You can't deny this. Taxpayers are subsidizing Walmart's shit wages by billions of dollars, and nobody seems to care

You can't deny this. Taxpayers are subsidizing Walmart's shit wages by billions of dollars, and nobody seems to care.

Other urls found in this thread:

>work a job that requires ZERO skill, beyond what 99.999% of humanity, including mexicans and black people, are capable of

weird scenes inside the gold mine

and it's all legal :)

better give the state more power to fix it

Who forces them?

They didn't get rich just throwing money around ya know.

Comparative to other retail outlets Walmart pays pretty damn well and also has great benefits. Sanders is a liar and just used Walmart because it's a buzzword

maybe they shouldn't be working at Walmart if they have 6 kids to feed

Because people would rather half starve then actual starve.


Then stop buying their shit, Burgerclap.

Walmart's is in YOUR country. None of that shit in MY country. Tell you "people" to stop trying to save an easy buck from buying from that consumer hell hole and support shops that treat their workers better.


We shouldn't have gov't programs. Problem solved.

That's what you get for having a welfare system. Remove welfare and suddenly Walmart has to pay their employees more, because dead employees can't work.


If Wal-Mart were forced to raise their prices and wages to the point where it's workers weren't on welfare, wouldn't that mean less money was being transferred from the rich to the poor? The top 1% pay a larger percentage of taxes than they do of Wal-Mart sales. In effect, the workers would be getting their money from other poor people instead of from rich people.

or not have 6 kids if their career is working at walmart

Another Jewish attempt to bring down wealthy white Christins in america. Never have I seen Bernie criticize a wealthy jew. Why is that?

America is the land of the monopoly. If you are successful in America that just means you are a franchisee

we shouldn't have government programs that subsidize low-skill, low-productivity masses. Overpopulation is not a fucking joke
A massive decline in poverty-level birth rates would make labor wages skyrocket as well.

Walmart pays me ok. If you can't live off 18,000 a year you should kys

Shhh. No logic allowed, this is a feels thread.

We all know this already. pol will still defend shartmart to be contrarian and shill for libertarianism, though.

Walmarts lowest pay is $11.00 per hour.


Who the fuck is this guy?

Yes, but that also stands in stark contrast to contemporary economic theory, and would harm governments and multinational corporations. You can see for yourself where policy makers' priorities lie.

Then stop making taxpayers pay for food stamp programs rather giving the state even more power to "fix" this problem THEY created

>work at a job for high schoolers
>complain about being paid like a high schooler

No one should be a millionaire, especially a billionaire. It's time for a universal income.

That is what happens when you have a country full of illegals and drop out niggers.

>it's time for serfdom

ITT: conservatives ironically defending the waltons who are not only staunch Clinton supporters, she is on the board of directors! Wal-Mart is literally a wing of the Clinton corruption machine.

The wealthiest of the US keep their grapes in other countries. If the US government can't get to those grapes, what makes poor people think they can? There is a reason they are poor and they always will be. Give a poor person 1 million dollars and they will buy 1 million losing lottery tickets.

>Bernie had a bad WalMart parking lot experience in his Audi R8

this is so retarded. why should i give them money when their bosses should be giving them money.

are you suggesting people work for free you fucking idiot.

>who is more likely to continue welfare to subsidize our company hmmmmm

of course they support democraps

So don't work there. That's your choice.


Some states still can do $9.15/hr.

Also this is getting skewed a bit as there are a lot of states like new york that require you to be on disability or have a job to receive food stamps to begin with.

One such state is new york, IE liberal hut jr.


Did you know that Walmart corporate makes their office workers take out their own trash? Also, they have to share hotel rooms on business trips (even the CEO shares his hotel room).

They are like Jew in corporate form

this. thats what attracted me to Trump. STATES RIGHTS

>South shouldn't rise again but would love to see more states give the finger to the EPA and other over-reaching cunt programs

If they were being subsidized by taxes then they would pay them more

Youre just going to get butt hurt replies because a dem posted this.
This place is full of shills and idiots
It's skill less labor but it's still labor that needs to be done. Especially with the way walmart runs their large stores.

Yeah, what the Wal-Mart/Clinton collusion reveals is that its the neolibs that are secretly behind crony capitalism. Neoliberal Hollywood has also kept it hidden for a long time, but they control our laws and buy our politicians in a huge way. Then everyone points the finger at economic conservatism..

