Describe this movie in three words or more

Describe this movie in three words or more

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It's treason, then.



Revenge of the Sith's labyrinthine opening shot—of Anakin and Obi-Wan giving chase to Dooku through the space vehicles on the planet of Coruscant—is a mighty and audacious gauntlet-throw, the digital equivalent of the opening shot of Orson Welles’s “Touch of Evil." It wheels and gyrates and zips and pivots with a vertiginous wonder that declares, from the beginning, that Lucas had big visual ideas and was about to realize them with a heroically inventive virtuosity. And the rest of the movie follows through on that self-dare.

If I had seen ROTS in a theatre upon its release, in 2005, I think that, at the moment when Sheev, sizzling in the blue lightning that Mace Windu reflects back at him, cries out to Anakin, “Power! Unlimited Power!,” I would have leaped out of my seat yelling with excitement. The entire movie is filled with an absolute splendor of the pulp sublime, and that moment is its very apogee. Lucas reaches historic heights in the filming of action: the martial artistry of Anakin and Obi-Wan’s double duel versus Dooku, the gaping maw of outer space and of the airshaft into which the heroic duo drops, Obi-Wan’s light-sabre fight with the four-armed Grievous, and, above all, the apocalyptic inferno of the confrontation of Obi-Wan and Anakin. I watched these sequences over and was repeatedly and unflaggingly amazed by Lucas’s precise, dynamic, wildly imaginative direction.

The scripted politics of the conflicts have a grand imagination to match. What Lucas brings to the script of the movie is a Shakespearean backroom dialectic of power-maneuvering. The dialogue is just heightened and sententious enough, just sufficiently rhetorical, to convey the grave moment of ideas in conflict and the grand mortal results of that dialectical clash—the making of a villain and the unmaking of a republic.


Almost Lucas, almost

Almost not bad

Better than nuWars

Revenge of the Sith

Execute Order 66

Unappriciated masterpiece, I'm so sorry George




Don't try it!



rahhh blahhh blahhh


Anakin kills everyone

And even the younglings

So bad there's literally a scene of Ewan McGregor and Natale Portman holding back laughter at how bad the dialogue is.

You were my brother, Anakin

If you did not like it, it was top smart for you

young handsome awesome

bad fucking movie


Isn't it ironic?

It sucks


>It was okay.

A lot of the CGI was weak and the dialogue wasn't great. Still better than the new episodes out.

Episode 1: 5/10
Episode 2: 4.5/10
Episode 3: 6/10
Rogue One: 3/10
Episode 4: 8.5/10
Episode 5: 9/10
Episode 6: 7.5/10
Episode 7: 1/10

rape beautiful boys


relentlessly relentless movie

OP said three WORDS not three PARAGRAPHS, you yammering parakeet

Well done Lucas... however...

>Describe this movie in three words or more
>Or more

Not worth it

Was he yelling at the sand he was laying on?


more is not tl;dr, you relentlessly vibrating hyena

How dare you call me that.


i relentlessly apologize for relentlessly calling you vibrating, you relentlessly oscillating hyena.

why the fuck would you want to do pennywise? clown fetish?

I didn't realize I was on reddit

>we now live in an era where people are pretending that they never hated the prequels and that they were always good
I fucking hate all of you
If youd made this thread 5 years ago you all would have called it a piece of shit and told george to fuck off

Timeless cult classic.
Comparable to Illiad.
Casablanca of fantasy.

Killing Younglings Yourself

Hi Kathleen

Hi you flipflopping underage contrarian

i've t'high ground

dun liek sand

Wrong movie faggot

why are you relentlessly lost? you must relentlessly go back.

Another bad one
Episode III & VII are the ultimate pleb filters, if you like either you're a brain dead faggot who doesn't under why the OT are great and you're just parroting what you've heard from other dumb people.

Quite good. Very underrated.

the attention span of the eternal burger shows it's ugly face

lucas will pay

pretentiously yammering in circles attention whore demands attention

dun liek (You)


In that scene when ObiWan and Yoda found the dead younglings, why didn't ObiWan kiss the dead handsome boy on the lips?

Episode 1: 4/10
Episode 2: 3/10
Episode 3: 5/10
Rogue One: 5/10
Episode 4: 9/10
Episode 5: 9/10
Episode 6: 8/10
Episode 7: 4.5/10

Another happy landing.

Monster-mash graveyard smash





Hella fuckin epic brah!

1) Lucas didn't direct it, everyone knew he was too incompetent to make a decent movie by then.

2) you were clearly underage in 2005

3) you, and all other millennials have autism and shit taste.

>I'm a 30+ year old Sup Forums user
Just do it user


Episode 1: 5/10
Episode 2: 3/10
Episode 3: 7/10
Rogue One: 3/10
Episode 4: 10/10
Episode 5: 10/10
Episode 6: 7/10
Episode 7: 0.1/10

