Fuck this dumb faggot, not only is Dean miles better but he is just trash, an idiot and annoying. Mulder was way better than scully but at least scully was tolerable
Fuck Sam
Other urls found in this thread:
Jared > Jenson
jared has portrayed Sam, Meg, Lucifer, SoullessSam, Ezekiel/Gadreel, probably more
jensen just plays dean and slight variations of dean
>watching supernatural past season 5
why do you do this to yourself
Because Mark of Cain Dean is based and leviathans had potential
But yes post 5 is a severe quality drop
Jared seems like a really cool guy and I don't have a huge problem with is acting but to play devil's advocate here actor who acts poorly in numerous roles < actor who nails one role
You are now thinking about that stupid twitchy face he makes. You know the one.
All those portrayals were shit and Dean is far better than any of them anyway
...*sarcastic sigh*
dean ruby is on our side
Season 7 or 8 is the weakest. Later the original showrunner returns and the quality improves.
>original showrunner comes back
no he doesn't
was waiting for this
dean stop being better at everything
Yeah, his Lucifer wasn't that good - it was fortunate that he was there just for that one scene. He was desperately trying to emulate Mark Pellegrino's style with that smirk but it didn't work. At all.
Dean carried the scene in the future episode at least, the focus was on him
I thought sams lucifer was good in swan song
wait this guy is the first beta from gilmore girls?
check out CIA facial recognition software over here
dean stop eating burgers u have to eat tofu
Lol. Dean is a dumb manlet. Jared is a 6ft4 GOD. In a fight Jared would btfo little deany into ground bitch
too bad dean has older brother powers that beat everything he has
>Dean miles better
Dean is a fucking weeaboo
I dropped it at season 6 like all sensible persons, why is it suddenly becoming popular on this board again?
Sup Forums is fucking doomed
>Dean is a fucking weeaboo
You memeing right now or are you dead serious?
Because new season next week?
They will not divide us!
dean we have to talk about your feefees
shut up dean youre not my real dad
> Getting this worked up over Supernatural
tumblr pls
dean you were dead so it was my car
deen stop having sex we need to talk about our feelings
sam im ready to talk about my feelings but you are having sex now
dean demon blood is harmless
dean i want normal life
i would totally let sam destroy me tbqh
but sam I killed hitler
what are the best kino episodes to re-watch?
but deen i run over dog
sam is daddy
6 is by far the worst. Slight improvements after that but still nothing compared to 1-5.
>6 is by far the worst
that is just completely incorrect
Jesus fucking christ dude them digits. Ayoooo somebody come look at this!!!
Deeeen im demon blood
For real senpai, somebody get Bateman on the phone.
the ones that don't revolve around the main story archs. Ie essentially the monster of the week episodes.
Just when I think im gay enough for Dean, he goes and does something like this.
honestly that's why i still love the show
you get motw eps and a new big bad each season
the whole angels, demons, heaven, hell and on and on and on thing got old
new spn is legit good
what's the new spin
spn = supernatural
How do I be handsome, lads
>Fuck Sam
Is getting fucked by Sam an option?
Have good hygiene.
Wear a pleasant/subtle deodorant.
Try to eat right and exercise.
Drink water, not alcohol.
Don't do drugs.
Wear fashionable clothes that suit your body shape.
Get a fashionable hair cut that suits your face shape.
Wear sunscreen.
DAMN, Rory chose Jess over THAT?
Still sad/mad about that. Dean was perfect bf.
you forgot
>have good genes
which is 90% of it
What is this fanfiction. Kripke never came back
I kind of hope they decide to go back to the monster of the week memes, lads. don't even have to drop the 'power' level down. theres a shit ton of gods they could meme around with out there, go back to zeus or artemis, fuck, maybe chronos rolled back the clock on his death or some shit.
also, now that they
a) Know artemis exists
b) shes still powerful
why don't they sacrifice monster kills in her name for some mojo juice. I think that'd be a fun little arc.
This. The Winchesters won the gene lottery but not much else
i love this so much
dean i hate christmas
>Mulder was way better than scully but at least scully was tolerable
At least Scully had tits
Please god, let the next season end with a full on Armageddon which they DO NOT STOP.
Then you can have a based final series where they drive across the ruins of America just trying to save people and stay alive. No gran plan, no schemes, just the basics.
Sammy i found our next gig
the alternative universe is post apocalyptic
It's fun monster adventure, and fills that void since Buffy went off the air. Also I'm mainly looking forward to the scooby foo episode this coming season
That can't happen though? They're about to start the spinoff Wayward Sisters, which isn't a post-apocalyptic show.
It's the only game in town, there was hope with the new x files but that turned out to be somehow worse at least this show still has some pretty good monster of the week eps
>Wayward Sisters
Jesus Christ, I thought you were trolling. I won't be watching that shit.
Didn't they try a spin off before?
>It's the only game in town
this. Constantine (2015) had so much potential but yeah. Grimm tried and failed. TVD a shit. True Blood a shit
didn't happen
I'll probably watch it desu, see if its a load of shite or not.
OP, are you the same one who creates the "deen ..." threads?
I'm genuinely curious why you hate Sam. Please explain why you think he's trash, idiot and annoying.
Also is pic related official season 13 pic? Or is it fan-made? Guy does not look like Dean.
It's called Bloodlines. It's a so called "backdoor pilot" an episode part of the main series that is also the pilot episode of the other intended series but it didn't catch on.
it is official
In season 9 there was a backdoor pilot for the spinoff Supernatural: Bloodlines (monsters vs hunters in Chicago) but that was never picked up.
Sounds like Jody Mills is gonna be the main character. So it's confirmed as absolute shit.
didn't happen
not op but i watch all seasons because i love supernatural.
it's been 7 years, user. if you stopped watching in season 5 then move on and stop going into supernatural threads just to post that.
I'm tired of all the amazon womynz shit that's going on in recent television. I am not willing to watch another feminist crap. Wonder Woman and Michael Burnham is all I can take at once.
The pilot did, the series didn't.
didn't happen