We need affirmative action so the people working at walmart can become Structural Engineers and do bridge calcs.

Why is this logic just applied to Walmart? Shouldn't you then be able to say every job that pays minimum wage is exploiting the government? Then what's the point of minimum wage if when companies pay what they are legally obligated to pay you have retarded mental gymnastics like OP is doing?

People who say "subsidise" in this scenario are idiots.

If you have only 20 hours of work to be done then thats all you can offer, and you can offer it at the minimum wage. If one person cant pay for their food then thats when the government steps in and pays for it.

What is the alternative? Walmart forced at gunpoint to "invent" 20 more hours of non work? To offer no work at all and let the government fully subsidise a citizen?

Can't they only do that because of the immigration?

Walmart received significant corporate gibsmedats as well as being based in China with a Chinese board of directors for (((Trump))) style foreign labor exploitation benefits.

Get rid of subsidizations. They only do it because they can get away with it.

Not every place offers hours like walmart does Macdonalds does this too. They rarely offer a full 40 hours and constantly rearrange employee schedules making getting a 2nd job impossible because your hours never line up.
So basically they work 20-30 hours maybe more/less and have to get assistance instead of having a full 40 a week.

>Little kid comes up to my door.
>Asks if I'll pay him to mow my lawn.
>After he's done, he demands $600.00 and a dental plan.
>I tell him I'll give him 5 bucks.
>He accepts, then walks away complaining about how the government needs to mandate a living wage.

Sounds like America's fault for continuing to shop at Walmart.

I mean, I'm a poorfag, so I understand wanting monees, but a lot of our market problems are things the underclass has brought down upon itself.

I have a simple question what is Walmart doing here that's illegal?

>Richest family in America

Top fucking kek

The Rockefeller's are the richest and anyone who isn't retarded knows that.
Hell, even the Koch brothers are richer than the Walton's.

Another thing, a entry level job at Walmart isn't meant to support a family fucking downie. Walmart jobs are for teenagers and college kids and senior citizens who are close to or past the retirement age.

>muh wage increase
>muh pay me 15$/hr to stand at a cash register and ring up items
>muh pay me 15$/hr to stack items on shelves

The CS industry of this country needs to hurry up and design robots to do the Shit that niggers want to do for a living.

This land is built on capitalism and Small business so go fucking capatalize instead of being a drag on society, dumb niggers and cucks.

Yes but they can also shop at Walmart now can't they

Also it's worth looking into the specifics, if someone is working the standard 38hr weeks, surely they don't need food stamps?

Entry wage at any standard Walmart in Indiana is 9.25. 10.25 if you do third shift. Deli department is like 12. Electronics is around 10,11 for 3rd shift

>The CS industry of this country needs to hurry up and design robots to do the shit that niggers want to do for a living.
Trust me, we're working overtime on it

If we didn't have mart, then where would we shart?

Because Wal-Mart monopolizes local economies to the point where its the only place you can get certain things in many parts of the country. In addition they can offer the lowest prices, so people who work there spend their wages & food stamps there, effectively giving the Waltons a free workforce of millions. That is likely why there is direct collusion between the Walmart corporation and the most powerful us politicians. They are a corporate entity seeking at the very least partial control of the world economy. Possibly the biggest corporate threat to the country's economy and an even bigger threat to overall human progress in a world being destroyed by globalism, no big deal.

I've been saying kill the waltons well before bernie started talking commie shit.

I didn't say it was illegal but that's not really a good argument. Just because it's not illegal doesn't mean it is a good thing that should be legal.

No. You signed a contract saying that you are at walmarts mercy when it comes to scheduling hours. You can tell them you aren't available on Saturdays but that won't stop them from giving you work on that day.

The problem is the law of unintended consequences. The minimum wage is designed to be a safety net for the shittiest jobs out there that are minimal skill, less than 4% of the country gets minimum wage. If people use benefits systems to supplement fairly earned income, it can be substantially less expensive then having to give them the same amount in benefits solely (where taxpayers are on the hook for the entire amount).

