Where were you on September 12, 2001?
Where were you on September 12, 2001?
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getting in the car to go to school. I was in 6th grade, listening to it on the radio. My dad and I shared a similar thought, "how drunk does someone have to be to fly a plane into a big ass building?!?!?" then the second tower was it. Shit was surreal.
School. It was a B day, which meant i had precalculus, American lit and two free study periods. Being a senior with a car, i was allowed to just leave after half a day. Watched the news for like 10 hours straight when i got home. Most likely masturbated to pictures from steakandcheese.com on my compaq presario.
We went to school the next day and the schools tried to explain to a bunch of preteens what happened (I had just started junior high in September 2001, and was eleven years old).
The day that followed was sad, living a little north of NYC a lot of people had parents, uncles/aunts, older brothers/sisters that worked in WTC and pretty much everyone knew someone that lost someone.
There was a lot of sadness but also confusion and anger. It was a fucking surreal time as all the news channels adopted the ticker and aired non-stop coverage. Anyone who had non-cable (antenna) TV lost access to TV for several days due to the destruction of the transmitter at WTC.
There were a lot of memorials/events in support in the local community. After a week everyone was determined to try to get back on track, but then all the subsequent scares (e.g. Anthrax, could the Indian Point Nuclear plant on the hudson be attacked & cause a meltdown, etc.)... the next two months that followed were fucking surreal. We were buying iodine pills in case the nuclear plants were attacked and planned rendezvous points in upstate NY/Canada in case there was another attack.
At home, having breakfast with the family, when we saw the news on TV. I could see the smoke from my window. I was like 13 years old at the time so I didn't fully understand the ramifications of what was going on, shit was indeed surreal.
Lets be honest, 9/11 wasn't that big of a deal.
The government just made a big deal about it.
sophomore year of high school. the only class where we didn't just watch the news was Keyboarding, which was just the usual 'type for 5 minutes and play games the rest of the period'
Type for 5 minutes then play snood for 45 minutes. Best days ever
where is building 7 in this photo?
At school only really knew what happened when I got back home.
It was destroyed in the attacks.
listening to the new slayer album
in the same place as now
5 years old, south tower being hit was my first memory. The attacks led to a brief conflict between my christian dad and a muslim neighbour
Damn I didn't realise you could see the smoke from across the world. The towers must have been bigger than I thought
Bruh it was wall to wall coverage for at least 6 months after it happened. I can't remember the last time every channel abandoned their regular programming to talk about a particular subject.
This was back when television was supreme.
Where should be building 7?
some were fucked up pretty bad, but the main structure is still standing, like the one with the huge hole
At home because my high school is the top right of that picture below the tall building. Obviously it was closed for months. Went to hs in Brooklyn for half days from like 1-5 afterwards for months after.
10th grade math class
watching dragon ball z
High school
I was in the ops pictures my high school is the building in the upper right corner of the pic right below the tall square building next to the water.
Hello fellow Stuyvesant student. How are you doing
School, like everyone else.
When I heard a plane crashed into the towers, I imagines something like a Cessna.
That day I learned to dare and dream bigger.
>implying my flag has anything to do with where I am
i was 9 when a friend brought me home from school
his mother turn on radio
2 planes hit 2 towers
i say
At working busy. Hearing people talk about it and watch it on TV while I routing deliveries and dealing with people bitching about packages thinking to myself of going back to the Navy.
wew lad if true, look how far it was and buildings next to it survived
no way it could collapse like it did by fucking fire
I don't remember, I was like a kid
In the US Air Force.
Walked to my duty post just as the second tower hit on the TV. Squadron mates yelling at me to look at the TV.
I was an Air Traffic Controller.
Worked my ass off for the next couple of hours directing all air traffic to land.
Realised I was now going to war despite only having enlisted less than a year before.
Volunteered to get out of ATC and move to Air control and warning. Wanted to be near the front line directing air strikes against Islamic assholes.
Fought our enemy.
Was lucky, came home without a scratch.
Out of the Air Force since 2006.
fucking proxyfags I swear
>Tfw you want for the Serbian story to happyend in removal
And then?
5 years old.
