Why does lifting weights turn men into such chauvinist racist assholes?
How can we stop it?
Why does lifting weights turn men into such chauvinist racist assholes?
How can we stop it?
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Ban assault weights, noone needs to lift over 10 kilograms of weight.
Weights over 10 kg are sexist anyway as women can't lift them.
>using women's emotions as the premise for an argument
Mandatory estrogenic injections for anyone benching their own bodyweight or above. Truly this will finally result in a tolerant society, free of hate.
I thought this guy was a faggot before, but this comic really says it all about who he is and how he thinks
Kill yourself faggot.
Jens, NEI , det er nokk.
OMG like ... u dont even NEED to be that big... just proves u are some steroid abusing asshole...
Most weightlifters are nerds.
Can confirm, although I've become a bigger asshole since I started.
I'm confused, is this supposed to be anti-Trump? Because it sure as hell fails to do that.
>ad hominem
>not an argument
who establish's what everyone NEEDS? you? some guy in gov assigned by his familiar or close friend? if you really want to persuade someone into your belief system you need to stop insulting and come up with some argument.
But i guess you are here to shitpost for 0.22$/post.
Get a real job and stop shitposting you emotionally charged turbo cuck.
Those who spend a lot of time in the gym trying to look good with no gains yes, but those who are ripped are far from nerds.
Dont forget state enforced homosexuality.
>tfw constantly breaking womans hearts for fun
Nobody told me that being /fit/ and attractive was so much fucking fun
Funniest thing about that cartoon is that Horsey somehow thinks he's insulting men with hi-test.
Wow that makes me want to be a republican now
t. guy who hasn't entered a gym
Since when did favelas get the Internet?
I'm smelling an Aussie proxy
try friendzoning them for fun
That's a bold statement pianoman
Create a healthy family with white children, instead of being a useless nigger. - Although I doubt you will make it with this attitude.
I don't get it.
Isn't a (naturaly) high testosterone level a positive thing?
Because it highlights the weakness of people who don't lift and gives them a bit of insight into how the world actually works (nothing but actual work producing results).
Nerds calculate their lifting program and diet, which results in gains.
Dudebros just lift and apply broscience to everything and then they wonder why they aren't advancing.
>expecting leftist pussies to reason like men
What did horsey mean by this?
are you seriously arguing with an obvious joke?
They get kinda clingy man, I also like to break them down, the further the better.
best one I had was some chick that threatened me with suicide and I told her to just off herself and blocked her.
Every man needs a hobby
>Create a healthy family with white children
100 years ago it would've been "German children". "White" children would be most likely said by an American.
American influence has struck again.
Sup Forums /k/ /fit/ master race
This, started 4 years ago all the dude bros were all "REPS MAN REPS YEH BOI"
Now its like revenge of the nerds I am a casual lifter but my sqauts are on 4lmaoplates
I think he is, yes.
I guess Meds really are dumber than their central/northern EU counterparts.
In the name of the based BRs, I must apologize to our Sup Forums community for this liberal feminist fag here
Things are getting out of control with the Marxist pill in public universities, but I'm sure people will see where degeneracy will take us- to the same destination as Rome.
A new dawn will come.
>stay based, Sup Forums
I used to lift heavy years ago and was sort of jacked. Now I don't lift I just do a ton of push-ups and crunches. I play a lot of running sports (soccer, basketball) for leg workout. I don't want to be jacked, just fit, though I don't mind my bros who lift heavy 6 days a week, it can't hurt. Maybe when I'm older I'll get into it again but right now I'm just trying to look like a gymnast body. And compared to them and now girls like my body a lot more now than when I was semi-swole and I've been attracting hotter girls imo, not these weird club slut types who I wouldn't mind banging but were retard tier.
But in both cases I never really was a dick
unfortunately yes
Horsey doesn't want to admit he's turned on by right wing ideals... but this time he slipped up.
my woman started lifting with my entry kettlebell - 16 kg Proud of her
don't lie.
>"A society of emasculated liars is easy to control."
-Theodore Dalrymple
So you are saying all those ripped guys with a huge following of girls are nerds just because they plan their meals and are smart about nutrition ? Fuck off
Same here, brah. I started out as a weak, fat nerd, but soon enough I could outlift my whole gym and my deadlifts, ohp and atg squats put all the other men to shame.