A lot of hourly employees got heavily punished by Obamacare's mandate that large employers (50+) offer health insurance to full time employees. Many employers cut everyone to 32 or fewer hours so they would be considered part time and thus wouldn't have to offer health insurance. The law, however, meant having a tax penalty if you didn't get insurance. The law is a hodgepodge but essentially
>if you fell below the federal poverty line you were eligible for medicare anyways
>if you didn't and fell between a certain amount (up to 166% of FPL) in certain states, then you could get cheap good insurance for $20 a month (at least in NY)
>many states didn't pass the medicare extension in the prior paragraph and you basically get a $1-$400 supplement if you make decent money to buy a plan that's $400-$600 per person
>for a lot of earners in a lot of states, this means that the plans are shit AND they aren't cheap
>it's cheaper to take the tax penalty of $695 per adult and $347.50 (max $2,085) then it is to buy insurance for many people

The road to hell is paved with good intentions... In trying to get many more americans insured, some of the poorest were punished by taking a tax penalty and still not having insurance because it was still cheaper then insurance they could not afford.

>These people offer goods that nobody else has for lower prices!
>We need to arrest those scoundrels!

From what I've heard they actually teach them how to apply and maximize benefits instead of paying a living wage.



Fuck this place burn it for our nation

Being a cashier is not work that requires much more than minimum wage. $15/h at best.

Get a better job if you don't like it you stupid whiny commies.

Holy fuck those digimons

>be single mom
>can only work a maximum of 20 hours a week, when kids are in school
>my employer helps me do this by giving me a job, and teaching me ways I can get the most out of my government while balancing this lifestyle

Sounds like a good thing. They are paying me to be there, learn about how my government works, and I don't have to pay for childcare services.

Who is denying it? I hate Walmart. It's the corrupt politicians that the alt-right is opposed to that allows this bullshit to continue.

>two more reasons to hate Walmart

1) all the chinese goods they buy destroy US manufacturing

2) shipping all the cheap chinese garbage here creates a lot of pollution

Walmart is fucking is every which way they can. Hang the Waltons. Leave their corpses rotting in the sun as a warning to others.

Walmart and larger companies have shit wages, this is normal. Because of economies of scale they can afford to run other businesses out and keep wages low due to a lack of competition. Additionally most people working at Walmart aren't just college or highschool students and if wages don't go up for these people the taxpayer dollar will be used to supplement their income. The situation in this country is so shitty that there's a glut of minimum wage slavery tier jobs that pay well below the poverty line and most people don't have the economic privilege to just go and learn a trade if they have other bills to pay and mouths to feed. Would you rather we enforce more laws for competitive wages based on income levels that are considered liveable for full time workers or would you rather that your taxdollars go towards paying food for the Walmart greeter?

>as a socialist its unacceptable!
>but I admire them as a jew. good work, very smart.

Walmart's bargaining power is fucking insane, but the prices, man, the prices... on certain things it's basically fucking impossible to compete with Walmart.

I work for a software company, Wally world uses our software. Many people work at Walmart's HQ in Bentonville. The building is a huge fucking warehouse essentially filled with cubes. There are a dearth of meeting rooms and essentially you have to go to "vendor negotiation rooms"; tiny rooms with inadequate cooling, harsh artificial lighting, uncomfortable chairs, etc. to have many meetings. These are designed to make vendors sit for hours and then throw in the towel and concede to walmart's demands (cheaper price per unit generally). They demand lower and lower prices every year for the same shit, more supply, etc...

The proof is in the pudding and it shows in the prices. Let's take a 30 ounce Yeti (American brand) 18/8 steel cup. $30 plus shipping. Let's take the Chinese company RTIC that cribbed their design exactly. $15, free shipping for orders over $35.

Ozark Trail knockoff (functionally identical, to the point where Yeti is suing Walmart over design patents)? $8.75 (By identical, I mean the tumbler, lid, etc. appear identical and all the parts work with one another if you swap them between brands, holds ice/heat just as long, etc...)

They did the same thing to Yeti's coolers (the larger ones can hold ice up to a week in summer weather) except made them appear a bit different. A 60 quart YETI goes for $450 plus tax & ship, an RTIC goes for $200 shipped, and the Ozark trail version is 74 quarts (decently larger) for $195, a 52 quart (almost as big as the $450 yeti) is $148.

If you live in a weathier more populous area of the country, you can reject Walmart. But in a lot of areas, it is fucking TOUGH to avoid them.

So you'd rather give them money instead of the billionaires they work for?

is walmart a natural monopoly? is it even a monopoly?

However, almost a third of Americans (28%) earn wages that are considered poverty level or below.

Sadly the ausie hit the nail on the head.

Walmart is a poster child of globalization masked as an American company for Americans.

