Is this the worst tv show ever made?
What were they thinking, Sup Forums?
Is this the worst tv show ever made?
What were they thinking, Sup Forums?
look at that fucking diversity though god damnnnn
Marvel doesnt care anymore. They are selling their name on any shit they can to make a buck.
thats why there's like 4 tv series now, a movie every 3 months, and declining comic sales
the SJW lines dont sell comics, but we will see if the SJW watch capeshit tv (they dont), or pay to watch their movies (they wont)
I'm just glad that "white person dressed up as a native american" is a genre again. Remember hawk?
It's kind of a funny show though. The girlfriend and I enjoyed watching it, even if it was just to laugh how bad almost every scene. Maximus is good and pretty much carries the show.
This thread is about The Inhumans tv show, not all this other bullshit you're vomiting out.
I actually thought the guy playing Karnak did a good job with the character, and the dude playing Black Bolt obviously went all-in with the sign language and trying to convey things without talking. It's a shame production value wasn't a bit better. Most of it looks like it was filmed at some sort of outdoor mall.
I don't get it. Why aren't they going full SJW with the movies too if they think they are making the world a better place with their comics?
I couldn't watch it, it bored me enough I was browsing the internet and it was background noise.
>come see it in IMAX!
there's the nig, the chink, the white people, where's the spic and where's the indians? muslims?
Why do this? Why post this kind of comment? You sound like you're 12 years old.
lmao shut the fuck up
>Is this the worst tv show ever made?
it's just bland low quality production like most other tv capeshit
>What were they thinking, Sup Forums?
who fucking knows, releasing it in imax as if it was worth seeing on theatres, someone should lose their job for that.
I would assume greater control by DIsney, who know it would fuck them.
Lol kill yourself you fucking faggot
literal children in this thread, lads
Why should I even discuss that?
>ur a child!
stunning insult
>we have that evil guy from Game Of Thrones
>we can't fail
Not an insult. An observation.
could you be any more boring? die die die runt
Can we have pokeball hair girl shaved next? Please? Pretty please? I can't stand weeb shit in my capeshit.
>4 tv series
>Jessica Jones
>Luke Cage
>Iron Fist
>Agents of shield
>Agent Carter
>Cloak and Dagger
>New Warriors
I think we are a little beyond that at this point
And it all started with Arrow, a mature, serialized retelling of a DC story. Then they fucked up the mature part when they introduced supernatural elements like magic.
None of them are obviously handicapped though.
>unless you count being female.
Nearly pure shit.
I would have loved it when I was a kid in the 80's. It has that low quality bland weekly feel.
Marvel has been trying to inflate the Inhumans in an effort to replace mutants in their whole scheme since Fox owns the movie rights to xmen, mutants, etc. They have been retconing character into Inhumans and really pushing them hard in comics and on the tv show. Problem is that no one fucking cares about the Inhumans. My history of reading Fantastic Four gave me some exposure to them and I kinda liked Black Bolt and Lockjaw but that's it. They always kinda sucked and Marvel won't see it. They are commited to suplanting mutants with Inhumans no matter what it takes. If it takes just beating the drum incessantly for 20 years straight until the new generation remembers Inhumans since they were kids and don't recognise the forced nature of it then that's what they'll do.
Then and now, shit.
This! I want a wheelchair guy and a blind guy right fucking now!
>ramsay bolton kills his career before it even begins
Arrow is unadulterated fucking garbage and it has been from the start.
Everything marvel has made has been better. Iron fist is basically just a better (but still pretty bad) remake of arrow.
I watched the first epiode/2 episodes last night... it's pretty bad to be fair.
I'll watch it some more but the first episode was far from being good.
It didn't help that I watched it immediately after watching the first episode of The Gifted, which was pretty fucking cool.
The princess is qt tho
>the first season of Agents of SHIELD was better than the first season of Arrow
t. Marvel shill
>Scott Buck
What do you expect?
The Inhumans are a pretty fucking boring comic anyway. It's just another X-Men group. I think Marvel should just cut the shit and give people want they want, and that's a more violent version of the Defenders.
Blade, Punisher, Moon Knight and Ghost Rider. Call it The Offenders and have the four of them carve a bloody path through the criminal underworld.
That's true. Agents of shield is a solid series throughout and it only improved. At the beginning it was 'pretty good'.
At the beginning of arrow it was mediocre, then it became passable, then it became the worst garbage on tv. The CW is fucking terrible, don't act like you don't know it.
It's so bad, that they've even got the husk of Ain't It Cool to promote it.
>Is this the worst tv show ever made?
Has it even aired yet? I wouldn't defend this shit based on how it looks but a show with shitty costumes can be salvaged with good writing.
The current state of this great nation of ours.
Arrow began as a show for mature adiences with a dark tone, where the most outlandish sounding element was a device, a technological construct that made earthquakes, and a steroid everyone with any knowledge of WWII knows was a real attempt to create supersoldiers. It was good, because it was believable.
Then they fucked it all up by introducing supernatural elements. To a show that didn't have anything supernatural formerly. THAT'S when it started turning garbage.
I'd agree if their netflix shows weren't so damn good.
Why don't they enter cocoon mode when they change? They should at least tryto keep consistency between the shows.
They were thinking even though they didnt have the Fantastic Four rights, they could make an interesting show anyway. They were wrong. They have no fucking idea what to do with the characters, which is hilarious to watch. Episode 2 was unbelievably awful.
>ruh roh what wacky anticks will the Royal Family get up to on Earth!?
>watch as they bumble around aimlessly for an hour!
The Inhumans have one good comic run and primarily exist as side characters. This is just sad.
>It's just another X-Men group
oh look someone pretending to know what theyre talking about
It was always cheap schlock with shirtless dudes for faggots and old ladies.
If there was a Blade series, I'd be all over it.
>already have Inhumans in AoS
>make this
>the two aren't connected in any way
I wouldn't be mad, but the ones in AoS were perfectly adequate already
He was good in Misfits
it's capeshit, it was never believeable, unless you're actually borderline retarded.
introducing supernatural elements didn't fuck it up, making it a standard cw romance to keep the teen girl audience as well as appeal to comic fans fucked it.
same goes for flash.
I really tried to give these shows a chance but they are bottom of the barrel shit.
>the two aren't connected in any way
Pretty sure the water contamination on earth was caused on shield.
>Is this the worst tv show ever made?
No, that would be Star Trek Discovery. but this is reeeal close.
>I'd agree if their netflix shows weren't so damn good
I dunno, Defenders was ok, but after investing 5 seasons to get to it, I expected more. But Iron Fist was shocking
At least Shield is still good