Why can't Millennials get jobs?
Something something Bachelor liberal arts and sciences something
Too brainwashed by your retarded universities.
why can't you get a better job than shilling on an image board?
Unemployment insurance pays pretty close to what mcdonalds does and you cant afford a living with either so why bother
wtf i do have a job at UBS
Because of pot smoking
I have a degree in feminist dance therapy and my goal is to be CEO of any of the Fortune 500 companies before I turn 30.
Because they are raised to believe they shouldn't have to do manual labor work. Everyone of them is raised to believe they're a special snowflake.
>Because they are raised to believe they shouldn't have to do manual labor work.
Spot on.
The US government pays me to waste a ton of money on a class of proteins implicated in several genetic diseases affecting literal DOZENS of people in the world.
I seriously thought it was pot smoking
A lot of mid tier jobs have disappeared. So what you are left with is low end shit jobs and high end jobs. You are not going to go from college to high end instantly so those are blocked off and you are now left with shit pay jobs that are barely better than highschool tier pay and a small pool of middle ground jobs that are massive battlegrounds to obtain. Everyone is looking for a track to reach the high end jobs and you NEED solid middle starting point to do that nobody wants to do shit pay jobs after college because it makes college feel like a waste of time.
WTF i work at McDonalds :-|
Well, Steve-O, why don't you make another jackass and give some retard millennials a few jobs?
There's no jobs! I have to go back for my third degree!!
Because steve o was our role model when we were 10
Idk how to get a better job. L
A lot of manual labour is now outsourced or automated, to be fair
I'd rather jack off all day and pretend to disabled till one day I look back at my empty life and kill myself
I work at a dog factory.
cause they get degrees in stupid shit and they wont get a job because they believe that the job industry is owned by old, white, xenophobic, racist men.
Who wants to slave away for $7.50 an hour, working 10x harder than the same fucks who were part of a union 50 years ago that got paid 5x as much to just sit around and look at playboys, knowing their job would never be in jeopardy because the union has their back. Who has our back now? Employers will shit you out faster than you can even try to beg to keep your job if they can hire a foreigner for a penny cheaper. The incentive to be a hard working goy decreases day by day,
Hard t get a job when you grew up with no values or respect and have your ears stretched to grotesque lengths with shitty tattoos covering huge amounts of your body.
working is for cucks lmaoo
>Hey kids, why cant you get a job?
>Things are now, like they were 20 years ago.
>Manages to kill nature in just a few decades.
>Throws collectively into pits of debt.
>Gets children before most of them are developed adults.
>Continue on repeat.
i could go on forever, and also its not impossible to get a job
>Who has our back now?
Mr. Trump. Look into MAGA, it starts with you.
Well i'd get my job if boomers started dying faster.
>because they smoke pot
>because they have tattoos
>because they have shitty haircuts
>because they have shitty piercings
>because they don't take care of their bodies
>because they have no or horrible social skills
27 and have never had a problem getting a job. Other millennials call me 'officer' or 'gramps' due to my calm demeanor and traditional mannerisms, but I'm not the one who gets fired after a few months for being a piece of shit.
Nobody cares if you're s special snowflake, if you cannot show that you are willing to fit into the social space that comes with a job, you will be seen as unfit by most employers. Nobody wants 20 something awkward youths.
>job industry is owned by old, white, xenophobic, racist men.
Jew meme. Please ignore and go to work anyway.
Because they get a bullshit degree, leave school with the skills necessary to flip burgers, refuse to flip burgers, think that running a business means you are oppressing people, live with parents.
>Why can't Millennials get jobs?
that's like asking 'why is the death cult nwo obsessed with forcing everyone into poverty and demise?'
well its simple, make monetary supply private, create a state within a state, and start sliding it hard. add some public education and you got yourself one brain dead population! wunderbar!
Not gonna happen. They will be your competitors forever. Start working on plan B.
You answered your own question by posting that picture.
Almost all employers require an applicant that has greater credentials, experience and ability than the employer possesses.
We're basically being drummed out of the game, honestly.
Stop playing the blame game. It goes no where. Be self motivated in an unstoppable way.
>Because they get a bullshit degree
Every qualification is 'bullshit' when you import 3rd worlders by the truck load who will work for 1/4 the wage. Name a qualification that you can't find someone from India with who'll work below ends meet.
>have BA in Finance
>Almost all job openings are straight scams or manual labor
>Get pissed off and start drawing for commissions
>tfw im now an artist who draws porn to pay for rent
Least I'm pretty good at low-end day trading
Thanks BA
Yeah this should be fun when you all get a little older and still don't have jobs and can't get a place to live and can't eat and...
