Feminon here...
You sexist pigs bullied her for nothing.
Explain yourselves
>inb4 tits or gtfo
Feminon here...
You sexist pigs bullied her for nothing.
Explain yourselves
>inb4 tits or gtfo
Other urls found in this thread:
Who is she?
tits or gtfo
cunt or gtfo
dick or gtfo
holy shit, did she spend all the gibes she got on butter?
>Feminon here
>Immediate sage
tits and then gtfo
A prostitute given enough credibility to have been invited to speak at the UN about cyberviolence
You WEEBS are so insecure that you can't handle females developing great games.
Well yes she produced nothing of positive value and she deserved any shit she got. And she still does.
oh this, i did for the lulz, even if she's innocent of everything its too much (((coincidence))) to have ever happened anyway, she had it coming
>You sexist pigs bullied her for nothing.
No I didn't. Some mislead marxist hag ain't worth my time.
>Sup Forums is one person
this isn't gamergays
>>inb4 tits or gtfo
No one ever had a problem with Roberta Williams. What are you talking about user?
It's the professional cocksucker con-cunt Chelsea Van Valkenburg.
The last great female game developer was Carol Shaw.
don't mind me
She fucked 5 guys to get good press for her game and when she got outed she tried to use the media to deliver character attacks on the people accusing her. Her and Anita even got caught using fake aliases to deliver death and rape threats to themselves.
Oy vey! She called us "sexist pigs"
>when you are so jewish, that you have an echo around your mouth
You guys are so pathetic ... Honestly feel so sorry for you. I'm posting this because for many of you this is the closest you will get to female contact.
who people are guilty, women for being whore, men for being croupt
>I'm not posting this for attention
Cute breasts btw
I wish to cum in her face.
Nobody wants to see your fugly tits. Fuck off you useless cunt.
timestamp or gtfo
Too disproportionate.
Are you making a statement or asking a question? Speak English, you slag.
We got her her very own epusode on vice TV so that you have another 15 mimutes you can satisfactorally waste of your life. You should be thanking us.
>its a 'zoe keeps making threads about herself on Sup Forums to stay relevant' episode
Nice tits. Would suck.
was going to ask this too. She looks different.
>Broken, shitty english
Rapefugee detected.
Whats a feminon?
Zoe quinn is a lying piece of shit that got famous for shagging a game reviewer for a better score. She then went to the un to have the internet censored because of >muh feelings
Timestamp or gtfo
We are anonymous no gender
WTF guys, you apparently didn't bully her enough because she is still alive and didn't kill herself. Step up the game you faggots.
Fuck her and fuck you.
>game + female dev = great game
>game + male dev = great game if actually great
That's not how it works you deluded entitled fucking faggot goddammit I hate you cunts with the force of a thousand fucking suns, feminism needs to piss off in the worst way
Go to the middle east you incompetent fucking slackers, your job in the west has been done for DECADES now
>be NSA
>release naked celeb pics to try to remove user posting from Internet
>get called out when celebs had all different devices and service providers
>fappening quietly goes away when Snowden stating NSA collects naked pics is constantly spammed when people try to call for censorship
make a vocaroo to prove your gender
>no gender
90% of the users on here are fat overweight men that live with their mum
Are those gills?
tits with timestamp or gtfo
>so pathetic
Says the dude role playing as a woman on a Vietnamese fly fishing message board.
Kys you fat cunt
literally who fucking the fuck is this ?
seems retarded and irrelevant.
>Pretending to be a grrrill on an Argentinian skin bleaching board
i bet zoe give awesomes bjs
Tits or GTFO, nigger
I know it seems meme-tastic but every time I read through that I think it is real and becoming more and more apparent.
Wow this board gets a bit more shitty everytime i get here
i always think they cant top what they did last time but sure enough you somehow manage to top it
this board is so bad in quality
political diacussion my ass its just blatant name calling
like gradeschool all over again
Wtf how did she get so fat. She isn't even recognizable.
>Zoe "I don't have a fucking clue what reality is" Quinn.
>Zoe "just stick it in" Quinn
>Zoe "party of five" Quinn
>Zoe "5 alive" Quinn
>Zoe "if I was pretty dogs still wouldn't play with me" Quinn
>Zoe "diversity for everyone else but not for me" Quinn
>Zoe "why haven't I slit my wrists yet" Quinn
>Zoe "is it in yet" Quinn
>Zoe "you can swing a cat in my vag" Quinn
>Zoe "AIDS is my blood type" Quinn
>Zoe "takes it up the shitter" Quinn
>Zoe "and her dragon dildo" Quinn
>Zoe "arabs won't touch her" Quinn
>Zoe "Mrs slippy fist" Quinn
>zoe "I should just kill myself" Quinn
>Zoe "thank fuck paracetamol is a cheap way to commit suicide because I'm a broke ass skank" Quinn
>use proxy to hide your IP address
>create fake social media accounts
>abuse your real account with the fakes
>claim harrassment
>get media coverage
>get money donated to your patreon/gofundme
All partys are at fault, the women for being a whore, and the men for being croupt shit shovelers
Fucking horrible symmetry
Female contact can literally be bought for $400.
Timestamp you retarded cunt.
You can get some for a cup's worth of petrol
Fuck off Hungary go eat Turkey.
Fuck off Chelsea you hag
tits or gtfo
>when you asked for ass but all you got was asymmetrical
Fix dose tiddies
Who is that balding tranny?
who the fuck is that
looks like some fatass tubbler
Surely you mean
>You sexists bullied this pig.
In Greece it's the price of a sandwich.
I actually pay for female contact with positive game reviews,so joke is on you.
>tfw you'll never be one of the five guys
>15 replies
>Sup Forums is Sup Forums 2.0
Fucking hell she's ugly
>No reason
Bitch deserved it
hardcore when
Why wouldnt they say tits or GTFO on Sup Forums?
>you'll never wake up next to burgers and fries
Go away voidburger. You were cooler in person when you're not being a raging feminazi on the Internet.
>a-user-kun we could just stay on the couch and play video games. m-maybe i could give you a morning blowjob...is that okay?
Funny how this diseased, attention-whoring cunt talks about objectification, but whores herself out both literally and figuratively.
>Posts tits to be taken seriously.
Lol 5/10 average attention whore
>filename is "image"
>newfags believe it is real
Christ you people are dumb
Zoe's probably pretty cool, it's her friends that talk about objectification. She just likes sucking dick and making games. It's not her fault the beta orbiters she blew got personally attached and offered reviews of her shit. I'd take free publicity if I could.
Now shit like CON and other nonsense, that's retarded. She should have backed out and just owned what she is - but I guess going the route she did earned her more money at the cost of her soul. You can tell she grew up in an IRC channel. Shame the goons went fucking insane.
>tfw she'll never blue you
>Why did gamers bully her
I think you mean why are gamers retaliating against the bullying being done by PC politicos.
The answer, of course, is that there are only two things left in the world that are sacred, and those are video games and anime: Fuck with those and we will break you, and celebrate your mental breakdown and/or suicide.
I don't know who this slovenly pig is.
Also, tits or gtfo
she looks butt ugly
this, i fucked many-an-IRC chick, they were all sluts and crazy in their own way