Are Christians actually persecuted in America?
Are Christians actually persecuted in America?
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Today New York schools were closed for EID
A Muslim holiday
Christmas break is "winter break"
You tell me
With a similar pie chart, you could make it seem ridiculous to claim that blacks in South Africa and Rhodesia were oppressed by whites.
Christians will be persecuted in the endtimes, so it is written
They will even be beheaded (see isis)
Keep proving the book of truth right, while saying haha it's all bullshit. Yet you moron's keep fullfilling the prophecies like the little puppets you are
not really persecuted but there are anti-christian agendas in general
Yeah, no way less than 10 percent of americans are atheist or agnostic. It is much more than that and all it takes is a few powerful non-believers to shit all over the religious institutions that created american society.
>How The Bible Became 'Hate Speech' In California
Yes by obama
By 2050 Christians will be a minority.
Muslims are growing and will be the majority by then unless we do something about it now.
They're severely persecuted in sand nigger countries, but in America, absolutely not. American Christians can be just as bad as jigaboos and feminists with their victim complex.
Gee i dont know OP.
Maybe not in America. And maybe not as bad as the ready of the world. But it's coming. The way western governments are bending over for islam. Must a Mayer of time.
They're persecuted by the media and academic elites, so the population argument doesn't really work. While they have the greatest population, they don't have the greatest voice and reach.
Criticize Jews in america, see what happens to you.
Criticize Christianity and you are intelligent and brave.
Christhians values are.
American Christians have a fetish for persecution and will flip their shit if Christian Sharia laws based on biblical texts are nullified due to constitutional violations.
Teenage girls in Egypt are being kidnapped and being forced to convert to Islam and marry, according to new reports.
International Christian Concern says the local Christian community in Egypt is "paralysed" by the spate of disappearances of the young girls.
This. Even though Christians in other countries get it way worse than we do in the west, there is heavy anti-Christian sentiment that has poisoned our culture.
According to the Bible, Christianity will be more persecuted in the end times. We're there now, but I feel like in the west, it'll get much worse to the point where killing will be the norm.
I weep for my brothers and sisters. But they're home or going home. :')
A) People reporting to be Christian is different from people who practice the religion.
B) Minorities can easily persecute majorities, if they have the reigns of power. Tell me the powerful Christians who control the media and academia and the government, come on, who are they?
>epic majority can't be disciminated against meme
Roman Catholics always have been.
The remainder are just cultists and snake charmers.
What's your point? It was ridiculous to claim so. It was more like the poor whites fending for themselves in the jungle and now they're full on suffering genocide.
It's ridiculous to claim that a huge majority of the population is being oppressed by the tiny minority. As south africa is demonstrating right now, as soon as the majority wants the minority gone, it's gone.
I honestly can't tell if you're joking.
>implying Christians are one big monolithic block
Of course they are. Remember the actual Texas mayor who said she was going to shut down any church who refused to do a LGFT wedding?
Muslims believe the same shit Christians believe, but even worst.
A Christian says a fag can't get married in his church, a Muslim says a fag needs to be put to death.
Yet they won't say a damn word about the mudslim beliefs. That's why they can't be taken seriously
he is I think that shit is after their shitradan.
I've infiltrated some of our newcomers to gain information confirm what we know... and it's true..
No the ones I spoke to starved them selves in june or july or something after that is Eid?
One month of starvation each year, that's why they are so thin, small and weak.
Also something they only eat at night but drink I think so they smash in shit in the juicemaker to survive. I dunno much about just this shit
The older ones we actually have contact with, the albos they don't do this shit and eat pork and don't give a rats ass.
Maybe that pie chart should pertain to 'religion with most influence' upon policy.
Pic related
Highly doubt the statistics that informed that chart. Most people under 40 are atheists. And what is "nothing in particular" supposed to be? Sounds like a shit poll.
>America is over 75% Christian
The total for Atheist, Agnostic and nothing in particular should be about 40%.
imagine the damage this does to a child, a child need food to develop fully.
Do anyone of you know this shit? You BTW find balts that are like up too our size, not stryn tier, but big, and also look like us. Some are really small though, other more typical euro size. Many peoples here. The goths were once here too, one of their last strongholds except crimeria. It was still spoken there till what the 15-1600ds? or was the crimea?
tracking... but yeah this is well if you ask me child neglect of the worst sort. If this was 1970 we would taken their children for neglect. Forced assimilation
Hmm the UN states that a country has to feed it's population, no questions asked what so ever, and no beureushit shall stand in way stall or anything for you to get food.
If they do not feed their children properly for one month, they are violating many laws here. Hmm.... Also these other ones for children....
They compain the food is not good enough here (we actually feed them crap on purpose, and make their stay shit as hell, but this is a tactic they have used all over europe)...... But then they go starve for a month.....
he went... fuck it was prolly a real extremist... If so, his head is spinning now if it's able to and he is not completely lost beyond saving.
Next time we should be fast out with the red pill... damn this is dead but I have to save thisdfg
ffs wrong thread..
It's the only religion that is mocked by the media and film industry.
