>posting on Sup Forums is still allowed to Israel citizens.
Every fucking jew should get permban.
>posting on Sup Forums is still allowed to Israel citizens.
Every fucking jew should get permban.
Check em Slav subhuman
calm down brazil, you come right after the jews
The actual evil Jews mostly live in the US UK and Germany though.
What do you mean by this Latvia? Check em
friendly reminder that there is nothing wrong with being jewish.
Ok Moehamhead
I make an offering unto thee Lord KEK
> Slav subhuman
Are you retarded? You are literally 3rd world criminal shithole dweller. Poland is 2 times more rich and 10 times safer than your shithole.
>Calls someone else a subhuman
ALL praise KEK, and Pepe his prophet
I'm getting tired of this "b-but Israelis are the good Jews!" meme.
That's exactly what they want you to think, while they keep spying on us and taking our tax money. They want you to keep sucking Israel's cock like the good little neocon goy that you are.
>there was a time when brazil was richer than poland
>poland is still just 2 times rich than a literal war zone
I don't know if poland is worse than i imaged or brazil better.
This isn't a fucking safe space you fucking nazi piece of shit
How else are we going to keep track of them?
Most israelis on Sup Forums are redpilled though and hate the muzzies
>calling people they disagree with nazis
ashkenazi identified
Thanks for the shekels, goy.
They aren't good jews, but they are irrelevant jews. The only important country where Israel has major influence is Germany.
Everywhere else the only reason Israel gets special support is because of local jews subverting their nation. If they weren't subverting us over Israel they'd do it for some other reason. The problem is jews living in and having economic influence in white nations. Israel is irrelevant.
That's why they're sending muzzies to the west you mongoloid retard. Israelis are not our friends. Stop deluding yourself.
Top Kek, a fucking HUE jungle monkey calling slavs subhuman
Why don't you go steal a golden watch from a tourist, and trade it for a silver one you banana vacuum
I want to lump all Jews in the pedophile category
Awful ironic for a anti-semetic Nazi statement coming from a Pole. You have any idea what Nazis and Commies did to your country?!
>The only important country where Israel has major influence is Germany.
Maybe you've never been to America and you have no idea what it's like, but Israel has fucking massive influence over here. America has been Israel's bitch for years.
>Protestant preachers worship Israel and say we should defend them
>both Democrats and Republicans support Israel
>our tax money goes to Israel
>NSA shares it surveillance data on American citizens with Israel
It's fucking disgusting.
No they aren't. The liberal jew bankers living in the west are. Sup Forums israelis don't even like them. Stupid amerishart.
guess you're gonna have to deal with it senpai
>The liberal jew bankers living in the west are.
They want you to believe that western kikes and Israeli kikes are against each other, but this is a lie.
Can you provide evidence of israeli kikes promoting immigration to the west?
>кaжe дa cмo ми инфepиopни
Agreed OP
You're free to move to Iran and join the good fight, goy.
read this educate yourself
No one cares what they want, they are a little hobby project.
> goy
Don't tell me what to do kike bitch
What we should do is simply cut all ties with you and let you deal with your own problems. That will be entertaining to watch. You faggots won't last long at all. You are nothing without us. Nothing but pathetic, helpless kike vermin.
pablo, please
Am I the only one who apreciates Israel existing in this universe? Its probably the memest country possible out of the bunch of fictional/potential/dead country pool not even an independent communist Kurdistan, a free Texas, Catalonia, a greater Germany etc are close
Just wish you build your stupid temple already and make the whole world mad with your memes
>come at me goy
>wwahhh don't tell me what to do ;_;
Typical shart
>Am I the only one who apreciates Israel existing in this universe?
They wouldn't even exist at all if weren't for help and protection from the west. They can't even defend their own country themselves. They do not deserve to be a country.
That negro literally looks like a monkey screaming for a banana
>posting a shitty rapper that hasn't been relevant in half a decade
Typical hook nosed kike retard
i say let them post on here just to see buttranged stormfags like sperg themselves out
The joke is he is a Monkike. Jews can be the worst dysgenic lepers to crawl the planet and they'll still look down on goyim.
>when the goy can't decide if it's all Israeli's or only the Globalists