>rapper goes on about drugs, how tough they are
>starts talking about Allah
Someone explain this to me. Muslims are supposed to refrain from drugs and crime. Muslim rappers can't stop talking about drugs and crime.
>rapper goes on about drugs, how tough they are
>starts talking about Allah
Someone explain this to me. Muslims are supposed to refrain from drugs and crime. Muslim rappers can't stop talking about drugs and crime.
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Muslims are allowed to lie to infidels to push islam on the world. So letting a rapper use drugs to make islam appealing to a generation of black youth would be acceptable.
why the fuck are you listening to muslim rap?
The only reason these nogs are Muslims is their hatred of the white man.
I suspect Nigger Muslims are like Nigger Christians
not religious enough to practice, but religious enough to claim to be religious and pander to others with look warm faith.
muslims are devilworshipers-
Also, these negros don't go Muslim to identify as being a Muslim... they do it because they are racist black shitheads who want to oppose whites
Islam is the most antiwhite thing their little shit eating heads could dream up, so they converted to Islam
MOMS GONNA FLIP nigger edition
Ice cube likes trump apparently.
If only. He said he would never vote for a "mothafucka" like trump.
I hate slimes and killed a few in iraq and afghanistan but jedi mind tricks is some real shit.
Cube is a Muslim, having converted in the 1990s. It is unclear what his religion was before that–if there was one. He takes a personal approach to his religion, saying that he isn’t a part of any sect or faction, that his spirituality is just between him and God.1 He said:
What I call myself is a natural Muslim, because it’s just me and God. You know, going to the mosque, the ritual and the tradition, it’s just not in me to do. So I don’t do it.2
Now a man with a family and a part of the mainstream entertainment industry, Cube has implied he cut ties with the Nation of Islam–the somewhat fundamentalist, militant Muslim organization
>What I call myself is a natural Muslim
fuck off slime
the false prophet mohammad was a kiddie fucking faggot.
allah is a nigger
get out of europe
It's a ruse to spread islam.
think you all misunderstood i qouted what ice cube said i hate islam as well but ice cube isnt a practising muslim
oh whatever.
here's another one
thanks senpai i find theese pictures funny
i print them out and keep a few on me and put them on bulletin boards and walls next to slime-supporting shit whenever i see it around uni.
no i'm not kidding. we've already gotten a school-wide e-mail about it but let them catch me. if slimes can put up propaganda supporting their cult then i can put these up. first amendment and i will take them to court over it (i can afford a good lawyer easily and i will blow $20 grand on a whim if they try to fuck with my constitutional rights)
thats good will do tha same when i come home to norway will post some at the mosque in my town
be safe. i have the first amendment protecting me. at least norway isn't EU, but i don't know about your speech and religion laws
probarley just get a fine or something
fucking this
ive seen so many mudslimes drinking and smoking weed when its clearly against their religion but still claim theyre muslim
ja sota bror samme skjer i Norge
they are criminals but as soon as they get chaught they want all the religion rights in prison like they cant eat normal prison food
Thanks for doin your part
The wars may be shit but the soldiers never will be
>why the fuck are you listening to muslim rap?
Ain't nothing to it, gangsta rap made me do it.
why do they insist on calling themselves muslim
Nigger means God lmao. Lol funny thing is God calls us Gods too, lol y'all think that's a racial slur but its really not. I'm a God also a child of the Most High. So call us Niggers all you want, you're not lying haha. Anyways God didn't give my people religion. He gave us laws. Laws that you're going to be forced to follow once we enslave all of your heathen asses or else you'll be destroyed.
They don't follow it very cloesly but are culturally Muslim. But watch out! These people are not "cool". They're easy to guilt trip into converting to Salafism.
Most of those European suicide bombers were party girls before blowing themselves up.
it's another trendy label they can slap on