Why is she so pure Sup Forumsros?
>TFW when no Elle GF.
god i hate fake laughs
*blocks your path*
Imagine being Dakota
Damn elle without makeup looks like THAT?
she's just having fun
i want to tighten that neck belt very rapidly
Is their family allergic to bras?
Not that I'm complaining, but I don't think I've ever seen a picture of them wearing one.
is she naked under that coat
of course not
>the dumpy asian girl in the back has a much better body and slightly better face
hehe stupid elle, you're not a slut
Disgusting. Her fame is built solely on virtue signalling, there are no redeeming qualities to any part of her. Squat shapeless legs, tremendous neck, no tits and a head shaped like a grey alien.
this post is living proof that yellow fever is a serious mental illness
>no tits
Post her neck please
nice, she'll be bella tier in 5 years
is this good?
ayy lmao
>tfw neck looks like that
Her head and neck look like a cock. Is that why Sup Forums likes her?
It's perfect.
In this photo she reminds me of those niggresses that put rings around their necks to make them longer.
I have some bad news for you, user...