Was at grandma's house. Watching tv. I don't quite remember why I didn't go to school.
I remember drawing the towers on fire and a plane crashing into one. Similar to pic related but more shittier cuz 5 year old drawing skills.
getting called a sand nigger because I had a moustache and a tan in 9th grade.
every since people ask me if I'm Arab, or really if I'm persian.
I'm a fucking Mexican mixed with a Russian God dammit all I desire is death now
i was in like the 5th grade. we watched it on the tv in class. cant remember if they sent us home early or not. i remember being scared that they were going to draft me and make me go to war even though i was only 10 lol
5th grader. Was about to sleep early when I peeked in my 5-inch portable TV to see some news. Remember saying it's Hollywood bullshit that got to the news. Changed my tune when it took a little longer for the "breaking news" to go away and then one of the towers just went down.
i cant imagine a more stressful job
>Fought our enemy
lel you fought some faggots in a country that had nothing to do with 9/11 while your enemy was laughing at you and giving you orders
Probably being an elevator girl in one of the towers during that time.
8 years old, remember waking up to it on the television. Parents were watching it on the news. Was living in Las Vegas at the time. Mom made me go to school anyway because she has an extreme hatred of muslims and wouldn't let me be scared of them.
We got the day off. Went to a school for military kids in Europe, so I was at church and watching the news all day.
>I was an Air Traffic Controller.
Navy ATC, 1995-2000
United Kingdom
Russia today
>1st memory
I can't tell you how fucked that is.
Genuinely sorry.
Says the Spic. Your country pulled your troops out of Afghanistan because a terrorist blew up your subway. You fucking pussies LITERALLY did what you were told by the Muslims. You showed them that your pussy country would bow to the enemy just because you got a bloody nose. You should do what you do best and stay neutral... just like you did in two world wars. So shut your fucking mouth, half your country is already invaded by the dark skinned Moors you cunt.
Explaining to my recruits at ITC Catterick that the only thing they had to look forward to when they finished training was the odd tour in the Balkans after the fun had ended.
How wrong I was.
I don't get this webm.
Is that guy just sitting casualy drinking coffee or something while one of the tower is already burning?
cheering the attack on the great satan
I was pissing myself, literally, in school. Not over 9/11 thou.
He does have a point.
The US and friends invaded Iraq and committed to Afghanistan when the real problem was with Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, as it always has been.
None of the justification for Iraq was true and the argument applied to Afghanistan could have equally been applied to Somalia, Sudan and numerous other places.
I had just gotten home from night audit and started drinking and I lit up a joint and flipped on tv to have some white noise while I cooked dinner, and saw the second plane hit the tower.
I was well on my way to being wrecked but our GM was out of town with his retarded hobby and I was the only person at the business besides him that knew how to do anything beyond checking people into rooms with a few keystrokes.
I was easily beyond the legal limit to drive, so I hopped on my bike and rode across town to work, because our hotel was full of Americans in a booked-solid tourist town and the last thing I wanted to do was have Americans be fucked for a place to stay if flights were grounded.
And then I spent the next 48 hours or so cancelling, extending and comping in conjunction with every other hotel in town until every American guest was accounted for and every bumped reservation had been mollified. And as I did this, the lobby was filled with really upset Americans. I got them free pizza. It was a pretty odd situation and I had no idea how to handle any of it so I just made it all up as I went along, and reverted back to paper as our database structure could not facilitate all the changes I had to make.
I let a family of Americans who got bounced from another hotel stay at my place because we couldn't find a room for them anywhere within 500 km (interior of BC on the lake, basically one giant tourist area).
The dad of that family noticed that I went days at work without sleep and actually tried to pay me when he discovered that I was not logging my hours (was easier to resolve the budget without what would have been my mandatory overtime).
I didn't accept his cash but he did write a bunch of letters that ultimately got me flown down to corporate HQ for a banquet and award, months down the road.
I still exchange Christmas cards with some of those people.
why the fuck did u type sept 12
I was waking up for college classes and woke the fuck out of my roomates as we watch it all go down
At home
Went to school. 9th grade.
It was pretty somber day.
