewish neighborhood.
Well his whole gimmick is being annoying and ruining everyday things for people so I guess his appearance lines up with that.
Thank god my zip code is full. There's literally no more land to develop on it, it's abutted with a protected natural area. Even the cheap homes are fairly well priced.
That's basically every argument a progressive makes. They say, "Just realize you're privileged and feel bad." But we all know what they really mean is that we should be submissive to them and let them take our shit as payback.
>walk through the streets of a black neighborhood
>accosted by two black youths holding sideways glocks
>"Yo money o yo life, foo"
>"Fellas, fellas please. I spent all of my money on hair wax."
>"Ackhtually, you're only committing gun crime because you're poor"
>"While it's true that blacks are responsible for over 40% of gun violence despite being only 13% of the population, it's largely due to the state of poverty most live i---"
>Adam finds himself with several new holes for bleeding and breathing through
can hair wax fix a sucking chest wound?
This and the guy in the OP are the same person. He consciously chose to go from this to that.
He definitely needed a new haircut and some stubble but definitely not that fucking haircut
Did he try to ruin gated communities too? I don't see how gated communities can't be safer. You have guardhouses with armed staff, and patrol vehicles. If the community doesn't have that, the gates may as well not exist.
See, it's not like he even naturally has a weak chin or anything. Not the tallest guy but who cares.
And yet he actively chooses to adopt this prissy twerp aesthetic, to ingratiate himself to a certain crowd. It's like the 'critic' / 'journalist' look. I hate it so much.
It's the fat high estrogen white liberal version of the Don King aesthetic.
They are going for the SJW demographic.
Hey Faggots,
My name is John, and I hate every single one of you. All of you are fat, retarded, no-lifes who spend every second of their day looking at stupid ass pictures. You are everything bad in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any pussy? I mean, I guess it’s fun making fun of people because of your own insecurities, but you all take to a whole new level. This is even worse than jerking off to pictures on facebook.
Don’t be a stranger. Just hit me with your best shot. I’m pretty much perfect. I was captain of the football team, and starter on my basketball team. What sports do you play, other than “jack off to naked drawn Japanese people”? I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are all faggots who should just kill yourselves. Thanks for listening.
Pic Related: It’s me and my bitch
I feel like that's a look that certain ugly / average guys adopt as a kind of power talisman to try to upgrade to some kind of 'alternative' acceptable status, like the equivalent of how fat chicks will dye their hair red and get 50s bangs and that's supposed to suddenly mean they have this cool, 'empowering' look, like their fatness went away.
Like the critic / cuck glasses put you into this certain category of person, like you're one of the 'smarter' ones now, you're 'superior' now (even though at the same time they pretend to grovel and lower themselves and preach equality... at the same time they're making this gesture for the cool, for the cred, the power)
>Like the critic / cuck glasses put you into this certain category of person, like you're one of the 'smarter' ones now, you're 'superior' now
It's funny how times change. Those glasses are super cheap (versions still are) and versions were given out to soldiers during basic training. So ugly they were referred to as "Birth Control Glasses".
Drew Carey's original standup routine involved him in a flattop wearing those glasses. The hook was that he was a big doofus marine telling witty jokes.
Too bad your zip code has a retarded faggot like you
kill yourself
lol is this real?
just kidding, i haven't seen this in a while
If you're this assmad about someone's appearance you should probably neck yourself
Tfw black rimmed glasses have been coopted and lumped in with "ironic" grandpa glasses as being problem glasses for men
I just wanna die
Is there anything that doesn't trigger this board anymore?
Lol at 'triggered'.
He's simply terrible to look at, and we are admitting it. It's simple fact. Politics don't even need to come into it.
You got triggered by us mocking this guy, so no, I guess not.
Did we mock your hero?
I hate how people link this shit like it's hard evidence. A friend told me he was better off renting than buying cause of this idiot.
>Muh freedom to move when I want
>Property taxes are worse then rent!
>Predator loans!!
Fucking idiot will be poor forever. Thought I imagine the jew fuck who makes this is aiming for that.
well renting better if you dont have a family.
Renting is never better unless you live in a stupid high property tax area like NJ. Even if you wanna move out a year after buying, you rent the fucking property to someone else. If you're completely hands off you get a real estate manager to do all the work for you. Yea you net 0 profit likely but you still are having your mortgage paid for you. When all is said and done, a renter has nothing while you have a property you can sell.
Property value can drop, and you'll still be saddled with obligations.
Don't buy shit you can't flip.
And? Stocks can pinkslip. Markets can crash. If you aren't investing your surplus money into something you're losing. If you're paying so much rent that you can't save/invest then your landlord is winning and you're definitely losing.
>all these triggered rural and suburban retards ITT
You mad that Adam BTFO'd you cucks?
All Adam BTFO was himself. If he did anything in this video he made suburbs more attractive to successful black people.
>Wait, so you're saying I can surround myself with successful white people with moral compasses and send my kids to good schools?
>And my dumbass nigga hood friends can't follow me?
>Sign me the fuck up!
OP here. I live in the most cosmopolitan, 'progressive' town you can possibly live in.
I just think this guy looks like a prissy douchebag. And judging by what he actually looks like he doesn't even need to come across that way.
he is one step away from a Tim and Eric character
That goofy look is an improvement. Holy shit.
you pc brah?
>Why the FUCK would ANYONE willingly adopt this aesthetic?
Manlets with commie glasses desperately trying to appear taller than they are, oblivious to their pointless struggle, because they are living proof that there is just too much female hormones in the water in the West.
lol Sup Forums really bothers you huh?
>one smug fatty from youtube hurts Sup Forumsfats fee fee
I thought Sup Forums is so tough
NUMALE! NUMALE! Call me Somali and fry my tamale, cause that's a NUMALE
what kind of glasses can I wear without looking like a faggot
I just want to see
It's self parody. Actually doing things and taking yourself seriously is terrifying and opens you up to criticism which is the only thing all the people you know actually like doing. So make yourself into a joke so you can be "in on it" too, which the chosen aesthetic reflects.
Because it i never meant to solve anything, it is meant to prepare environment for the takeover by totalitarians. It is nothing but old Soviet propaganda, as anyone from ex-commie country can confirm.
Just try it - pressure a progressive to name SPECIFIC solutions to a problem, disregard word salad and demand details, and either he will break down, or the listeners will recoil in horror.
None. you should remove yourself from the gean pool for being a weak invalid human. Pol Pot had the right idea
Yeah, I think you basically got it, and I sense that too. Like the whole ironic thing where hipster urbanites don't want to be too sincere because they're cowards trying too hard to be cool, so they hide behind irony.
And yet I still hold the annoyingness against this guy, because the fact is, the show is doing exactly what it is doing, and is annoying because of it, and it looks fittingly annoying. I don't care if they are 'aware' of the annoyingness of the concept and play with it, it's still annoying and I know they really mean it and want to propagandize their bullshit message, so fuck them.
The guy knows he looks retarded, that's why he looks the way he does, and why the show is named and structured the way it is. To an extent it makes sense that a guy on a TV show would use that as a hook since you need to be "eye catching", but the disturbing thing are the regular dudes that apparently looked at that aesthetic and said "man, I want to look like that" and bought their first checkerboard blazer and pink tie. Even more disturbing are the people that take time out of their day to have their beliefs restated to them by a human muppet.
>Sup Forums
>pretty good time
i don't think that's true