Donald Trump's deplorable supporters

MSNBC just BTFO Trump's looney fanbase this morning!

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all of those are perfectly reasonable beliefs except for the homosex entering the US one, which can be explained with

>south carolina

>It's j-just a few loonies and radicals
>Literally a third want to ban Islam

The only thing keeping Americans from engaging in real discourse is the politically correct media and all who support them. Mark my words, there are a lot more extremist Americans than the media would ever admit.


>Banning islam wouldn't actually be a good thing


based south carolina

Homosexuals have a very high rate of disease, molest children at a much higher rate and are more likely to be serial killers than avg

What would those numbers be for a predominantly Muslim country/state if you replaced Muslims/Mosques/Islam with anything non-Islamic?

My states the best fags, stay out of my Carolina country

First fact is only true if you only count STDs.
Second fact is true
I doubt your third fact

It's their cultura and heritage to hate homosexuals and other religions, we have no right to judge them!

But this southern culture and heritage that hates muslims and gays is abhorrent and must be exterminated!

Because surely the most bumfuck flyover state represents all of his supporters

It is true, but I don't think it's prevalent enough to say we should ban them. Child molestation by strangers is pretty rare in general. Most gay dysfunction only really hurts the gays.

>40% support shutting down all mosques in US

we're not all like that. i dont support any of that shit. i wanna burn the muslims at the stake.

Why wouldn't you count STDs? They are diseases. Are you some sort of retard?

>Public Policy Polling

Remember when they compared Trump to cockroaches and root canals?

Since when does a person have to kiss Muslim ass to be president?

>one state
>feb 14-15

>oy vey goyim, these ideas aren't politically correct
>let's disregard the conversation about these issues and just call them "literally hitler"
kys ctr

Can we throw them all off buildings?

I really don't see the problem

None of these things are bad.

I have nothing against the gays.

Kill all Muslim. Islam must be violently repressed at all times.

Do I need to move to South Carolina? Sounds pretty based

Serial killers have a nasty tendency to be sexual deviants

I'm quite sure this poll was done with reasonable people who weren't homeless KKK fucks


>fuck the constitution

What is wrong with thinking these things...

Our nation would perform much better

>Bringing over a religion that you have fought with since your literal founding

America is the greatest country on Earth. All other countries should kill themselves.

The religion is kinda conflicting with the other stuff in the constitution so I don't see the problem.

Homosexuals need to be gassed. I would honesty rather live with shitskins than faggots. Lets ban Islam and homosexuality.

Homosexuality blew up the shuttle.

Jokes on them.
I'm a South Carolina Berniebro and I am voting Trump because Hillary is literally Hitler.

>I've never read the Constitution but I'm going to reference it in an attempt to dodge the specifics of the discussion

Yeah, we know.

The Bill of Rights doesn't apply to those not under the Jurisdiction of the United States. Anyone applying for immigration can be denied at the discretion of the laws and regulations added to the US Code by the Legislative branch or emergency powers provided to the Executive Branch.

Practice of Islam should be illegal. People don't understand it is also a form of government, the religious ideology and political ideology are inseparable. Like do people not realize Saudi Arabia is completely governed by Sharia law and the Hadith? You can't no be a Muslim and go there, except on bery rare occurances. And Muslim in America does not give its full aliegence to the US, but to 'allah' and Saudi. They are not like other religions, no other religion is also a form of government. One of the many reasons I have no sympathy for Muslims.


The constitution specifically allows the banning of any group of aliens, fucking retard