In home watching DBZ when Gohan was kicking Cell ass
im ex navy also et3
Wtf, I hate bush now.
Watching MTV on my 12 inch TV.
Trying to get a wide shot of the towers and peope still there doing there human thing? drinking coffee and the like? Interesting perspective? I have no idea.
It was a old bldg. They used wood beams back then,not steal like modern bldgs of today
Sup. I was freshman in 2001. You?
Damn I replied to myself instead.
Well, there's not much he can do, right? Might as well enjoy a cuppa.
Listening to everyone bitch and whine and cry and boo the fucking hoo hoo for fucking weeks on end.
You do realize that after your death you will answer to Allah for your sins, right?
After school, i was 9 years old and my mum said "did you hear about new york some bombs or something went off" and i said "ah really?" and she said "yeh"
11 years old. I remember my teacher going off on Muslims. Saying "over there in tlother parts of the world, they're cheering right now! Oh yeah! You can bet on it!" I remember going to sleep that night and having nightmares about Osama bin Laden taking over the country and terrorists under my bed
In Serbia.
Yeah, but at least he won't be Mexican before his death
Also era penal
Second grade in a tiny Christian school on Long island. My teacher started to cry and we all went home early. My dad didn't make it home for like 30 hours as he worked in WtC and made it out
Behind a couch playing with figures. For the longest time I thought it was a biplane.
lol u mad bro?
was 6, days to seven, mom was organizing a small party and i was outside home in our field playing war with a shitty airsoft and a machete
Too young to understand but mother wakes me up crying about half an hour to my wake up time early to witness event. Pray at catholic school as a collective.
Cheese tv interrupted but still probably not at the appropriate age to witness people throwing themselves from the tower opting out.
Though probably the exception to witness such an event at such an age because I'm me.
I've never actually seen someone act so selfless on Sup Forums before. Thanks Canadanon
I was 3, about to turn 4 in October. I was probably at headstart seeing as how it was a Tuesday morning, and my mom was at work.
In kindergarten
I was 3 years old so probably eating yoghurt or playing with lego or something
My first conscious memory of 9/11 that I can recall was probably when I was 6 and my cousins were in my house on the day of the anniversary. I don't remember the day but I remember the anniversary of the day.
WTC7 had a steel structure you fucking faggot.
It is [in]famous precisely because, if the official story was true, it would be the FIRST and ONLY time in history a steel-framed building collapsed due to fire.
Nine years old, running around a pool in Playa de la Ingles, Gran Canaria.
Only me and my Mum, cheap holiday I missed the first two weeks of school for, don't remember the flight back regarding security but it didn't feel dicey.
Shout outs to all the fools I destroyed playing Table Ice Hockey
I was watching ed edd n eddy on cartoon network. Channel changed to BBC automatically. Got to witness the second impact.
In 10th grade about 40 minutes outside NYC
> realised
Get off the proxy faggot
Spanking it to chinese cartoon pictures on my 56kbps connection.
Getting back from school, I was 7, my mother and I just entered the building hall as my father was already at the flat doorstep.
With a concerned voice he said "something bad just happened"
TV was on, it wasn't evening news time, but the guy who use to present it was there, I knew something huge was going on.
The second after I saw some people jumping from the tower.
First time I saw real explosions, real people dying.
I believe it changed me for ever.
sat at home
He said 12th, not 11th.
not kidding
mom worked there and she couldn't find a babysitter, so she took me with her
I went to school wearin a shirt that said ABOUT TIME. I already owned the shirt because it was made for a church function we did the year before.
Standing in uniform for a funeral detail to bury a man who had served with the 1st Marines from beginning to end of WWII without serious injury. He felt guilty his entire life.
Haunting morning senpai.
>FIRST and ONLY time in history a steel-framed building collapsed due to fire
Other than....
I was only a year old
In college. Lots of kids in this thread. You shouldn't be allowed to post here unless you're over 21.
Like I give a fuck what a 15 year old thinks.
None of those had a full steel stricture. The Windsor Tower was steel framed but had a concrete core.
Try again.
So, i guess it feels particularly good to be 20+ years closer to death than most here huh