Israel is white and based

Israel is white and based.

Other urls found in this thread:

Fuck off there's nothing based about the country that got the Muslims all riled up


>not made out of glass

Jews are white when only when it's convenient to them. Other than that they have been oppressed by whites for trillions of years. So stop worshipping nazi frogs and donate to your local holocaust museum, goyim.

I see JIDF hasn't stopped posting 'attractive' girls in uniform yet...

Old tactics die hard, I guess.

>country that got the Muslims all riled up
Iran and Saudi Arabia?

Looks like JIDF is trying to start another thread. Nice try kikes.

Gas the kikes. Worthless scum.


>anti israel thread gets posted
>suddenly pro israel thread with paid white actresses/models shows up

oy gevalt!



Let's not forget who the original slave niggers were.

What the actual fuck is wrong with her? Is this some sort of genetic disorder or something or just legit ugliness or JewJew magic?

What's going on?


pick one and only one.

>pyramids actually built by well fed and paid workforce, not slaves


So if Africans wuz Pharaohs n Shieeet, where's da reparations?

Check m8 Nation of Islam.



>descendants of brown native semitic Jews

Pick one faggot
This is why I dont support Israel. Most Jews arent descendants of the original Jews who lived in ancient Israel but a mix of Anatolian/Iranid/greek converts who originally lived in Asia minor, and have nothing to do with the ancient land of Israel. What the Khazar Jews should do is create their own homeland in North west Turkey which is where most white Jews originally came from. Most Ashkenazi and separdic Jews dont treat Yemeni Jews as true Jews because Yemnite Jews are mostly converts, yet these are the same hypocrites claim that the blue eye red haired Ashkenazis like Zuckerberg are somehow descendants of brown Levantine Jews.

Burger on vacation here. Can confirm.

Some of the hottest cops I've ever seen were on patrol this am in Tel Aviv. Almost plowed my car into traffic light just to get a pat down.

The original Jews converted to Christianity. What we call Jews today are liars and impostors.

Israel is not white.
Jews are not white.
They don't consider themselves white unless it's currently convenient.

Israel is not white nor based.

Didn't a bunch of fake Jews flee the Soviet Union after it collapsed and took refuge in Israel?

Why aren't you shooting dead everyone in sight and reclaiming the Holy Land for Christendom?

Its true, Just got back from Jerusalem and the number or heavily armed Jews ready to blast shitskins into a thin red paste made me cry with envy

> tfw even kikey orthodox Jewish teen is sporting an AR-15 and Im not even allowed to carry a knife

How white we talking about

Pretty much. Israel is the only nation out of former-USSR countries where 1/3rd of the population is Russian. And Putin confirmed that many that appear as Israeli national songs are in fact Russian national songs.

I saw over there, without doubt, the most beautiful girls on average out of anywhere I have been in my extensive travels. Lovely leggy brown jewesses with big tits. Paradise

> inb4 sheep - thats you

This tbqh

Anyone who needs redpilling on Israeli Jews and the irony of Israel genociding the actual descendants of Levant Jews, the people of Gaza, should read this following articles

They can fuck off and do whatever they want, but I want them to stop taking my tax shekels

>shooting dead everyone in sight
Still trying to get over how many cuties there are here. This beach kicks ass in that regard.

Maybe I'll try your suggestion next week when I'm further inland.

The Levantine Jews should be genocided, along with the Muslims that inhabit Christian land.

Let the pair of them kill each other, it doesn't matter to us.

Steal some wallets as well, nothing would drive a kike to insanity more quickly than a missing wallet.

thats a slav face, burger


"Hence why it is claimed by some that even Hitler had jewish ancestor because the european people of what ever religion ARE MIXED, Christians, Jews even pre-war Muslims are EUROPEAN PEOPLE".

Kek, the study that claims Hitler is jewish is based on the fact his relatives have E-v13 as their main Haplogroup. Ashkenazi faggots have it at around 20-30%, my people have it at around 55% and at that reaches it's peak of over 85% in the mountainous areas between Albania and Kosovo.

If youre an Ashkenazi, you should tell your people to expand into Turkey, which is the Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews true homeland. Then claim Turkcroach clay, and reinstate Christiandom and New Israel in Asia minor.

You should both know about Aliyah Bet right?

I love Israel tbqh

Move to Israel, Schlomo

Good thread.


BLACKED when? #openbordersforIsrael

And proof that Ashkenazi Jews homeland is in north western turkey

>Most of the world's modern Jewish population, as well as the Yiddish language, come from Turkey and not other parts of the Middle East, according to a new study.

>Dr Eran Elhaik of the University of Sheffield used a computer modelling system to convert Ashkenazi Jewish DNA - the Jewish communities historically located in Europe - data into geographical information, which revealed that 90 percent of Ashkenazi Jews descend from the Greeks, Iranians and others who colonised northern Anatolia (now northern Turkey) more than 2,000 years ago before converting to Judaism.

>Dr Elhaik said he believed that that three still-surviving Turkish villages – Iskenaz, Eskenaz and Ashanaz – located in north-eastern Turkey made up part of the original Ashkenazi homeland and formed the nucleus that developed the modern Jewish language of Yiddish.

>"We identified 367 people who claim they have two parents who are Ashkenazic Jews and we divided them into people whose parents only speak Yiddish and then everyone else," Eran Elhaik, the leader of the research, told Wired.

>The three villages all derive from the word "Ashkenaz", which is the root of the word "Ashkenazi". Elhaik told Wired that north-east Turkey is the only place where the four place names exist.

So Jews, you should all be killing Turkcroaches, not Palestinians

why does israel only let women in the military?

shush, nigger

>Israel is white
I guess so... if you consider Jews to be white... Ashkenazic Jews are more white than they're Jewish, having little to no actual Hebrew blood.
They still count as sandniggers to me though.

what the fuck is this abomination?