Stop shopping there and the problem will go away.

remove the food stamp program, problem solved

I don't see how this solves anything.

You're missing the point. They have amassed an immense structure of corporate power that supercedes a free and fair economy. In doing so, they have positioned themselves to get a free work force in addition to funneling billions of taxpayer dollars through food stamps. They are literally fucking the entire US economy, not counting the fact that all their goods are from china.

But you'll have the libtard championing SNAP, and the conservacuck up corporate corruption's ass so just thank American politics in general for the damage done to the world economy. They've got us right where they want us.

Or they pay them enough to stop having to teach depending on others. If they paid more she could pay child care, Walmart is everything wrong with this cuntry, and I admit that in some instances I shop there but normally try not to just to avoid it so I don't have to start in mart, as is the custom.

I'm ready for society to crumble so we can build a better system.

i wonder what these corporate cucks would be called in the 1950s they so like to look back on

>taxpayers pay for it
>the business pays for it

You only get to pick one.

Also I'm pretty sure Walmart kills local businesses faster than OJ killed Nichole.

Example: Recently, my parents finished a house in upstate New York (as in, the adirondacks). The closest grocery store is 15 minutes from the house. Walmart is equidistant. The Walmart is huge, fairly new, and well stocked. And the prices on god, you cannot touch walmart on a lot of every day shit. Here are some examples

>bags of ice, 7lbs
$2.50 at local gas station, $1.68 at walmart

>bags of shredded hash browns
$3 local grocery store, $2 at Walmart

>Simply Lemonade
$3-$4 local grocery store, $2 at Walmart

You add the savings up over a shopping trip and to the average family that doesn't make so much it's hard to deny the savings. I try to avoid shopping their when possible because I don't like Walmart's business practices, but my god, it is hard when Walmart is the nearest big box store where I can pick up odds and ends when on vacation visiting my parents (lithium batteries? Weather temperature probe? Bag of rolls and some limes? A board game? I can get them all at Walmart).

I think one area where Walmart has been extremely toxic is the quality of hardware, e.g. tools. Ever buy a small appliance or mower or something similar (e.g. small electronics)? Look for a W or WM for the model number. A lot of companies cheap out to meet walmart's price targets and make existing models shittier for walmart.

notice the naturally servile defending walmart?

I worked at Walmart over the summer while I was in college and I can assure you anyone who has EBT isn't starving. They get more food - and the good, name brand stuff to boot - than I ever got growing up.

What do the minimum wage workers having to support a family do then? I guess we'd have to expand welfare if they can't get any job whatsoever if they are unskilled labor.


You are using the word wrong it's called capitalism. If Walmart offers what people want and people pay them where is the problem here?

Sort of this
Some of this
Fucking this and I'm a poor person

the waltons are above the government so whatever Trump does, they can just destock every one of their stores and shut down.

but the sooner the better, we really can just let the liberals suffer and we can embrace and defend our farms like we should always.

1- walmart employees wouldn't be subsidized anymore (which is op's complaint)

2- they would have an incentive to look for something better, pressure for better wage, move up the ladder where the wages are higher or simply ask for more hours (I have a feeling many of those food stamp users are part time employees) food stamps kill that incentive

walmart would cease to exist if there werent foodstamps. they depend entirely on the government paying for their workers food and houses

Stop using the word "good" and use the word you really want to use which is "right" and tell me how you aren't a emotional driven libcuck who thinks arbitrary morality should dictate capitalism.

So you want that mom to spend more than her average paycheck right now on childcare, and spend less time with her children,

Her pay would have to more than double to support this style of life and she would have to work those extra hours too.

You do know the less time parents spend with their kid, the more likely they are to get involved in crime, and even more prone from being a single mom family.

The system isn't perfect by any stretch, but you can't say it didn't arrive out of necessity.

I think the $15 hr mark came about because that was what minimum wage was worth 20 years ago.

If inflation wouldn't have skyrocketed we wouldn't have this problem.

I don't understand how Walmart can be a "monopoly" when they build stores in places no one else wants to build?

The answer is to automatize the brainless jobs and then kill all of the brainless so no resources are wasted on them.

the Jews?
Whenever you hear people blame "they" just replace it with Jews.
It will all make more sense.

It doesn't matter, it's work, it's time, and someone has to do it.

If you 100% removed all CEO and owner pay from Walmart you'd have enough spare monry to pay the average employees under 10ยข more per hour

The money simply doesn't exist