Try refusing to bake a cake for a faggot marriage with the citation that you're Christian.
In America, a kid gets expelled from school for saying "bless you", a cop gets called for saying "God", soldiers are also forbid to say "God", dozens of christians festivais are canceled or postponed because of muslims festivais, crucifixes and other holy symbols are baned to not hurt muslim feelings, an entire christian family gets haressed because they did not want to bake a cake.
But because they are the majority, I guess none of that counts.
It's a Muslim country where Islam is the law of the land. Christianity has no place in Egypt. Why don't they just move to Lebanon or something?
Christianity just teaches a victims mentality so the people believe so.
All three of the Abrahamic religions do.
Half of your country political establishment are anti christians aka liberals. They were in control for 8 years in federal level, on state level sometimes for decades. You tell me.
>marriage and having someone killed for their sexual orientation is the same thing
Wew lad
>an entire christian family gets haressed because they did not want to bake a cake
To be fair they're a public business and hold no legal right to refuse services offered to anyone on religious grounds.
Just like my local paki buffet can't tell me to fuck off because I'm a Jew.
>MFW Sweet delicious $7 paki buffet
>Mexico persecuting Christians
Explain this shit Paco. I thought you were all Catholics.
>public business
I meant it as in businesses that provide services to the general public. Basically I went full retard in my terms.
you get sued because you dont want to bake faggots a cake because you are a christian bakker . if that is not persecuted i dont know what is
Yeah, I personally persecute them. It's only fair as a homosexual that I now get to dominate and oppress them.
Turnabout is fair play. Now enjoy the feel of my boot on your necks, Christians.
I see it daily by liberal nu-male fags. They just repeat what they heard Richard Dawkins or bill maher say and act smug
Because the media is almost entirely Jewish and/or atheist and they make fun of Christians all the time.
Women are the majority but that doesn't stop them from playing the victim.
There are a lot of things wrong with this chart, not the least it's enormous inaccuracy.
>Are Christians actually persecuted in America?
Christianity's only stronghold is the bible belt. Secularists have total control over the media and public policy. With every generation, the youth are becoming less religious. Christians are growing a reputation for being the village idiots in society.
I'm an atheist. But anyone who says christianity isn't floating towards the rocks is trying to put the wool over the eyes of christians. I fucking hate the left and their gaslighting bullshit. Christians, fight for your survival.
why do you claim the 1% is oppressing the 99% financially if you think they can't oppress the 99% religiously.
What does
>nothing in particular
Also, shit pie chart
more like
>feel the slap of my dainty wrists
Only a fool would think that you need to be a minority to be persecuted.
It's not open persecution though. It's more propaganda warfare
You Canadian boys are always the cutest. ;^)
apparently discrimination is ok when the left does it but when a business wants to decide whom to fucking serve, people are up in arms about it.
day of the rope cant come soon enough.
Not all christians are catholics
They tend to persecute evangelical christians
How many media and educational outlets are either controlled or owned by Jews? What are the ideals that they're promoting?
Americans think 23% of their people are gay. In reality, that number is closer to 4%. Who influenced that mindset?
USA was intended to be secular country from the beginning. Christfags are just butthurt
As a atheist you took a right pill, friend.
It's been like that in the US for like 40+ years. If you open a business that serves the public you're not allowed to discriminate for ANY reason. If you offer a service and their money's green you're legally not allowed to say no.
>Intentionally attempting to ruin your business by being known as the bigot who runs [Insert Shop Name Here]
As it should be.
Protestants shouldn't be considered christian.
>Are Christians actually persecuted in America?
No, of course not. It is purely a rare statistical anomaly that this new bolshevism in education system discriminates only against white christians in the name of "diversity", but jews who make less than 2% of population make 50% Harvard faculty hirings.
Oh please Christians in America cry because they are forced to bake cakes for gays, which in their mind counts as persecution.
Do you have idea what secular mean ? Secular means neutral toward beliefs, not anti-religious. USA was always secular, but it leans slowly to be atheistic only right now some dumb atheists are using this word to brainwash more and more naive liberals. Remember. Secular = Neutral. Secular =/= Atheist.
Lebanon got taken over my muslims you dumb ass taco eating shit skin.
The real Christians are. The fake ones not so much.
oh i know, your laws are fucked up like that. and your system in general. PC police took over i see.
Ill be happy when those laws are finally removed.
>Intentionally attempting to ruin your business by being known as the bigot who runs [Insert Shop Name Here]
Everyone called trump a bigot, but his businesses are going nicely. he even crashed macys stock by telling everyone to boycot it.
if a business like that would ruin itself, then why would a law against that be necessary? makes no sense.
Most people wont give a fuck.
minorities oppress majorities all the time dummy
The Christian religion as a whole? Absolutely not. Individual Christians? Definitely, there have been multiple cases in which individual Christians have been persecuted for their belief. What is happening is that Christianity is losing its social and political power and being replaced with other even shittier political movements and dogmatic ideologies. Some Christians seem to believe that this loss of power over people is the same thing as being oppressed, as if a social or political stranglehold were somehow owed to Christianity in a fundamentally secular nation.
