It's actually a pretty OK series

It's actually a pretty OK series.

Why are her knees so fucking big?

>pretty OK
it's fucking hilarious. even more so because of all the social conservative outrage it's causing around here

Fuck off, kike shills.

>that character art style

fucking atrocious

Thanks for the bump :^)

that's what you people say about literally every cartoon. i can't think of a single show i've seen tv praise the artstyle of

Nick Kroll is very funny

>i only enjoy comedy that reinforces my political views
What a horrible fucking timeline we live in.

kill yourself retarded peacock


>i only enjoy comedy that reinforces my political views
no, that would be all the people who show up to these threads to bitch about MUH POLITICAL AGENDA in this show. what i ACTUALLY said was that it was funny how many people were sperging about MUH CARTOON CHILDREN SAYING SEX WORDS!!

>i only enjoy comedy that reinforces my political views
What are you on that you see politics in everyhing? Chill, it's just a comedy show about puberty.

I love Kroll projects, but IMO the voice cast is carrying the show. Had this been attempted by a less talented and funny crew, it would've been an Allen Gregory tier tragedy.


i asked somebody here in a thread last night what political commentary they thought was in this show. one of the things they listed was "single mothers", these people are out to fucking lunch

adults portraying sexually precocious children is obscene

adults portraying sexually precocious children who are also political voiceboxes is fucking disgusting

whatever you say, pastor

>retarded redditor is an anime poster
Who would've guessed?

it's definitely a big part of what makes the show work so well, but i dunno, i think it's well written enough that it could've stood on its own merit with a lesser cast.

You want to make an all around educational cartoon that approaches the topic of puberty lightly without bringing the full adult concept of sexuality down on kids heads, go for it. Make it funny too, god knows everyone's so fucking humorless these days.

Nick Kroll dressing up like a little boy and talking about erections and diversity is fucking creepy and weird. You should reflect on how easily you got wrapped up in this show.

That art style.. I don't even think I can force myself to watch this time

Literally looks like it was drawn by Christian Weston Chandler.

No, what you quite literally said was that you found the content even funnier because you perceived the other political side not enjoying it. You are such an insecure little fagsuck that you actually have to have your politics pandered to even in fucking cartoons. You're the reason shit like this exists and why they had to throw in the lesbian SJW mom, the problematic college 'headpusher' guy and every other virtue signaling piece of trash that pushed a so-so cartoon down to shit level.

...the pre-teen daughter literally accuses her lesbian mother of slut-shaming her and claims she's the patriarchy. The episode then went on to be a parable about the harmful male gaze and negative attention.

It was mediocre. The whole series had about 4-5 actually funny gags. Actually good voice-acting is the only reason it held my attention. I can barely recommend it, even to my openly perverted friends.

You take that the fuck back, Christine has improved so much over the years

Is there a law that requires all modern cartoons to look fucking hideous?

JoJo is often praised, especially the later parts

Chris's art unironically looks more appealing.

>You want to make an all around educational cartoon
they clearly didn't
>without bringing the full adult concept of sexuality down on kids heads
it's not a show for kids
>dressing up
... you mean entering a vocal booth?
>erections and diversity
lol why do you people have the most nonsensical triggers? what fucking line are you even referring to?
>You should reflect on how easily you got wrapped up in this show.
lol why? do you think the mentally healthy reaction to have is to be a squeamish social conservative about thew puberty parts and a triggered magakiddy about the "political commentary" parts?
>what you quite literally said was that you found the content even funnier because you perceived the other political side not enjoying it
glad you agree that your initial characterization of my post was wrong and stupid
>You are such an insecure little fagsuck that you actually have to have your politics pandered to even in fucking cartoons
not entirely sure what you're trying to project onto me but what the fuck am i supposed to do? stop watching it because i agree with the politics just to prove to myself i don't need shows to agree with my politics? the fuck point are you even trying to make here?
>waaah a bunch of things i dont like
then dont watch it. makes a lot more sense than whining about how every show should pander to your sensitivity

I want Sup Forums to leave

why does it look like it was drawn by a 5 year old in ms paint failing at drawing family guy?

>...the pre-teen daughter literally accuses her lesbian mother of slut-shaming her and claims she's the patriarchy
it was played for laughs you gigantic idiot, the audience isn't supposed to think "yeah she IS those things!" the joke is the overreaction, you massive dumbass
>The episode then went on to be a parable about the harmful male gaze and negative attention.
not a political issue

>waaah it's not anime

At least gooks know how to draw something that doesn't make my eyes bleed.

never going to happen

Western cartoons have never been that amazing looking of you compare it to anime, but I like the diversity of art styles in western cartoons.

>Posts a Jew cartoon
l m a o

Even the cheapest cartoon from the 80's looks better than the horrid Flash animated shit that passes for cartoons these days.

Diversity in art styles, yes. I don't know what Aah Real Monsters! has to do with jews though. But I guess there is a" hidden agenda" in everything.. somehow.

at least western animation actually has animation. when I watch anime, I feel like I'm watching a slideshow of characters that have moving mouths

>needing a mirror to look at your junk

Man, I do not envy girls.

>major characters being feminist SJWs doesn't count as politicizing!
I don't suppose the kid's pillow cucking him does either? That virtually every character in the show somehow manages to be Jewish? The constant encouragement toward homosexuality? Using a 9/11 memorial to soak up period blood? The smug teacher going on about stealing the country from the Indians? The lines about how Americans had no right to be proud of the French-made statue of America?

Nah, if you're defending someone literally accusing her mother of partiarchal oppression as not politics infused, I'm sure none of that made the list either.

