>is blisteringly libertarian
>works for the gubmint
did they ever properly address this? or is it just bad writing to force comedic situations?
Is blisteringly libertarian
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Is this a joke? That's his entire gimmick.
they only addressed that throughout the show
its only appears as a contradiction in terms if you're a mental midget
It is explained multiple times
I never got that sense. Occasionally they'd make a joke about it, but a good explanation? There just never was one.
It's based off a guy they met before making the show, who was super anti-government, but had a government job. The idea of there actually being a person like that was funny to them.
People do weird shit.
Are you retarded, OP?
Or are you from Sup Forums?
Same thing, I guess...
>I'm trying to bring the system down from the inside.
I remember this specifically from like one of the first episodes. It's why he prioritizes making sure nothing gets done so highly.
>literally believes that taxation is theft
Right libertarians are all closeted bootliclers anyway so this is accurate.
also he makes an effort to do as little work as possible
Yeah, it's the entire point of his character. He just wants to make the government as ineffective as possible.
He's a great portrait of why conservatives and libertarians are fucking dumbasses.
Libertarians fight for open borders, they're uber-liberal more than conservative.
>get paid to do work that has no value to anyone, much less yourself
>the taxes you pay just go right back into your pocket
He was one of the smartest characters in the show
A job is a job
Literally what's the problem with open borders with no welfare state?
>did they ever properly address this
constantly you fucking moron
He works there to undermine the effectiveness of the local government and be ineffective. It's only addressed at least a dozen times in the show.
So you're just going to turn off democracy?
Government is chock full of Except My Jobâ„¢ libertarians.
Liberatarians are retards
They're exploiting the market inefficiency of government jobs being cushy overpaid jobs.
How in the FUCK did he get to work? I'd assume the town hall would naturally be in the middle of town... it would be completely surrounded by tax-funded roads and sidewalks
He is portrayed as a millionaire that is almost always correct.
t. retard
Who is Ron Paul?
Libertarians believe in small gov, like the founders.
I'm aggressively anti-government but I took a government job the second it was offered to me. You get away with doing a half-assed job, working shorter hours, taking longer lunches, and it's a job for life.
Why does libertarianism trigger both Sup Forumsshits and SJWs so much?
My dad is the same way. Government work benefits are stupidly fucking good.
Working in government is the easiest way to see just how innefficient the government is.
My department of 12 in the federal government does the exact same job that my department of 5 did in the private sector, and still manages to accomplish less.
He enjoys making government inefficient so people get fed up with bureaucracy and trim government down. Best way to fight big government is from within, and Ron knows this.
I don't see the problem.
Who cares if a task accomplishes nothing? It's just providing steady busy work to humans before their inevitable deaths so they're not as bored.
You're right. Power generates itself, roads were always here, and the food fairy provides for us all; why do we even work?