What did horseshit mean by this? That being well built is somehow bad? That testosterone is something to be ashamed of?
I mean that's not even a strawman or other stupid cartoon of his, it's just a jacked dude.
>wants to show enemy party in bad light
>draws em as strong and powerfull, with a selfconfident pose
...Horsey really is the worst at everything
>Isn't a (naturaly) high testosterone level a positive thing?
It is. That's why the left wants to demonize it.
Go search horsey up and you'll see why he thinks it's such a negative thing.
Someone draw the face of the democratic party now.
maybe you should stop being such a pussy
Men lift weights to burn off those feelings. Weight lifters often get pissed off when they don't lift for too long, and usually end up doing stupid shit they regret later. It's kind of like masterbation, only it's not degenerate and it improves fitness.
Why must they be such faggots...
exactly lmao
are these the devs or what?
>tfw gym bro
>tfw fuck nu-male girls when they break up for the weekend
>tfw dont respect them because they come around enough
>tfw pussy isnt a goal anymore
pretty sure why most of the gym bros are gay but idk thats just bro science.
I know a guy who literally sits down, glasses on, calculating his monthly intake of EVERYTHING. including shit like heating of the gym and daylight.
All so he can maximize his gains. Weight lifting is basically single player LARPING.
The same reason fat acceptance cunts and string bean thin beta cucks tend to be liberal. Building muscle takes effort and determination, things liberals frown upon.
I don't know why but your flag reminds me of Disney.
How can we use it to create a new race of übermen and defeat the inferiors
Pretty much this
It's like min/maxing a RPG character, only its your body
>Didnt get the double XP Tren/Dbol expansion pack
Careful you don't learn too much Goy.....
It's ironic how lifters have a stereotype for being dumb, when the attention they give to their health implies the opposite.
dont get me starting on roids.
Calculating dosage for you and then prepearing a sensible post cycle plan, and doing it yourself requires some mad skills.
Yes, but anything manly is bad apparently.
Having muscles, being tough, and having high levels of testosterone is bad because in today's society man = evil racist misogynist bigot so anything manly is evil by nature.
>that pic
Is that supposed to be an insult?
I love it when Horsey makes a cartoon that doesn't even need an edit.
oh no goyim! vhy are you not impressed by the image of toxic masculinity? OY VEY IST MIR
typical goyishe kopf shmucks oioioi
Why would you do that? Just let them go and ignore them. Focus on finding a waifu instead.
t. /fit/fag
CLASS: Muscle Wizard
Spell List: Lift Heavy Object, Fist
>woman starts lifting kettlebells
show her what a barbell is you stupid canuck
>tfw actually took Rich Piano's cycle seriously
Why dont you lift wieghts loser
>Dedicated to building your body
>A bad thing
Fuck off cuck
without hormone blockers, this will backfire as the body will try to produce more testosterone to balance it and halt all estrogene production.
does ruminating Jamal's cock on your wife caused mental damage on you sven?
>you entry level
>picture of CF kettlebells
Git gud, unworthy girevik
>Whoa he is strong, confident, decently dressed and doesn't have any retarded body modifications. wtf I hate conservatives now.
Reminds me of pic related.
>chauvinist, racist, assholes
>valid and rational argument
pick one. if you pick the latter, one of the girls in this picture will meet you on the street within a week and fall in love with you.
>Why does lifting weights turn men into such chauvinist racist assholes?
It doesn't though.
Stay mad, skinny.
They're all roastie sluts, anyway.
I don't read Vāciski, but is it something along the lines of
>This is what AfD believe Germany should look like
How can you even have a sack of shit like this be your idol/inspiration?
Pic related is how a healthy and fit person looks like.
His arms don't look right.
With Zyzz it's more about his before/after story
The inspiration is that he was a useless faggot, who got fed with that and turned himself into god of aesthetics
I politely disagree
>I politely disagree
np mate, I'm not Zyzzwanker myself, just was explaining from where they apeare.
On the other hand that Hercules statue and Zyzz are 3-4% of bf away. Z also has larger pectorals, but other then that, their bodies are not really that far away from each other.
Imo this is the ideal look for a man.