>that goalpost moving
You've been trained in using your tricks quite well, Rabbi.

>what do i do about the mess
>Sleep in it pig

i really like this .jpg

>I don't suppose the kid's pillow cucking him does either?
holy fucking shit lol are you actually being serious right now?
>That virtually every character in the show somehow manages to be Jewish?
lol guess curb your enthusiasm is le jooish propaganda now too. also is anyone even jewish besides jesse and andrew?
>Using a 9/11 memorial to soak up period blood?
how is that a political statemenet?
>The smug teacher going on about stealing the country from the Indians?
i'm sure it was a single throaway line like everything else you people accuse characters of "going on" about. also once again, not political, white people objectively are not native to the american continent.
>The lines about how Americans had no right to be proud of the French-made statue of America?
holy fuck lol this is seeming more and more like a parody of flag-humping dipshits. have you been fucking with me this whole time?
>someone literally accusing her mother of partiarchal oppression as not politics infused
once again, it's played for laughs and is not actually making a political statement so much as it is making a joke that references political themes. you people often mix those 2 up when you're crying about cartoons
i dont know which of the 2 people you are or what part of my post you're referring to, so that was really productive of you to post

>the only options are anime and pig-disgusting trash

no, it's just what i assume all these people who cry about the animation are holding it up against. and the only reply before yours seemed to confirm that

> The episode then went on to be a parable about the harmful male gaze and negative attention.
What episode is this? Would like to watch it.

It's edgy jewish degeneracy. It's made for the people who browse Salon and Vice

>>I don't suppose the kid's pillow cucking him does either?
>holy fucking shit lol are you actually being serious right now?
Not him, but that was the part when I quit watching.

>stupid cartoon anthropomorphizes a pillow
>makes the pillow pregnant
>spends the whole show dealing with issues of whether the kid was old enough to be a father and abortion
>kid confesses his love, they decide to keep it
>lmao jk i was fucking ur brother the whole time and its his baby u cuk! goodbye forever!

Should've known ultra Jew Kroll literally couldn't make one TV show without an episode built around cuckolding.

Americans are so fucked in the head, you can't understand basic joke, you take everything seriously with muh political propaganda, just sad! Also all the hipocrites like on this thread, how dense can you brainlets be?

anime is generic garbage


She looks like a downy tard.

>Allen Gregory
>I know remember that was a thing
>I know realize this was 6 years ago
What the FUCK

One of the ugliest shows I've seen in years.

I want kike shills to leave

>your cartoon must look like hot ass fucking garbage or anime. There can be NO middle ground
>actually unironically defending the art
The fuck is wrong with you

I watched the first episode, very funny.. would show to tween son/daughter instead of talking to them

hilarious that people can't watch cartoon nudity without claiming it is CP

Why do yuropoors obsess about everything Americans do on flagless boards? It's embarrassing.

>Hating Europeans on an European website
You have to go back.

site is american amigo

The art style is perfect for the kind of show it is. It captures the idea of awkward sex ed and preteenhood. It looks so uncomfortable.

'cause your superiority complex and your love for ruining the world for cheap burgers is tiresome in the long run

the art style perfectly represents the modern media in all of it's blandness and replacing of good and witty comedy into "POOP-POO AND VAGINA"


No. It's not.


he did it again the madman!

I don't think I've ever seen it discussed

Post yfw best girl was horny the entire time and the Jew refused to roll with it


oh no

It really is fucking awful

Great voice acting though.

Cal arts was a mistake. Instead of making anything visually compelling they make this ugly crap because the animators don't care. It's just another lame jewtoon for another paycheck. Animation is a dying artform, all the old greats are dying and retired and instead of keeping their skills alive they replace them with cal arts flash profit machine. I just want something visually compelling with interesting narrative and conflict. I'm so sick of jew humour, comedy is the lowest artform. Nobody cares about "wuba luba dub dub" and "hey my vagina lmao". All the contemporary cal art shit will be forgotten but in a hundred years classic animation will be revered. Fuck krull fuck harmon fuck jews. Disney was right to be anti semitic look what they did to his company and passion.

Your grandmother is jewish

>they make this ugly crap because the animators don't care.

its actually because it needs to be as ugly as possible in order to not trip various child pornography statutes. But because it still does, it needs to be so ugly that attempts to apply said statutes would be as laughable as possible.

This reply is so lame. Did rick and morty writers make it?

the eyes, nose, and mouth look like they're all stock facial features from one of those drag and drop 'animation' software


low framerate trash that's even shittier now that they're transitioning to 3d

Why is this show allowed on netflix canada. It breaks laws.

Jews get a pass to shill their anti culture dadaist schlock.

>Reldnach Notsew Naitsirch
oh chris

>Anime is transitioning to 3D
I don't think you watch anime at all.

Are you retarded or do you not know the definition of animation? Or do weebs just feel obligated to defend their trash hobby no matter what?

>Disney will never go back to hand-drawn animations

Key frames ≠ frame rate

Classic Disney > all (including anime which was based off classic Disney)
Also this (((show))) is fucking garbage and you (((OP)))'s tricks aren't fooling anyone

I agree, but you can't deny that studio Ghibli has some top tier anime films.

If your basis for top tier is pedophilia. Krull and miyazaki would get along famously.

is this the new magic school bus? didnt think they would do "lets check out our vagina" episode. cool.

I don't even care about the art style, I just don't get why I should watch a show about teens going through puberty, it sounds so fucking boring.


It is actually Jewish, though. It’s written by four Jews.

Yeah, but they are not trying to destroy the white race, etc etc


Nice try, Shlomo.

>it's stylistically designed to be that way!