Oh look, another too-long HBO show about druggies and hookers in 70's New York with a nonexistent plot and too many main characters.
You'd think they'd realize that this concept was terrible after Vinyl turned out to be such a schlock, but no.
Oh look, another too-long HBO show about druggies and hookers in 70's New York with a nonexistent plot and too many main characters.
You'd think they'd realize that this concept was terrible after Vinyl turned out to be such a schlock, but no.
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Yeah it does have potential, lets hope they dont waste it. Pilot was , they finally show new york, and not try to show new york becaus 1/3 of budget went for fucking songs
The entire budget went to set pieces to make it look authentic, they just completely forgot about writing an engaging plot or good characters.
Grandma Maggie
Her tits were so disgusting, I literally couldn't believe that kid wanted to touch them, as if there aren't good looking whores
I wonder who this show is marketted for. it would turn off anyone from afar. I already hate the 70s, what a horrible decade, remember in the 60s people were classy and clean and then the 70s came and everyone becamme filthy and "fashion" appeared, ugly clothes that need to be changed every year. That was a great meme from clothes merchants.
yeah all the free love anti war dope smoking hippies in the 60s were classy and clean
Casting her in this must be part of the jewish plot to turn men gay
>remember in the 60s
t. oldfag
>remember in the 60s people were classy and clean
If anything I'd say the 70's were cleaner, but I wasn't alive back then.
But I agree with your first question. Women would hate it because lol all women are whores. Niggers would hate it because lol all niggers are annoying swaggy pimps. And white guys will hate it because it's fucking lame and isn't relatable at all.
She can't use the "i'm 37 excuse either", because there are plenty of good looking tits on women that age. Even women with far larger tittays like pic related (36)
It's weird how Maggie is the sister of Jake Gyllenhaal, who is a 10/10 and aging like fine wine.
Maggie is playing a disgusting worn out street whore and you cunts STILL complain? Women are not just there as eye candy. She's a much better actor than Franco.
genes are a diceroll and she got snake eyes
she literally looks 50
I bet they recycled the sets from Vinyl lmao
user's clearly thinking of the Mad Men aesthetic. It's funny, these days, young people are more interested in the square-but-horny thirtysomethings culture of the decade than in the hip-and-equally-horny culture of the young people.
I like the idea of this show. Specifically I like the way that Maggie Gyllenhaal, who can only play whores and lost her career when she got too old to be the first choice for such characters, has been reclaimed as an older whore for this show. I'm also tickled by the fact that she immediately changed her tune from standard-issue sour grapes to sex-positivity. I hope she's bending over for it in movies long into her old age, she's a nice woman provided she can pursue her vocation, being treated like meat on camera.
> This show sucks because the prostitutes aren't sanitised, unrealistic sexy versions, and doesn't do a disney version of an era.
Yeah this show is super fucking feministy but it's pro-sex and the characters in it and people like them are the reason you can jack off to hardcore fisting on a tuesday morning via your computer.
Women had body hair back then. They had saggy tits. The men didn't freak out about it though, because they weren't spoilt crybabies.
sup gramps
It's the best show on TV.
>the characters in it and people like them are the reason you can jack off to hardcore fisting on a tuesday morning via your computer.
This. On a related note, it surprised me that when Hefner died so many people, pretending not to have known that the Playboy Mansion was a high-class brothel, went for the "problematic sexualisation" nonsense. Hefner was a vital part of the abolition of meaningless sexual guilt, and anyone who likes both themselves and orgasms in the English-speaking world owes people like him and Larry Flynt a debt of gratitude.
>The men didn't freak out about it though, because they weren't spoilt crybabies.
No, it's because their high and broke, would fuck anything that moves, or not
No, it's because they were actually excited by women's bodies, you idiot. See the porn movies of the era - incredibly beautiful real women, with a real bloom to their skin, and character in their faces.
I like it but I'll admit the first two episodes were a lot better than the next two
I'll wait for the seven-minute xhamster highlights video.
If the latter episodes were worse than the first they must be seriously fucking terrible.
Shit show for brainlet hipsters.
