Kek, which one of you did this?
University of Rochester student paper
This looks like it was made for the sole purpose of uploading to reddit
I guess that's why it's on Sup Forums.
hating BBT is a fairly well embedded concept in popular nerd culture, the fact that he even bothered to share a reaction at all is a little bit cringe, but to pull some stunt like this just shows that he lets sites like reddit do all his thinking for him
>I don't like this unfunny tv show so I'll write an unfunny article about it
Great job smug college fag
it's actually spreading via a memethony memetano retweet
Epic. for teh win!
Also the writer is an idiot because "Euclidean Geometry" is it's own specific thing.
Pretentious as hell but it's impossible to disagree
Because freshman journalist majors get editorial and content freedom :^)
So is the Newtonian conception of gravity.
Wtf I love Sheldon now!?
Euclidean geometry is technically necessary since there are other kinds of geometry that have actual uses.
>Jesse Bernstein
fuck off reactionary Sup Forumsshits
I hope the show does well to blow them the fuck out.
basically the same thing
>This person probably went to uni to become a journalist and ended up writing this
Journalism is just one big shitty joke
>be a progressive bernie bro
>have your career destroyed for daring to talk to sam hyde
Fuck (((Fader))) desu
You're mom's a big shitty joke
Holy shit, I go to Eastman (connected to UofR) but I've never read the paper
That was probably the best tnd podcast, aside from Fantano fangasming all
over Hyde's chest. He got way too much flack for that interview.
WTF I love young Sheldon now?
melon literally dindu nuffin
>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
>cannot verbalize his opinion except to react in confusion
This is abhorrent, the writers of BBT are more capable than this guy. It's clearly a trash show, but if you're not able to shoot holes straight through every scene then you shouldn't be in print in any way.
Great work, shill, Sup Forums are now convincing themselves to love Young Sheldon because they hate anyone who did better in their education than one year of community college.
>advertising a college newspaper
You're the reason "shilling" is a dead term months after it hit the mainstream.
really makes you think
The show is being shilled, not the newspaper.
>Look, this demographic you hate hates Young Sheldon, Sup Forums. What do you think about that?
Shill is an old word, and the reason it's not used much is that the entire mainstream media is based on shilling, shilling is what it does.
>Jesse Bernstein
>Shill is an old word
>after it hit the mainstream
Your reading comprehension is terrible and you're advocating the boogeyman mentality.
Althony Rightano?
what a flaming faggot
this one was a lot funnier
Actually non-Euclidean geometry is a thing. Euclidean geometry is just geometry.
damn this is an old image
People still read newspapers?
SO. if normalfags hate it, its /ourshow/ now?
campus newspapers are collectively probably the most widely read besides the new york times, wall street journal, and usa today
can you no longer make anti-semetic jokes anymore?
Not since this past summer, no.
that's fucking amazing
No I'm not, and the mainstream was using it decades before it entered the meme vocabulary of Sup Forums.
I don't even remember when I used to think like this. I know I did, but I can't remember what it felt like. To me, the people who realized that The Sims would be a good way to promote off-the-peg fashion are far healthier than a guy who'd publish this stuff under his real name.
Not unless you realize that it's spelled anti-Semitic.
HOW did this mistake even come about? You hear so many idiots saying "anti-semetic".
Do you see reviews like this any more? Every game is a 7/10 at least.
schoolthony shootano?
its kinda what happens when you're owned by the industry you're reporting on
not since /leftypol/ got onto the mod team
Its irony based on the OP pic you dongus
that's because this is fairly creative since it doesn't just post the same word over and over. it's like a Sup Forums post.
Rochester, England? ’Cause Nova and Bernstein are foreign names.
Rochester, NY. Look at the URL at the top of the paper.
Prove it
Did he get paid for this shit
why they doing melon head dirty like this tho?
they're frightened of youtubers eclipsing them in clicks
Anyone have that college newspaper from the week after Trump was elected?
Let's just say that Sup Forums is not the brightest bunch.
jews jewing jews
Is hating TBBT Jewish exclusive? TBBT is actually crap.
He don't review memes no more
That channel got shutdown
This was his next review after he was blacklisted / almost fired.
>non-Euclidean geometry
Very Lovecraftian.
Havent you heard by now bitch? This is reddit town.
>going to uni to become a journalist isn't a joke to begin with
i'm sorry but journalism should not be a fucking collegiate path and that it is one is nothing but grim reminder that industry always co-ops its enemies in insidious ways
t. Alex Jones' #1 superfan
>"Young Sheldon" is violence
wtf I love Young Sheldon now
t. globalist
sims is a doll house replacement for little girls with 1000 over priced worthless accessorys like barbie. why is this faggot sperging out?
>one thing I hate about this show is how it adds a descriptor to basic academic concepts
>implying newtonian gravity and Euclidean geometry aren't the basic academic concepts
>he's never studied affine geometry
I didn't realize the "intellectual white" character was such a trigger for Jews
What’s his catch phrase again?
Regulatory capture and control of journalism working as intended.
>being this bitter
How's that life of yours going?
if someone says "geometry" do you assume he's talking about affine geometry?
But reddit loves this show They fucking LOVE SCIENCE!!
Found the high school dropout NEET /reddit9k/fugee. Those Chads kicked your ass a long time ago, get over it, move out of your parents house, get a fucking real job, and get a girlfriend already you fucking loser.
This is deffinately one of us, its like school shooting on paper, you can feel the emotion is real behind it and that bernstein down there is too obvious, this was made for Sup Forums
user, i loved it.
user i love you.
I remember back when people knew what SATIRE was and how to execute it properly.
>Parents stay with me for a few days when the first episode was airing because we had a death in the family and they had to fly in
>Sitting in my home office working on some paperwork and can hear them watching this shit because they watch Bazinga Theory too
>Keep hearing all this really good music playing during scenes like Steve Winwood and shit like that
How the fuck did they afford to secure the rights for like six top tier songs in a 24 minute pilot? Are they that sure this thing is going to be a hit, even though it's a spinoff and those generally fail after a season or two? Also, when I asked my dad afterwards if he liked it he said yeah and then the only things he was complimenting were the songs. You think they just loaded it with good music because they knew the actual content was shit? Also I guarantee those songs won't be on there on the official bluray release. That costs huge sheks.
it tends to be obvious based on context. most people I know who talk about these things will say things like "euclidean geometry" or "newtonian gravity".
I mean it's funny. Scientific jargon threatens this high caliber jewish intellectual to the point that he spergs out and quotes Kierkegaard in the fucking campus paper.
Reel them in with the first episode and then just let it be shit until the views dry up probably. I'll be honest I did watch it out of curiosity and like you said the only thing I noticed and liked were the music and Bill Ponderosa playing the dad, but it would have been way better if he would have been doing coke and calling his daughter a whore.
This is not a melon, this is a watermelon
This, it's actually not funny and cringe. I know they're college kids but low hanging fruit, man
>a deep abyss instead of a soul
this is reddit material