So let me get this straight. I'm forced to be born into this world thanks to my egotistic normalfag parents who wanted to mould something to their image, then society expects me to contribute to shit like welfare, public parks and free art gallaries through forced taxes I never even asked for? Fuck off
So let me get this straight...
Other urls found in this thread:
On the bright side you're not a roach.
Ikr? Like fuck nobody even asked to be here, then the next thing they start asking us to do shit for others we don't care about.
But you are.
At least you got born not in russia
You're 100% correct OP
I never consented to being born. The only reason I exist is because my parents decided they needed something to keep themselves busy for two decades. Therefore, I defer responsibility for my entire existence onto them. I am an effect, not a cause, I am a genetic liability, not a genetic investment. I will have no children of my own, and I will not take care of my parents in old age, they will be forced to take care of me as long as they live.
We are the product of the previous generation's egotistical wish to nurture. And when I turn 18 I'm suddenly supposed to be "independent" or "responsible", according to some jewish societal construct that is. Cared for when cute and small, thrown aside the moment my voice drops and my facial hair grows out, forced to slave away for another 50 years only to regain my freedom when I'm old and broken.
And remember, working and "contributing to society" means nothing more than enabling mudslime breeding factories in my own country, or funding jew wars on the other side of the planet. Any form of taxed labour or societal contribution in the West is literally cuckolding. You're paying for child support of a people that hate everything you stand for. I say no to that, I will leech off my parents and state until either I die or they die, or the state itself collapses.
That's life son. You've been thrown into the world without choice and granted Dasein. Das Nicht approaches, so make something of Desein, you whiny man baby.
Read Heidegger.
kys take the power back you whiney faggot
>Both in first world country
>If worst comes to worst state will support you
I hate it when westerners pretend to have problems
Then go ahead and kill yourself faggot, no one is keeping you here
Fuck off you piece of shit
Nobody forces you to do anything. You can move to fucking uninhabited island in oceania and do fuck all if you want
Poo in the loo absolutely BTFO'ing the pussies in this thread.
Once you stop whining about being born in a first world country, you horse toothed fag.
life is a gift tho
You sound like a baby boomer
Btfo gandhi
Sounds more like 18-30 year Olds who whine about how unfair life is while living in a air-conditioned house with all the latest gadgets and other tomfoolery
You speak the truth, but it's hard for these sheltered pussies to understand.
Hahahaha get a load of this poo face
Based neets
>mfw all parents violate the NAP by forcing someone into this world
>mfw all parents should be locked up in McPrison
>state will support you
>healthy white male
Lol no
>OP whines about taxation and having his money stolen to fund shit he didn't ask for
>poo in the loo comes in whining about how people in civilized countries can't talk about taxation because they can afford air conditioning
What the fuck is your problem?
Since when is the government spending taxpayer money to give people air conditioning and gadgets?
>poo face
As expected from a brit
And if you peacefully trade with people off that island I'd bet that someone will fuck with you
You need to vote for the right wing so that you can serve your nation and your nation can serve YOUR people
>waaaaah!! Waaaaah! Fuck you, mom and dad!! I didn't ask for this! I never asked to be born! Waaaaaah! Waaaaah!
Little faggot baby. Grow the fuck up, you whiny pathetic nigger.
>be born to a shitty single mother who is a hardcore feminist
>treats my sister and I like fashion accessories instead of people
>marries a violent chad
>then we have to go to school to new trained to sit down, shut up, behave and slave away
>suddenly it's time to go get a job I don't want to pay taxes I don't want to keep a civilization I hate keep going
>born just in time to be thrown in a cage if I try to opt out and live off the land
That's not how it works. You can't get away with that even in Lithuania.
You can't choose to not pay taxes. You can't trade without a permit and getting taxed.
why dont you an hero if you dont like it you little crybitch
>30 second apart
holy shit cooldown was reduced to 10 seconds
Cooldown timer between posts seems to have been reduced to 10 seconds instead of 60 seconds as it's always been since sage was hidden by moot.
Attempt to ease Sup Forums sliding?
holy shit, fast
frog you are high, stop it
What do you mean, see how fast I post?