Holy fuck what the fuck is going to happen exactly?
My "self motivated in an unstoppable way" is to rob people from the rich end of town in areas that I know the police response time will be limited. If we're all in it for ourselves then I'm taking that to its logical conclusion. If you've got a problem with it, hire some security and install some CCTV.
>what the fuck is going to happen exactly?
And I'm not kidding.
millennials don't want to be wages slaves
its the same reason the millennial generations is the most inventive generation yet
>millennials don't want to be wages slaves
I don't give a fuck about being a "wage slave", I just want to survive.
The country is over run with homeless in another 10-30 years when the parents of millennials start dying off and leave all the debt to their estate.
It will be the early 80s all over again when the PTSD Vets were at every expressway off ramp and redlight begging for change. The only thing saving millennials right now is that they can ride on the backs of their parents
she might die b4 the elections
>If you've got a problem
Nope, no problem here. My perimeter is set, I know who has my back. We are at the ready.
Manual labor really can not be outsourced or automated. I think you are confusing physical jobs (such as an order picker in a warehouse) with manual labor jobs like carpentry, plumbers, road construction, electrical line workers)
Millennials are "lazy" in that they do not know what hard work is. 16 hour days at a computer is considered "hard work" to many younger people. They can not comprehend a world where 16+ hour days are required on an oil rig in -10 degree weather, or 12 hour days in a factory's rafters wiring new machines to the panels
Sadly i have to say this is true.
Best of luck then, cunt. Inevitably, though, the have nots are going to outnumber the haves. Best make that "perimeter" a high wall.
Is anyone here old enough to remember that '3 generations under one roof' wasn't only normal, it was the embodiment of a healthy, cohesive family unit?
Is anyone here old enough to remember when blue collar wasn't something to be vilified or embarrassed of?
Is anyone here old enough to remember that pushing debt and housing loans is a jew conspiracy?
Is anyone here old enough to remember that pre-millennials are just as worthless as every other generation?
Is anyone here old enough to remember when Sup Forums wasn't the Sup Forums of politics?
I thought those were skilled labor jobs.
They are inexperienced and generally pretty useless.
tons of jobs out there if you really look
>can you cook
work a restraunt
>can you program
start making apps
>can you vlog or live stream
make a youtube channel or a twitch account
>can you make muisic
start selling music and "beats"
you got to make your own job if you want to really make it
working at a factory in a assemble line isn't viable for our generation
Here that's a six month ticket to compete with foreign labor on 457 visas being paid around $12 an hour (untaxed). I know electricians who've been on the breadline for 6+ months, fully accredited but can't compete with foreign coolies (can't even get close to a job, it's all sewn up with the developers).
same here.
shits fucked
here in aus we have uni degrees and tafe diplomas out the wazoo and it doesnt change shit.
Employers are also extremely picky and dont employ as many people as they should so when you do get to work your'e overstressed and they move onto the next poor fucker in line
Shut the fuck up retard, we've heard it all before. A knife and a fat bloke in a nice suit are a much better bet to a fit 20 something looking to earn. Even if you get caught, gaol gives you three square meals a day.
What is a normal Slavic family in this day and age?
Because tons of the new kids coming into where I work get stuck on internships where they get paid fuck all and then shipped off after a 6 month contract so it's impossible to build a career.
i forgot Australian internet is garbage you
Heh seems like everywhere else in the world is having the same problem
Fucking overpopulation and ever increasing migration.
Lets us aussies yanks brits and kiwis build a huge fuckoff wall and kick all the dirty wagescumming cunts out.
Children of Men 2020
It's not overpopulation.
It's companies being allowed to cycle through people like nothing, abusing temp contracts like fuck.
I've seen tons of kids come in, big smile on their face, knuckling down to get the work done "maybe I will be made perm" attitude on their faces.
Nope, bang, out the door, replaced by another fresh faced kid.
I got two misdemeanors and broke my wrists....
Yeah so much for unions and workers rights eh?
Fuck we're so screwed now im watching gen Z enter the workforce and soon the poor fuckers after them and im just thinking...
We're all fucked aye mates
And all they really do in their "internship" is admin work. No real training or quid pro quo, just monkey work without pay (largely), or when paid, well below minimum.
The one's that get paid are lucky, I've heard of "internships" whee you pay to work. Same deal, all admin, just for the experience to chuck on a resume. Except the experience is worthless anyhow, nobody looks at it as anything better than admin work experience, so you may as well be working at mcdonalds.
Just rob people in Vaucluse. If the cunts want to live in Brazil we may as well make the background authentic for them.
