Just got back from watching this, it's actually pretty good. 8/10

Just got back from watching this, it's actually pretty good. 8/10.


Other urls found in this thread:


Are you liberal?

was it necessary or it is just another cashgrab?

Nope. Very much in the center.

It wasn't necessary, but a nice expansion on the story of Deckard and Rachel.

>I'm a normal person
Cool, I'll probably check it out then. How bad was Ford in it?

Was that CGI sean young or someone that looks like her because i couldnt even tell

Pretty decent I'd say, he didn't have that big of a role in the movie anyway.

I want to say that it's CGI, but it'd have to be really convincing CGI. Because it REALLY looked just like her.

do you like Rod Stewart?

I have no idea who that is.

Some singer popular in the 70s.

I just got back from seeing it as well.

Really enjoyed it. If you are reading this I recommend seeing it before you get spoiled. Sto reading this post.

> Jared Leto was pretty bad, BvS Lex Luthor style philisophical musings, in the movie for like 10 minutes. His character would have been better as an unseen authority figure the actual antagonist reports to. Why is he even on Earth?
> Harrison Ford puts in the most effort he has in a long time. Actually enjoyed his performance.
> World felt consistant with OG Blade Runner, but also felt like 30 years had beleivably passed
> Nice way of continuing the "Is Deckard a Replicant" mystery

are you from reddit?

It was CGI, in the credits there's someone for the mo-cap/stand-in

Probably the best looking cgi actor I've seen, way better than uncanny valley Tarkin from Rouge One.

Who's your favorite wrestler?

Yeah Leto's character was pretty confusing to me, and honestly I couldn't hear what he was even saying sometimes.


I don't watch wrestling.

Sean young is credited at the end. But i dont know she is the stand in

Hot garbage you mean?

why did Leto's character think Deckard would know why Rachel was able to get pregnant, he's not a genetic engineer

>you must be 18 to post here

Leto wanted to know where the child.

Why do you think he wanted to ask deckard about genetic engineering? That wasnt what leto was after

>I couldn't hear what he was even saying sometimes.

something somthing angels...something something COUNQOUR THE STARS

>Sequel to a shitty film
I'll pass, Venezuela

Not that guy but everyone here is from reddit now

Sup Forums is fucking dead

What is the general plotline?

Is Ryan a replicant?

Yes, its not even a twist, they reveal it less than 5 minutes in.

Ryan Gosling's character, Officer K, gets sent on a mission to retire a replicant who is the child of another replicant. Along the way, K realizes that he is the child, because he finds himself in an orphanage which he sees in his memories, and even finds a toy wooden horse which he remembers hiding in a secret spot.

K goes to the person who develops all the memories to confirm whether it's real or not, and finds out that the memory is in fact real. K then goes to Deckard to ask him questions about Rachel and the child. Some shit happens, Deckard gets abducted by Leto's goons cause Leto wants to know how he managed to make a child with a replicate. K gets recovered by replicants who want to form an army and fight against the humans, finds out that the child is actually a female, and not a male so it can't be K. Turns out that the child is the person who makes the memories for the replicants. K goes to save Deckard from Leto's goons and takes him to see his daughter. The end.

which pretty much since it didnt answer the main question the previous one left us
im 1000000% sure that another one will come also

Yep, there's definitely going to be a sequel focused on Deckard's child, and the replicant army's uprising against the human.

Sounds shit desu senpai. Was this in the book?

ausfag time traveller here

i also really liked it but it was a little slow in the middle i nodded off and it is a 3 hour movie it feels like it.

however the ending and 3rd act more then make up for it, watching the shorts is essential as well

Well, PKD has been dead since 1982 and someone else wrote the "sequels" which were only written to continue the story of Deckard and reconcile the differences between the original book and movie so... yeah I think this plot is original.

>yeah I think this plot is original
No wonder it sucks...

Is there a classification above kino? This deserves it.

how come they cant figure out where the child is without Deckard ? They are conected to everying ffs. And why do they need it in the first place.

Well, they couldn't find Deckard in the first place without K finding him first. Deckard and Rachel probably found a way to stop Leto or whatever from tracking the child.

And, from what I gathered, I guess Leto wanted to find out how Deckard managed to impregnate a replicant. Like K's boss said, if the world finds out that replicants can breed then everything's fucked.

Digital records are practically non-existent because of the blackout so them being connected everywhere doesn't matter - Deckard is the only viable lead they would have that can even get them started on the trail. It's how she's hidden in plain sight in the first place.

And they need the child to figure out how to make Replicants that can procreate, since that knowledge was lost with Tyrell.

I work in VFX, it is CGI. The main place you can notice it is her eyes, but it's fucking 10/10 and the best human likeness CG I've ever seen. Might be more noticeable as CG in a few years though

>Not knowing Rod Stewart
holy fuck user, are you 14?

No, I'm 18. I do remember something about my mom telling me how much she liked listening to Rod Stewart back in the day, and wondered whether he was still alive or not.

I really hope not. The conflicted, singular protagonists are what made the first, and now second, films. How would they do it? It'd become the Matrix Revolution of Blade Runner


>Not knowing a literal "who!?" 70's musician
>Being younger than 18
Does not equate.

Oh yeah, might as well just add this interesting thing I noticed:

So it was Thursday night when I watched this movie with my friend. In the theater there were less than 20 people, and we were the only ones under the age of 30. So yeah, every other person in the theater was either middle aged or elderly.

I admittedly saw it at a late session so it was a similar kind of 20 person turnout for me as well.

I'm glad the movie has clean air for the rest of the month to make some money, I mean it has fucking NO competition at all. If it came out against any capeshit it would probably have crashed and burned, low attention span people aren't going to find it pleasant.