I can't even fill the captcha fast enough.
Hoyl shit you're ri
Is it a way to encourage buying passes?
Confirmed Sup Forums-only.
It's literally meant to slide.
>I'll tell OP to kill himself, because I have no valid argument against his reasoning
OP has no obligation to serve anyone, and has the right to be a free man.
NEETing is the best lifestyle there is for a Sup Forumslack. Leeching benefits, spreading and consuming degeneracy, abstaining from contributing to the community, increasing healthcare costs nationwide by pursuing an unhealthy lifestyle. They're slowly turning this country towards financial and cultural ruin, simply by acting like a degenerate.
NEETs are a net drain on society, a tumor slowly sucking the life out of it. If the NEET ends his life today for whatever cause, he will do this country a favor.
NEETs are a contributor to societal destruction, slowly eating away its core, one welfare check at a time. This is a good thing, for our current society does not act in our best interests.
Through the destruction of society a new kind of people will arise. Desperate, hungry people, ready to embrace whatever ideology is thrown at time.
No Nazi Germany without Weimar Germany preceding it, no creation without destruction.
Has the frog stumbled on something?
Couldn't have said it better myself.
Fucking stupid. 15 seconds are the standard. Sup Forums has 60 seconds.
>You can move
this is what liberals and libertarians believe
>I never asked to be alive
>not paraplegic
>doesnt kill himself
easy solution dude
>state steals from you to support losers with no agency
yeah we got everything we can ask for over here ....
Gotta have bad times to balance out the good times and make them worthwhile.
We're waiting for the good times now.
A big part of being a man is doing things you don't wanna do.
thats jew talk mate through and through
Itt: the justifications of overweight beta white boys who spend their days jacking off to anime because they were bullied in school and are afraid to face the world.
Muh jews
You're pathetic and better off killing yourself.
Thats actually pretty interesteing point of view, too bad you need to head to the chamber.
Don't leech off your parents bro, it's not their fault society rigged them to have kids
Leech off just the state
Nobody rigged them to have kids. That was their choice.
But my parents won't support me and I have no idea how to leech off the state. How do you do that
>Parents, society and the government baby us, create safe space for us, teach us absolutely zero discipline and pamper us top to bottom while we're children.
>Turn 18.
I mean, I'm getting mixed signals here. Kids aren't fucking pets. They grow up and become other adult humans. If you wanted me to be a workaholic modern slave, you should have at least raised me like one. Cause this shit is fucking cruel. The more red pilled I am, the worse I'm off. I can't even find a girlfriend, because a relationship is based on being able to connect with someone, but the more information I absorb, the more disconnected I end up from the rest of society. Even making friends is feeling superficial now, cause I inevitable see something they post on facebook and make me lose all respect for them, which makes me subconsciously stop looking forward to be around them.
>being an adult is jew talk
Welfare and sheeit, If killary wins just say you are a transgender and get welfare.
If trump wins, work to make America great again
It's been like that since polocaust you dumb frogs
also check em fags
Then go live in the wilderness and start your own civilization, you whiny faggot.
Or you can just kys
Who is society? A figment of your imagination. Fuck off crying. Nobody cares about what you do, kid.
We got fucked so hard. Now they turn it around on us.
>forced to slave away for another 50 years only to regain my freedom when I'm old and broken
Protip: you'll be old and broken before retirement age. It's just that at retirement age most people are too broken to be efficient workhorses anymore. Companies will gladly keep a 70-year old who is still a good worker.
With regard to your general point, we live in a world that has lost common sense and the understanding for why certain societal structures are in place. The whole welfare system was designed to help people within the system (i.e. other natives) who became unemployed or ran into other personal troubles, not to take in aliens from outside and enable them to breed. Similarly, the point of the tax system is solidarity between people in society so that you pay taxes that are sometimes used in ways you don't agree with but contribute to the general good and well-being of the whole population. But in the 21st century the people as something distinct has been abolished, solidarity has become a delusional social justice game, and the welfare system has turned into a magical tree of gibs for any random people in the world completely undermining the reason of its existence as if the welfare system just existed like air and water.