I had some shitcunt offer me $10 an hour
Lasted 2 weeks on min wage $16 an hour and then he fired me for no reason so i got $2000 all up including notice
Stupid fuck i hope he burns
"Apprenticeships and Traineeships" are bullshit they dont teach you fucking anything
as much as a hate richfags i cbf robbing them and i have no crimmo contacts so fuck fencing that stuff myself.
My area has a massive hardon drug dealers and breakins (Mid North Coast Coffs )
They are and you need experience or formal qualification to get them. Not to mention that many places, those jobs are drying up because US fracking and Saudi production have ruined the oil sector elsewhere.
Your problem is that the only thing you consider hard work s physical work, If you spend 16 hours in fron of a computer while producing some shit contantly you'll get tired too, also, physical labor is way more bearable.
Hasn't stopped me.
apparently it has
This. I far prefer manual labour to working in an office. Office work is drudgery that leaves you feeling drained and exhausted without any physical payoff. Manual labour gives you immediate visible feedback of your work and leaves you feeling tired, but exercised. If it paid better, I'd gladly do manual labour.
Because i dropped out
because they look up to people like Steve-o
>Entry Level Jobs thrown at me
>Have to pay for "education"
>Have to accept less than minimum wage or have wages "taken" so they can "train" me to "operate" a cash register
Gee, why don't Millennials have jobs?
Why the fuck should anyone do manual labor? You'll be cucked by automation otherwise. Anyone who doesn't aspire to something greater is an idiot.
My evidence is anecdotal, but still highly relevant.
Go back a few decades, to the 80's for instance. My father worked in the production lines for General Motors in Melbourne, Australia. Back then the production line hired thousands-tens of thousands of workers. But technology advances and businesses become more automated. Prior to the scheduled shut down of General Motors, the production lines were producing more cars then in the 80's with workers numbering in the hundreds, as opposed to tens of thousands.
Conservative and free market shitstains hold that the millenials simply aren't being educated int he right areas, and they are right to a certain extent. But with hundreds of thousands of paying jobs being sucked away by the Automation Revolution happening around us, there is no surprises whatsoever that millennials that even have marketable educations can't find work. It's a fact of our time, machines are just better.
My sister for instance has within the last year completed her Juris Doctor (Law degree), the end result of these times is that despite her finishing in the top 10% of her class, she will have to volunteer to gain experience, this lasting into the "years" time period.
Checked. Digits confirm, is a retard.
World War 3. Due to excess population.
I've seen tons of jobs that are entry level and require 2-3 years experience, and even some that want years of experience with equipment or a programming language that's not even a year old.
Because globalist monetary agenda of fiat currency.
Because of Jews in FRS: Greenspan, Bernanke, Yellen...
Because current model of financial capitalism cannot extend itself further - there is no more market at this planet.
But Kek will punish globalists.Praise Kek!
Being an employed millennial I would sat it's because most of them are just shitty slow workers they can take an hour to do some of the simplest tasks yet are so pompous as to think they have all the damn answers and are worth $15 an hour minimum. Realisticly I blame the general lack of discipline and bullying they never got their asses kicked for what they believe in and when they were wrong they weren't given an explanation as to how they were wrong just kindly told to try again.
TL;DR Poor work ethic and over inflated sense of self worth
>be me, millenial
>have manual labor job at a shop
I earn over minimum wage
Why? Because he's posting on Sup Forums?
Their willingness to work hard is low. They believe they are entitled to high paying jobs right off the bat. Example, look at the shortage of sanitation workers.
oversaturation of the market
There are too many people with degrees, making degrees in general less valuable. What is the point when you have 200 to 400 people competing for the same job.
Then there is the result of years of instilling the view that these people are special, unique and should demand more than they are worth.
Imagine years upon years people say you gonna be a managers, then when you hit the job market you apply for said job, but don't get it. They don't want to lower their standard because then what was the point of studying for said position.
The kids are dumb, but the people in charge are dumber. The kids are being presented a utopia, while reality is completely different.
>about monetary policy
Please spout more inane ramblings Mr. Blyat.
They can come get a job with me at Walmart.
>cuck cuck cuck
sorry, what?
They all have stupid tattoos.
> Oil rigging as a Roughneck
Not everyone has the physical ability to do this. You don't see many women on oil rigs doing labor.
>Wiring up factories
The guy doing this is either a tradesman or has a 2 year degree in something like electrical technology.
Skilled labor has some major issues right now:
> There is a glut of labor
> Pay is abysmal. Think making 37k a year as a machinist, including OT and BEFORE taxes. So more like 29k after taxes.
> Minimal OTJ training or experience to improve your skill set and value
It's not uncommon for older guys at shops to make 2-3x what a new guy could ever hope to make, thanks to old union agreements and such. Why put yourself through the pain?