>> Harrison Ford puts in the most effort he has in a long time. Actually enjoyed his performance.
>> World felt consistant with OG Blade Runner, but also felt like 30 years had beleivably passed
>> Nice way of continuing the "Is Deckard a Replicant" mystery
shame about that sequel bait ending though

i hope we do get a 3rd movie or at least more shorts

>low attention span people aren't going to find it pleasant.

Definitely. My friend started looking through his instagram feed and messages people multiple times throughout the film. He probably wouldn't have gone to watch it at all if he wasn't bored out of his mind today and had a free movie ticket to use up.

>not knowing Rod Stewart
You have to be a small child.

I don't think it's sequel bait at all, the inevitable second uprising really wasn't point. Hence K's decision at the end, spending his gesture on something he thought was more important

>it's actually pretty good. 8/10.
Pretty much

Why was that plot point even in the movie?

It seemed like it was setting up for the third act, where K would be conflicted in fighting for replicants uprising, vs protecting the people he's sworn to help as a cop.

Then K dies and those Revolutionary Replicants arnt brought up again. Even if it was sequel-bait, the main character who would be at the centre of it is dead.

I assumed that K's death was left up to debate, and is probably a bait and switch or something. Leave the audience thinking he died on those steps for like 2-3 years until the sequel comes out and shows us that he's still alive because he's a replicant and a knife to the torso won't kill a replicant.

having moderate political views is normal

The leader of the Replicants tells K something along the lines of "You have to kill Deckard to protect our uprising, sacrifice your life for a greater purpose. Doing so is the most human thing a Replicant can do"

K decides to give his life, but instead to reunite a man with his daughter.

This is so fucking generic
Non wonder it's being praised so highly


That's like 10% of the story

nah, that would piss people off.

They used the "tears in the rain" music as he lay down. He's dead.

well, he did want a general plotline

Do we find out what the Tallhausen Gate is?

Wow thats interesting because i thought the voice was so off that they actually found a legit lookalike and used their voice.

Go to bed, Ahmed and/or Billy Bob

I honestly thought it was really fucking great until the third act (meeting ford) dragged like a motherfucker.

Honestly thought it was going to end with Deckard kidnapped and Gosling to lead the replicant revolution in a sequel. Thats how fucking long the ending was.

Is there anything after the credits?

And also, mandatory question, what's a good scene to go take a piss if needed?

is AMA some kind of reddit shit?

if so go back

Same here to be honest.

In fact, I thought the movie was getting close to ending before we even saw Deckard, and was wondering just how small of a role Ford had in this movie.

Nope, no after credits scene.

There's a scene where K's hologram girlfriend "merges" with a prostitute played by Ana de Armas, so that K can get the best possible experience of fucking his imaginary girlfriend. It's a pretty weird fucking scene, and all that we see is that they kiss then the morning after.

Not mid or after credits stuff. Just cozy music.

Oh wait, whoops, mixed up my actresses. Mackenzie Davis is the whore, Ana is the hologram.

Will i like it if i think the original was absolute garbage?

Probably not. There are a lot of similarities between the two in terms of themes, cinematography, music, etc. But if you're not in it for the plot, at least watch it for the 10/10 cinematography and music, as well as a lot of sexual imagery.

Piss before the film you animal.

Absolutely not.

What was that henchwoman's problem?

Fucking pleb it wasn't even close to the originals score

She was a terribly written character who just did whatever he master told her to.

Did the resistance leader tell Goose to kill Deckard? Why?
And was the leader already exist in 2019? Wasn't the only Nexus 6 on earth were already killed by Deckard?

She was a Nexus 7 like Rachel and Bautista.

She wanted Dekard dead because he could tell Wallace about the rebels.

>likes Villenueve
he's reddit incarnate

>What if Roy Batty was our main character

I just watched it. I am very impressed by it. The Jeto character was terrible though. The CGI Rachel.......totally fantastic. The Soundtrack is damn good too......nowhere close to Vangelis' but damn good.

Bautista was Nexus 8
So what happens after Deckard met with his daughter? Is the resistance still trying to kill Deckard and get his daughter?

Can you please stop referring to these Androids as Google phones? They have feelings, you know.

I can't remember the opening paragraphs but I thought it was Nexus 7s that were the ones that were being hunted? And 8s were the new lot, like K.

Meh. Blade Runner was only a classic because of the climax speech. This movie had nothing like that. No really emotional or deeper moment between characters, mostly because Goose is a shit actor. It was kind of like Arrival.

>tfw i actually went to piss during the scene

anyone see it in 3d? is it good 3d effects?

motherfuckers answer me

Nah the replicants being hunted are Nexus 8, the newer ones created by Leto are legal

was he the boy though i thought they kept it ambiguous on purpose so you never know

i liked arrival, but i hate goose
was it entertaining atleast?

Fuck yes, except for the mandatory stronk woman villain, should have been a dude

How is that mandatory you oaf? It's extremely rare to see a decent female villain

I thought he was great. Him finding out he's not the kid was great and then him being a Good Joe.

Right, I must have misremembered the opening, even though I only watched it 6 hours ago. Where 7 and 8s running about during the time of the original and that's why Roy knew they could live longer?

>i liked arrival
Then you'll love this trashy flick, pleb

Yeah I’m not too sure about that. He says that the boy lived and the girl died young, but it turned out that the child is a girl. Maybe it was mixed around because there was so little data about them? And it could be that she implanted her memory into K, don’t know why she’d do that though.


>what's a good scene to go take a piss if needed?
anything involving Leto

i decided ill rewatch the original tonight, then go see the sequel in the morning, catch an early showing with not many people there

Some people actually left the showing I was at
>uuuh it's so long when will it end

I was restless in my seat because i had to take a piss but I didn't want to leave