I would not however say that the disempowerment of Christianity is something to be celebrated because the ideologies which have begun to replace it are no better than religious dogma. Intersectional Feminism and Progressivism also favor feelings over fact, they create protected classes and set out to oppress and disempower a scapegoat group on whom they blame every social ill. They produce a steady stream of martyrs, are working on producing a doctrine, have penalties for apostasy, and like the Abrahamic religions they are hegemonic (everybody must eventually believe what I believe, whether they want to or not).
When in social dominance a Christian politician would just as happily stab people like me in the back as a Feminist politician would, however the harmful ideas of Intersectionalism are in my opinion applicable to more people and thus would create more damage than those of Christians. I support the continued existence of Christianity as a means to mitigate the damage caused to society until something better is available.
>The real Christians are
The hell does that mean, followers of the Orthodox church?
People who aren't only nominally Christian.
So yeah, in a nutshell followers of the Orthodox Church.
Yes they'really heavily persecuted through Hollywood and the media. Any Christian you see in a movie now is either a liar, a psycho, or downright evil. There are almost zero positive representations of Christians anymore in mass media. If Muslims were portrayed this way it would certainly be considered muh islamophobia.
Everyone knows that Atheists are the most oppressed group in the US of A.
The only country outside Islamic world where people need to lie about their religious views to stand a chance of holding public office.
Imagine if someone made you suck a *white* cock against your will, Sweden. Same thing.
>Not getting the difference between a memelord with more money and power than he can handle and a small chain/local place
Come to the US, open up a pizza place, and routinely tell black people to fuck off simply because their black. See how long you last.
>US majority in 2050 will be Hispanic
Wew lad
You sound so sure about your think that I'm sure that you can provide examples, besides it's not like Christians makes good movies.
>If Muslims were portrayed this way it would certainly be considered muh islamophobia.
Clearly you don't watch movies or TV
Christians are crying persecution because they are being denied the right to carry out persecution themselves, how the hell is that the same thing as being forced to suck dick?
there are two muzzie holidays called eid
eid al-fitr after ramadan
eid al-adha celebrating abraham tring to sacrfice his son
Fucking Catholics.
You pray to Mary and saints and angels.
You are not interested in scripture but in your own false dogma.
You believe you are the one true church, something Christ never established.
To top it off, you say that a huge portion of God fearing people, namely Protestants, shouldn't be considered Christian. That is the most un-christian statement I've ever heard.
If anything, YOU are not Christian.
Kill yourself my man.
Also Christians get attacked for things that other religions do that Christianity had nothing do with. How many times has an Islamic extremist blown up 100+ people but then we had to hear by every lefty autistic that Christianity is just as bad. Wtf???!
Yes Yes good goy
Fighting among yourself, fight over who the true Christian is.
again, it makes no sense for the laws to be in place then, if a business wouldnt survive like that anyways.
>Come to the US, open up a pizza place, and routinely tell black people to fuck off simply because their black. See how long you last.
gladly, i imagine the us has some outlier places where there are still white people. so only white people would come to that place. if out of the sudden it turns out that all of them were liberal pussies, then i'd advertise that place to skinheads, but anyways.
How do you know if it's illegal to try?
I dont really care much anymore about all that pc black white gay straight shit. to be honest i think more businesses should take the risk and support trump even though he is controversial. it'd give him even more power.
>boo-hoo-hoo I'm oppressed
If American and European Christians had any guts, they would campaign to ban circumcision under 18 years.
If you circumcise someone under 18, you go to prison for mutilation.
There, you basically banned Islam, so unless the Muslims submit to the local laws and culture they must leave.
But Murikan Christians in particular won't do this because of Christian Zionism and other bullshit.
They just need to suck Jewish cock.
>Lebanon is a Christian country
Nope, it's been "enriched" by force, just like Egypt was, just like the entire Middle East has been, and certainly how Europe will be
That's my point. Christ doesn't care what denomination you are. If you are a true believer and follow the law of Christ, you are Christian.
Are Muslim bakeries forced to make gay wedding cakes?
i dont know, but that would be hilarious to see. someone from lgbt should try senpai.
they should find a muslim bakery and do it. get it trending.
Are you an actual retard using the internet?
It was a PRIVATE business and it is 100% legal to refuse business based on religious beliefs.
Pick one
Better make sure you're not getting hexed for using the magical internet, you fucking gypsy.
are you really this stupid. just proving him right.
>but his businesses are going nicely.
Are they?
>Through heavy digging, Fortune identified the loans Trump has on these other buildings that are not included on his released balance sheet. Add to the loans and mortgages he does disclose and Fortune has determined that Trump’s total debt balloons to nearly $1 billion, or about double what he specifically acknowledges he owes. And it could be even larger.
Wasn't even taking his nationality into account you fucking nigger.
If I had a dollar for every time I heard a Catholic say Protestants aren't Christian, I'd be rich.
Shoutout to the Polish:
I have an immense respect for the faith of your nation and the work Law and Justice has been doing. God bless you all.
>forced to do something against your will
>not persecution
Again they are crying because they are being the right to do persecution.