What do modern Christian Greeks think of Ancient Greek polytheism? Say, if a massive number of Greeks decided to abandon Christianity and convert to their ancient religion, would it cause a civil war in Greece? Has there been any attempt to reconcile Ancient Greek polytheism with Greek Orthodox Christianity? Genuinely curious.
What do modern Christian Greeks think of Ancient Greek polytheism? Say...
There is a small fringe movement that is trying to revive the old religion but they're seen as kooks.
There is 0 chance of this happening on any large scale; Orthodox Christianity is a cornerstone of Greek identity now and it can't be reconciled with Ancient Greek gods. Trying to would be as futile as attempting to get whites to revive germanic gods. It will never become anything more than fringe at best.
But isn't the ancient Hellenic world ALSO a cornerstone of Greek identity? Greeks achieved as polytheists much more than they achieved as Christians.
>But isn't the ancient Hellenic world ALSO a cornerstone of Greek identity?
I mean not as much more than a memory. Comparable to modern Egypt's relationship with Ancient Egypt. Its there but its not relevant in day to day life.
The Greeks who founded Democracy, who made great art, who laid the foundation of literature, are not the Greeks we see today.
The Greeks of old, much like their pantheons, are only remnants in our literature. Perhaps it was the Arabic/Ottoman invasions and mixing that made them disappear.
Yep, they need to revive the great shows of Tim€.
And the greatest agon is war. War with the barbarians. Hmmmm..
Worshipping a gods only has point is you expect something from them. Christianity has Afterlife and all actions judged.
Pagan gods on other hand are all outdated - there simply is no point worshipping Zeus, Athena, Odin, Ishtar, Anubis or whatever.
At best the cults of war deities can be spread among the retard roleplayer pagan kids talking about "Valhalla" etc. The rest dont even have a chance - since they have zero to offer to modern man.
Its different with nations where religions were not ritualistic but superstitutious - like say Chinese, which being essentially modern atheists still would actually offer sacrafices and prays to dozens gods superwising success in specific actions - but not so with pagan pantheons: the only place where such thing still exist seriously is India and is huge anochonism.
Greeks have more in common with Turks than their 'ancestors'. You literally just have to look at to figure that out.
Look at them to*
For example:
KeK can be worshipped, since it grants Happenings.
Sith church exists since worshippers hope to be granted POWER.
Meanwhile the only greek Pantheon god that is still and forever relevant is Dionisis.
most modern greeks are more arab than ancient greek
>it's another 'ancient greeks were nordics/aryans/white episode'
Not this shit again. Greeks are, and were, always pretty mixed. There are/were Mediterranean-looking Greeks (most), Dinaric-looking Greeks, and Nordic-looking Greeks. Take your Nordicism pseudo-science somewhere else.
hmm.... people in the med world would go to specific temples to offer up prayers for specific favors from the gods. each god had it's own cultic following and a list of favors that he/she/it might do.
Modern Greeks are not the same people as ancient Greeks; race mixing, wars and invasions have entirely replaced that population. For what purpose would they go back to a religion that's not even really theirs?
I suggest you read 'Fighting for the Essence', so you can understand where I am coming from.
>The Greeks who founded Democracy
..were the kikelets who killed Socrates.
>who made great art
>who laid the foundation of literature
>are not the Greeks we see today
The Germanics we see today watching cuck and furry porn are not the Germanics of the old. The Germanics of the old were Finns, "Germanics" have always been cucks. You just need to take one look at them and you see faggots. If they were ever great, that couldn't be the case, now could it? Since we know that nothing ever changes, and the world is Genes vs. Jews with no outside effects, we can postulate that Russia has always been communist.
You really don't know much about paganism, do you?
Whenever I start to believe, this board could have a chance at any quality discussion, I see absolutely abhorrent, idiotic shit like this. Absolutely disgusting.
This. Even Greek traditional culture has been forever raped by the Turks. The traditions and customs they celebrate today are nearly identical to their Turk cousins.
Romans killed the druids (as pagans and as Christians), so we know very little of them, aside from them harboring all the knowledge by themselves, as was apparently the practice in all of Europe until protestantism and the "age of piety", where the plebs were forced to study. The Nords didn't write much, but they did write, mostly autistic namings of tools and such. Germanic paganism didn't have canon, so they added things as they went by, just as the Tengri or the Finns did.
I don't know about Slavic religions, though, but their kings converted first and had their (presumably illiterate) followers do the same.
>thinking that Turkey didn't get them from the Greeks
Inferior culture meets superior one... The modern era element of superior mimicking the lesser is an exception. I don't think that anybody at any time in history would have liked rap, but with brainwashing it is possible. Turks went as far as to call themselves the real Romans, so you see the direction...
Also, the not-wine they drink is fairly Greek. Not sure about the oil wrestling, but it looks ancient Greek to me.
Today everything is backwards, atheism conquers religion, rap conquers music and blacks colonize Europe.
Oh, didn't notice your post. Kek, did you really take it seriously? I was making fun of his idiocy.
>There is a small fringe movement that is trying to revive the new religion but they're seen as kooks.
>There is 0 chance of this happening on any large scale; Greek polytheism is a cornerstone of Greek identity and always has been and it can't be changed with The Christian God. Trying to would be as futile as attempting to get Romans to conform to our greek gods. It will never become anything more than fringe at best.
Finally someone in this thread that knows his shit.
>>it's another 'ancient greeks were nordics/aryans/white episode'
he never said they were Nordic, he simply said modern Greeks are not the same as ancient Greeks.
Romans were extreamly tolerant of other religions so, It makes me always laugh at celt fags that dont know how Druidism was seen ultimate shit tier even by romans. It was kinda only religion that was totally suppressed by Romans because of human sacrifieces and other shit (christianitys suppression was nothing comprared how they ericated druidism). So all these new age fags following muh celt paganism dont know shit. They are following some guys cashcow project from 1800s.
Even though modern greek culture is ugly and gross, this does seem to be mostly true.
Fucking greek gods, despite being degenerate, were interesting and dignified as shit.
No, I truly misunderstood, and I apologize. Spare me the caps, it makes you sound underage.
>he never said they were Nordic, he simply said modern Greeks are not the same as ancient Greeks.
Can I have a source on that?
God; I meant if I can have a source of a scientific study (or multiple for that matter) that modern Greeks are not the descendants of the ancient ones.
I thought you were serious too
Says more about the board than your post though
Though it does press the question-- why are modern greeks such lazy shits who haven't accomplished anything in centuries?
Before Moot axed this board, we had quality conversation every day. Powers that be didn't like Gamergate or surprises from that front, so...
Especially the religion threads have gotten way worse. I'm surprised there aren't those copy-pasta'd images of Jesus and communism here yet.
>Not accomplished anything
Have you not seen the 2004 olympic stadiums, that was some serious construction. It only cost them there economy for decades to come, totally worth it.
I wonder if those gods of old are still around, slumbering, or if they abandoned us all together.
Hope this is a sign
Greeks work the longest hours in the EU. Why aren't they that productive? For a simple logistic reason; it's fucking hot in there, which makes 9-to-5 jobs harder than in the cooler climate of, say, Germany. Working at another time during the day, is, however, not okay in the globalised world. Thus their productivity is among the lowest in the EU.
Besides, who's to say Greeks weren't always lazy?
Thanks Jupiter
Who's to say ancient Greeks did not look like that?
Insecure snow niggers.