Is this true?

Is this true?

No. Black Mirror belongs under Shit Taste.

No, not even a little

Only the first two seasons of mlp are horsekino.

But MLP is about a group of retards learning basic morals.

>black mirror
>for smart people

House MD is /comfy/. Nothing to do with smart or dumb

this bait is getting out of hand

>being this retarded
every season except 6 and 3 are equineart

>no "about geniuses" category

imagine getting banned for posting a picture of a cartoon pony on a board that isn't /mlp/ lol
classic Sup Forums

This. Tried to avoid it because I perceived it as a try hard medical show, but oh boy, I was completely wrong.

Thats horse shit but I believe it

If it kept Always Sunny instead of Black Mirror and replaced obvious bait MLP with Twin Peaks I would actually agree with this.

Kill yourself barneyfag


>he can't appreciate /comfy/
get off my board NOW

Smart shows can be comfy, see Frasier.

If you judge things as "comfy", you're dumb

Fuck off back to rebbit fag

Got baited but fuck me Is Rick and Morty shit.

anyone who declares something as smart or stupid is a retard.
you want to be smart? you won't have time for tv and memes.

>t. brainlet

I dunno. Are the characters from MLP really particulary smart? Twilight, maybe, I guess.

>t. Sup Forums professional smart person

MLP is a mix of some dumb people, a few smart people and mostly normie intelligence.