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Brutal. Absolutely cold and brutal.
I don't mean that in a good way.
That is the right way to seat those childish lefties back down.
Double kill user.
Patton gets btfo'd every fucking time. He should just shut his ugly manlet mouth up.
>Campaigning as hard as she is?
She fainted because she had to stand around for a few minutes.
I've had to work with Pneumonia doing physical labor.
Do I get to call myself a fucking badass now?
>Showing up to an easy job when you're sick is badass
This is how the 1% think.
Jesus fucking christ.
You missed the thread last night huh? There was top tier Spanish banter
Someone once said the shitter a comedian you are the more involved you are in Internet politics. This guy is a legit sociopath. His wife dies by the way for reasons we still don't know which usually means drug related and you would think he would have a new lease on life and calm down with the hateful Twitter rhetoric no he actually gets worse. Fuck him, he really is a miserable loser. I wish nothing but bad things to him.
Doing what needs to be done, no matter the cost. You're the badass here, user.
I didn't claim it wasn't effective.
feel bad for him but maybe now he'll learn to keep his faggot mouth shut
its beautiful how every single thing Oswalt tries to start shit with can easily be shattered by his dead wife jokes
Anybody who believes "it's just pneumonia/heat stroke" after watching yesterdays video is literally fucking retarded.
>I've had to work with Pneumonia doing physical labor.
I'll wager that you probably weren't nearly 70 years old at the time either.
Attending private fundraisers is sure taxing.
Oswald should just get out of twitter for the time being. First the AVGN fiasco and now this.
What exactly is the backstory with his dead wife?
My jaw literally dropped.
Absolutely fucking savage
Can we also fuck off with this "she fainted" meme.
She was clearly conscious but not in control of her body. Like she was having an MS attack or something.
she even showed up to a few things
I swear you couldn't see Hillary if you tried, you'd have to fly across the nation and maybe she would be there, the other guy will be 1/2 hour from you 3 times in a month no matter where you live
When not enough people around you have died
Pick 1
I get what you mean. It's one thing to witness a sick burn, but this is pure annihilation
Why would you censor the name? In the original picture it was not
How do you people even know the details about this guy's life. He's only pseudo-famous right
Nothing desu. As far as I know she died in her sleep.
yeah mate?
Well, once I had manflu and I still went into work. top that.
He used to be fairly big, he will always have fans. But his wife was also an author, so of course she had a fan following.
He became an SJW over nu-Ghostbusters so we all learnt a few salient pieces of information about him, mainly that his wife is dead.
fundraisers where people worship you no less
He's been very vocal about it on social media.
>Wife dies
>Better go tweet about it
+1 sympathy point(s) has been deposited into your account
Too little, too late. Couldn't even find his reply.
> blacked out
We still don't know what killed her meaning it's something embarrassing like drug overdose.
>I'll wager that you probably weren't nearly 70 years old at the time either.
Or a woman.
That's more than fair.
It's a good reason why she shouldn't be running for the position though.
maybe she choked to death on his massive cock
If he's such an expert on women's health, how come his wife is dead?
none of this changes the fact hillary is dead.
>repackaging the joke in the op
you are a worse comedian than he is and that's saying a lot
One of the meme posts I saw was;
>She had pneumonia
>She shook hands and took over 100 photos at a meet and greet
>She gave a speech in front of dozens of people and attended a memorial
>And you WON'T vote for this woman?
I have to assume 99% of the people making this shit up are internet bloggers who have never actually had a job or any sort of obligations in their lives.
>faggot OP posts his own tweet on Sup Forums
Kill yourself.
Hillary is dead, already confirmed
KEK wills it
Praise KEK
First she wasn't feeling well, then it was that she was overheated. Now that there is video proof she is seriously fucked up they are now trying to claim she has pneumonia?
Serious question;
What sort of sad, weak, pathetic human being do you have to be to voluntarily defend HILLARY CLINTON over the internet? What sort of warped perspective could you possibly have where it's worth your time and effort to momentarily defend her reputation online?
Praise KEK
they don't understand aiding and embedding a felon is itself a felony.
>anyone that took money will get prison time.
>bill n his crew will be looking to make sure they don't get to court.
It's literally the job of some of those people
Too far tbqh
And another one comes,
and another one comes,
another one bites the dust.
lol nice
Hillary Clinton cancels trip to California due to pneumonia after 'collapsing' at memorial
Clinton Pneumonia Diagnosis Revealed After Abrupt 9/11 Memorial Departure
Hillary Collapse 9/11/2016 in New York. Slowed and zoomed.
The leading cause of death in Parkinson's is aspiration pneumonia due to swallowing disorders.
Assange: WikiLeaks Preparing to Release 100,000 More Clinton Documents
>4 events a month
>15 minute speeches
>campaigning as hard as she is
these has beens on twitter need to go
Patton's views aren't "I believe Democrats and Hillary are the best fit because stances X Y and Z. It's more like "duurrrrr Republicans bad Democrats good because tv tells me durrr". There is nothing more annoying this generation than the sheer amount of people who demand to have a political opinion but refuse to do the basic minimal research to have an educated opinion.
it is but it is called for when your definition of badass suddenly includes being sick when moments before it was officially announced you were calling the HillaryHealthTruthers nutjobs.
pneumonia isn't her problem
parkinsons is.
she has parkinsons. totally unfit to be president
Press F
How can Patton Oswald possibly recover?
Uh... it's 2016, about time we have a quadriplegic, lesbian, hiv positive, amputee, black, refugee, orphan, cancer patient POTUS. Sicksist much?
how did he get away with it?
At one side i like Oswald but on the other he fucked with Shkreli.
That's banter taken to too far.
Fuck sake, Lad.
Cucks make me fucking sick
Twitter is a safe space, friend. Just block the haters and you never have to acknowledge criticism. Nobody's right and nobody's wrong.
reminder that with in a week of his wife dying he was back on twitter defending female ghostbusters, he's actually the reason James Rolfe's ghostbusters video got so much attention
She collapsed faster than the twin towers, why would anyone support this woman as president?
>too far.
>Sup Forums
pick one retard
>trying to do the most stressful job in the world while unhealthy
Imagine a sick firefighter trying to save you, it doesn't work that way.
banter can't melt knee braces (it can)
Him and my uncle used to be best friends. Then he turned into the leftist shit he is and now we all hate him. Sick burn.
how long until the average person realizes how retarded this defense of her is?
Is that what he told your uncle? Cause he was actually best friends with MY uncle.
Maybe we have the same uncle
As funny as the bantz is this will just push normies farther towards Hillary.