Ok op get that this is a shitposting thread but you don't have to get so brash
You seem triggered.
some of us have standards, kid
Is this Vinyl?
amen brother. i don' even feel like giving it a chance. next!
It's literally "The Wire but with prostitutes and porn instead of drugs." It's also just as fun to watch as The Wire.
>the slow clap for Maggie's character in the diner
I was kekking my head off.
No it's The Deuce, which is just like Vinyl only even worse.
Honestly I admire Maggie for this.
Her tits got saggy (this will happen to most women except a few lucky ones) and she could've corrected it with surgery, but didn't. I'm curious, does she have a life partner?
i watched the pilot it was so boring
Fuck you, Vinyl was amazing and it's a crime that the cucks at HBO cancelled it
Yes, been married since 2009. Sup Forums rags on her but she's a genuinely good actress
What? I like The Deuce. I can't be the only one on this shit board.
The Wire > Generation kill = Show me a hero > The Deuce = Treme
Haven't seen much of her work but for a woman with such (by society's and Sup Forumss standard) unattractive looks who has all the money she wants and would therefore be able to fix it but chooses not to AND appears in such an outfit on a show means that she must be very confident. Good for her.
No, it's because plastic surgery and therefore porn with chicks with ass-, boob- and lip-implants + facial corrective surgery and liposuctions didn't exist.
You're not. It's been great so far. Kids on Sup Forums think just because it has similarities to Vinyl means it's also shit.
>remember in the 60s people were classy and clean and then the 70s came and everyone becamme filthy
yeah bro, Nixon ruined everything
back in the days everyone had CLASS
>meaningless sexual guilt
ho the hedonists
>meaningless sexual guilt
How does this make sexual guilt not meaningless?
You don't have sex though, do you?
I'm not a hedonist, I don't believe in making more or less of pleasure than what it is.
I'm familiar with this argument and I've even made it myself, but it's not really opposed to what I said. In view of the OP of the thread, we're talking about the real world where people fuck sex workers, which leaves nobody really deprived unless they decide to be.
The big change isn't the neoliberalisation of the mainstream sexual economy, it's the way that sex workers and their clients became more frowned upon as sexual success came to be equated with social status. More spinsterish nonsense is said and believed about sex workers now than was the case during the Depression, for example. I doubt there's ever been so many guys letting themselves remain virgins into their early thirties out of fear and shame - even Kafka frequented brothels.
>muh plot
Nah, only retards don't like it.
>show about porn without plot
then why do you even watch it? watch porn...
like two suicide notes stuffed in a glitter bra
Yeah but /got/ was a hit
It uses the same formula
Not really.
Implying you would have declined if you were that virgin. Don't kid yourself.
Yes I would. In fact as a virgin teenager I declined teen girls that I could easily fuck simply because I couldn't bother to endure their annoying company. Not everyone is as desperate as you.
>implying the village Chad didnt plow all the fair maiden in the barn
Have a look at this fella, lads.
You have to be an idiot to think this chart is anywhere near reality .
Name a more iconic duo, I'll wait.
my balls
Look this shit started in the 60s and peaked in the 70s. The 60s were the pivotal decade were all this shit sarted with degenerate music Beatles and Rolling stones, rock n'roll that the boomers loved. Adults were still wearing classic,but I blame the adults of the 60s for letting that shit happen. The hippie movement was controlled by the CIA to avoid Vietnam protests. It's easier to discredit a movement when you point out degenerate LSD addicts.
>The hippie movement was controlled by the CIA to avoid Vietnam protests.
Weird that the hippies were always protesting the war in Vietnam, then.
Ah, you're nearly ready for what happened, but not quite. You're still at the stage where you think that the liberal protests were a good idea spoiled by agent provocateurs/drugged dupes/insurgent elements. In fact, the left has used liberals as more-or-less unknowing stooges since the 30s, and the job of government for Democratic leaders has been to use the left for what you can before the use they're putting YOU to burns you both out. The left will swallow their gorge and back Clinton, but if Clinton is too useful to their narrative, or too many of the liberals spend too long simply echoing their talking points, the electoral potential is exhausted by the extremity of the proposals and Trump gets in.