I can't really blame people for losing motivation, but the reality is that life is always more or less selfish in the sense that it is the self that motivates people to pursue goals. Hence a healthy selfishness makes you a contributor regardless of the circumstances. If you don't have any interest in pursuing anything in life, then your organism is diseased and your whole thought process a rationalization of your own mental illness. A person like that needs psychiatric treatment that hopefully enables the individual's life force to be nurtured and directed in a healthy way into healthy pursuits. So you are basically mentally ill, Willem, but you're obviously not receiving help that could help you overcome it.
Are you me? I found an easy solution to this, go to technical school. It's much easier and you can get a job right after a year and earn $20 an hour. Then go to college if you want.
Use a College degree as something you fall back on, not a primary source of income.
Technical school is very rewarding. Hands-on, not much bookwork, barely any tests, apprenticeship is very much a part of it as well.
T. technical school for electrician
>but you're obviously not receiving help that could help you overcome it.
Here in America we can't afford help. Mental help costs money. If you are dysfunctional and homeless and in serious need of help, you can't afford it.
He's a britroach.
Also those fucking feels ;-;
I think the best lifestyle in this system is farming off the grid (central north america or the country spots in europe).
Stop fucking crying and hyperboling your way out of an argument, retard.
based India knows what's up
Maybe you had decent parents who actually prepared you for adulthood and made you psychologically healthy and functional.
Many of us did not have parents like that. And now we are fucked.
This is indeed my plan, but currently working 6-days a week at a night job to save up the cash for committing to school.
I went to college for a year before deciding to drop out. Was huge drain on time and felt like I learned nothing - on top of the gigantic waste of money it seemed like.
Thanks for the input. It's good to hear someone else recommending what I plan to do in a year or two from now.
>Complain about immigrants being a drain all day
>Complain about single mothers being a drain
>Complain about the size of the state
>Complain about degeneracy
>Spend your life as a NEET masturbating to 2D
The cognitive dissidence on this board is unreal.
Omg you fuckin pussy
just sling dope like the rest of us
Try being the product of a romantic fling between a middle aged executive and a clerical worker who was not his wife who gave you up for adoption .. .."like a dog without a bone, an actor out on loan. Riders on the storm...""
It's not cognitive dissonance. It's getting revenge on a system that fucked us over.
Why should we contribute to a system that destroyed our chances for a future?
Don't want to contribute to a society you take advantage of?
Exactly how do you think you're communicating right now?
Go live in the frozen tundra then dickhead. You pay because you use it.
Entitled little bitch ass nigga
Damn sorry to hear bro.
No, my dad was in another state working his ass off to provide for the family and my mom was also at work. Shut the fuck up with your bullshit about being raised. You know what you need to do so get to it you whiny little faggot. Amplified even worse since you're on Sup Forums. I come here for well adjusted folks to talk about society, not literal children rebellijg against Mummy for the first time. Fucking pathetic. Pick your balls up nigga.
read this, britcuck They want to destroy us? Fine. We'll take them down with us.
I fucking hate this system
Sorry you got dealt such a shitty hand
I was raised by a decent enough family.. they're just mostly dead now ..
I met my mother's only living sister recently . She's in her upper 90's now.. my father was an Ivy league W.A.S.P. I have been unable to trace..
I also foolishly relied on self employment work the past 20 years with a small company who just last week lost their biggest customer so my financial obligations may be in jeopardy until I can find the income to replace what has been lost.. not easy at 53
Even my Son in pic related doesn't talk to me.
Coming from spaghetti man
xanax mate xanax
Fucking pathetic a 53 yo browsing Sup Forums you might want to kill yourself lmfao
It's really hard to get a xanax prescription in this country. Most doctors just want to give you SSRIs.
Underage get out
Lol, why do you assume you're allowed to have a choice in the matter? Life isn't fair.
I honestly don't see the issue.. some faggot usually makes this remark as if obligated but why should my being this age preclude my interest in communicating with the world around me?
Do you regard yourself as of no importance that your thoughts should go unheard?
Why do you think you are entitled to force people into existence without their consent just because you're in the mood to fuck some whore
I didn't ask for this shit.