Pic related and Solaris for me
What's the most boring movie you've ever seen?
You made this thread yesterday.
boredom only happens to BORING PEOPLE
everyone thinks youre shit
try going to community college
>Budget: 50 mil
Box Office: 23 mil
Yeah Scorsese is surely done for
>3 hours of a guy thinking he's Jesus and being anal over stepping on a picture of Jesus
You are the lobotomized wojack in those shitposting pictures.
>i dropped out in grade 10
What did you like about the film? People genuinely fell asleep when I saw it.
I think you just say you like it to be a contrarian. It's dull garbage and you know it.
could you imagine your life if you hated cinema? Like imagine if you watched Silence or Solaris and felt nothing from watching them. Holy shit I would probably kill myself
I like it because it was a powerful movie about the double edged sword of faith, it has very fluid structure and dialogue, Garfield shockingly gave an amazing performance (when he hears the voice of Christ is the best acting I've seen from him by far), some great tragic moments, an acute feeling of desperation and hopelessness throughout. It was in my top 5 of last year. I'm sorry you didn't like it.
What did you feel from watching a man in a bamboo cage for 3 hours?
I felt boredom and then disgust.
Reductionism is a tempting argument crutch I must admit, but it is a crutch
I enjoy many movies and hate Solaris
Its not a well made film imo
>I think you just say you like it to be a contrarian. It's dull garbage and you know it.
no, it's an incredibly interesting movie. Seeing the struggle and motivation behind the priests when faced with the overwhelming force of persecution that "wins" in the end, even though Christ's grace and mercy still reigns supreme. It was a incredibly moving and impressing film
the issue at hand here is that you don't believe that there are people who are more perceptive than you. you think that it's impossible for a film to go over your head or for you to not feel something while others genuinely do. How can you possibly think you're the most intelligent or insightful person alive? If you admit that you are not then you must admit that there are things that other people will be able to enjoy that you will not be able to
you are not doing yourself any favors. by admitting you felt boredom and disgust you are only making yourself look dumb
I hope you're not talking about the Tarkovsky one
The picture talking to him was cringe.
I didn't like the 'protagonist' as soon as he saw Jesus in his reflection. Big head bastard.
>The picture talking to him was cringe.
>he saw Jesus in his reflection. Big head bastard.
He was delirious and losing his mind at that point.
You're the brainlet. You enjoyed a movie where nothing happens. That's like a baby being entertained by a pair of keys.
>You enjoyed a movie where nothing happens.
Not even true.
Blade Runner is pretty damn boring.
>nothing happens
seriously, once you use this criticism against a film made by a master filmmaker then you lose all credibility. I can no longer take you seriously. It's just impossible, I have no respect for you anymore and I can't pretend you. The problem is not that you are dumb, the problem is that you are not open minded to the idea that there is more to film than you are capable of enjoying on your own.
>nothing happens
look we can talk about your low iq & lack of sex all you want but it doesnt change the fact your a plebtard
Google hipster vampire movie
>Only Lovers Left Alive
You're a weeb who enjoyed a snooze fest because DUDE JAPAN LMAO
I hate the japanese and I loved silence