Yes, it's a infinite number of short-to-medium-length cons involving people for whom the real-world outcome is largely academic. The only reason this seems horrible to us is the universal franchise. Politics peaked in honesty when politicians were openly making laws to protect and increase their personal wealth and that of their friends, and only those with property could vote, because they were the only ones who really had a vested interest in the outcome. In a society where politicians have to pretend to be interested in us little people, permanent mendacity becomes neccesary.
You miserable faggots are a prime example of what is shitting up this board. This is a thread about the tv show The Deuce, created by the same guy who created The Wire. It's about the start of the adult film industry in NYC in the 70s. It's not about any of this other bullshit you guys are talking about and you are 99% wrong about what you're saying anyway.
OP is too dumb for David Simon shows
The show has no direction and no stand out characters. Reminds me of Treme. It is a failure.
The Wire and Show Me A Hero are both very good though, if a little preachy at times.
think that I am going to drop it, hasn't enjoyed a single episode so far
This. The show is ugly and I find little reason to watch. It will go 2 seasons.
I can't believe she's only 32
>In fact as a virgin teenager I declined teen girls that I could easily fuck simply because I couldn't bother to endure their annoying company
No, what's wrong with this board is that people who watch television are seldom possessed of critical intelligence. If I see someone about to make an intellectual breakthrough, I'll aid them.
>t. Bitter virgin
Treme was a huge success though.
Jesus fucking Christ you sound like a tedious person. Do you have any friends? Like even one friend?
This is actually quite accurate. Ofc you are responding to an unsourced chart (I wonder who mad it hmmmmm) but class was a strong factors. Lower class females had a lot of sexual partners and higher class males even more.
It's just conservative fiction of a imagined time that never really was.
That's why I don't watch it. Literally that abomination.
Don't remind me. They canned Boardwalk Empire for that pile of shit.
yes, but who wants to be associated with stinking shirtless hippies that only care about sex and drugs? Not decent and reasonable people. If you were against the war, you were labelled a hippie
Yeah, and none of them watch TV. You're giving away what a plebby life you've settled for.
It's telling that their idea of a golden age is one where they get laid because women are browbeaten into marrying someone/anyone. "Once, I'd have gotten mine because some low-status woman would have been left with no alternative". This thirst is morbid.
I watch it because it has an eerie resemblence to the dirt and grime of London where I live-minus terrorism and sex of course.
God, London is such a shithole.
70s was one of the most kino decades for movies tho
>If you were against the war, you were labelled a hippie
Soho's still worth it. A lot of the massage places in Chinatown are becoming very blatant of late, and then you've got the walk-ups.
I feel bad for her desu, she had the good genes stolen by her brother
That was the idea anyway, that's the reaction the government wanted. They killed JFK to continue the war, they would do anything
someone post the gif where she tries to rub her nipple, but misses, because even she underestimated how low they've sagged
She is cute in this picture but what she's doing in this porn show is just disgusting, I doon't have any respect for her. She was crying about not getting roles because of her age but showed she would do anything to play in movies. Cate Blanchett is 10 years older and she is still doing a lot of films.
her looks really don't help, and honestly she has always done garbage, perhaps the movie that made her famous was secretary, where she is naked half the time.
Blanchett is a hot af mommy and on top of that has some class to her, she is more of a hepburn type in the roles she pulls while maggie is doing shit that is just above porn
This is total nonsense. JFK was killed because he was Irish Mafia and he didn't keep the promises he made to get there. Bay of Pigs was many times more inept and foolhardy than even the worst moments of the Vietnam War.
>I doubt there's ever been so many guys letting themselves remain virgins into their early thirties out of fear and shame - even Kafka frequented brothels.
These men are going to exert themselves in some way politically. In the past they would have been priests or monks, but the vast majority of them are godless now.
Society would be totally fucked if that group of people upped their testosterone levels and started organizing. Think MGTOW on steroids and not being whiny bitches.
I respect her for the reasons outlined here:
If they upped their testosterone levels they'd just fuck prostitutes.
>These men are going to exert themselves in some way politically.
They did last November, surely?
Vinyl was better now that I think about it
Trump isn't the revolution that we need.