What so you're saying Israeli girls aren't attractive?

>Elhaik noted that the results were "surprising" as the area does not have a "rich history of Jews".

>"We conclude that AJs [Ashkenazic Jews] probably originated during the first millennium when Iranian Jews judaised Greco-Roman, Turk, Iranian, southern Caucasus, and Slavic populations inhabiting the lands of Ashkenaz in Turkey," said the latest research, which has been published in the journal Genome Biology.

>"Our findings imply that Yiddish was created by Slavo-Iranian Jewish merchants plying the Silk Roads between Germany, North Africa and China."

Learn to know about things, dumbass

You don't deserve a (you) for this b8

>Learn to know about things, dumbass
wew lad



That's actually pretty funny.
If you look at Egyptian records, the Exodus never actually happened. The Egyptians were scribe nerds: they wrote everything down. They definitely would've recorded some Jewish sorcerer stealing all of their slaves.

I just came in this thread to say that those are about the prettiest titties I have ever seen.


What (((he))) mean by this?

>You don't deserve a (you) for this b8
>@ denys b8
>Why you @user? You stoopid
And here I was thinking Jews were smart.

jews always genetically blend with the populations they live parallel to, so jews from germany are going to be half german half jew etc.


So Jews are pretty much Slavic/Persian/Greek hybrids.

Semetic isn't "white".

I would honestly go there to find a wife but I read most Israeli girls won't go out with a goy.

What part of "burger on vacation here" was unclear?

I'm German / Scottish decent, but burgerland native

Did you score with any Israeli chicks?

More like Mediterranean/Semetic (Arab) hybrids, branching into Western Europe during the rise of the Early Caliphate, and into Eastern Europe during/after the Crusades.

The US has more Jews than Israel. Sue me for thinking that most American anons who shill for Jews are Amerijews

Not yet. I've been here a day and half. But user here is right They're very standoffish around goys. But I still have two more weeks to test out that in full.

Their middle east compnent isnt Semitic or levantine but Iranid/Persian. Do you really think the kikes even have a drop of Sandnigger blood? Iranians are smart people, and were probably more intelligent as a people, before Islam made them inbred. Its more believable to think that the Jews middle eastern component in their ancestry is persian considering Persia had the largest Jewish community in the world.

>US has more Jews than Israel
Yes. Many times over.

But I'm just here to see shit for myself. Tired of seeing vidyas and hearing stories about constant persecution, from both sides of the story. I'm just here to see shit for myself.

No shill intended, but their are some smoking hot women here. That's just a fact that I can see.

They've been stealing genes for a while.
They're very smart, you have got to give them that.

No is not. But a lots of israeli woman are HOT AS FUCK

Fuck the goyims.

Let us know if you score any. It's something I plan to do.

Stolen genes from Caucasians. In reality you jooz are ethnically closer to sand niggers than Caucasians so sho sho, back into the oven

Also, Im a bit of a anthro nerd, and Ive noticed Persians and Jews do look bit similar, moreso than Sandniggers, who pretty much all look like Osama binladin.

>seeing vidyas
That's not what "vidya" means here, Shmuley.

>smoking hot women
Those are mostly of mixed Eastern European/Mediterranean blood.

This iranian man looks Ashkenazi,

People from the Caucasus (Armenians, Georgians, Kurds, Chechens) resemble Jews moreso.

Well ofocourse, that region is where the original Ashkenazi homeland is located. But you have to understand that those from the caucasus are quite mixed themselves. Kurds are Iranid people though

Greek and Italian genes managed to penetrate the Levant and Persia long before Islam became the favorite regional forced meme.

And Judaism/monotheism was around for thousands of years before Islam, present in Canaan and Aegyptus. Judaism is itself a Mediterranean religion, it's spread throughout Europe being due to its early proponents belonging to powerful sea-faring civilizations.

The majority of the Arabian Peninsula was largely isolated from land travel thanks to the desert regions. Full Arabs/Indostanis are basically one step up from Africans, as you have inferred.

That said, more contemporary mixing between the Levant peoples has created a definite (minority) hybrid.

Then why do Iranians hate Kurds as much as Turks?

Not trying to sound pro-Kurd, just wondering why literally everyone in the Mid East hates Kurds except the US under Obammy.

>Christianty* is itself a Mediterranean religion

Same thing in the end.

The spread of ideas, as well as ideals, is lead by the bow of a ship and the edge of a blade.

I dont know, all I know is that they descend from an Iranian people called the Medes

Yes, Pheonicia and much of the civilisations in the levant had more of a connection with the med world than other Arabid cultures like Saba or Hydramout. If it werent for Islam, most of the Levant would have been considered apart of Continental Mediterranean Europe, considering Christian levant during the reign of the Byzantine empire had quite an intimate relationship with the rest of Christian Europe.

Will do

Thank you for Correcting the Record.
How's that? Did I do it right?

They are not human beings
They are animals

I've been there and no it's not white at all, they look the same as other middle easterners

>If it werent for Islam, most of the Levant would have been considered apart of Continental Mediterranean Europe

Except that is categorically false. Even in the age of Plato the region was refered to as "Asia Minor."

>Did I do it right?

No, you did not.

It uses Russian immigrants as eye candy. The brains of the operation are dirty, hook nosed, bug eyed semites who want to turn the world to rust to suit their goals..

To lure men in with promises of pretty women.

>you did not
K...keep me posted

How's that? Imidoingitrite?

Please tell me that's photo shopped..............

>armchair Anthropologists


Well fuck. Please take this rare Pepe. I obviously don't deserve it.

Dont belive the lies...
everyone in here looks Moroccan or Egyptian

you will find blondes only in TLV and most of them are dumb tourist from USA