As part of a bombshell report in The New York Times, Judd went on the record that 20 years ago...

>As part of a bombshell report in The New York Times, Judd went on the record that 20 years ago, Weinstein invited her to the Peninsula Beverly Hills hotel for what Judd thought would be a professional breakfast meeting.

>Judd said she was shocked when Weinstein sent her up to his room instead. Judd said Weinstein appeared in a bathrobe, offered her a massage, and asked her if she wanted to watch him take a shower.

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>ashley judd

jesus christ she's still around?

>Weinstein invited her to the Peninsula Beverly Hills hotel for what Judd thought would be a professional breakfast meeting.
she was breakfast lol

the slut who flashes reporters accused someone of harassment? what a fucking hypocrite

She has a history of being vocal over so called "abuse". I hope Weinstein fucked her.

She's normal.

Lol at /tv-tards not understanding thinking of young women vs older women

This. If women want to be sexual creatures they're going to have to shut up and let any man have his way with them.


The only ones who are complaining are the ones that don't get requests to be casting couched anymore.

Yeah, that's the whole point of her making this bombshell revelation, to remind everyone she's still here.

>asked her if she wanted to watch him take a shower.
Does he really think anyone would want that? It's like those weird Indian guys who hit on women on the other side of the world on social media.

You have to earn her vagina, retard.

Bitch you breakfast

>thought it would be a professional breaking meeting



>washed up actress finally exposes the sex pests in hollywood cause her career is dead

every time

I'm sure there was other stuff happening, she was probably egging him on. You can make anyone seem like a sexual weirdo if you just tell a bunch of people what they did or said while pretending you weren't into it.






>she shows up early
>he's just getting ready since it's in the morning
>he's in his robe and she's being flirty
>she complains her neck is stiff because she slept wrong
>"well i can rub that out for you"
>she giggles and declines
>"well i'm going to hop into the shower then we'll eat"
>she goes "oooooo" in a joking flirty way
>he grins and says she can watch in a joking way flirting back, but wasn't serious
>then they have breakfast
>20 years later she brings it up because she's irrelevant and tries to embarrass him over it as if he's some sort of deranged sexual weirdo

>tfw no qt 3.14 gf ;_;

Yeah only loser virigns can hate retarded women

>Judd vs. (((Weinstein)))
Gee I wonder who's going to win

it's weird, I now her name but her face is totally unfamiliar to me
looking at her imdb, I think I've only seen two of her movies (and one of them was like 20 years ago)

sounds about right. she never mentioned it while she was making money off her looks. gets old. this guy raped me.

>as if he's some sort of deranged sexual weirdo
Why go to breakfast with him if he is such a weirdo and why keep your mouth shut? muh money and job? fine, then don't bitch about it, you enabled it while it was good for you

Last weekend I was at my cousins drinking and a few people were over. I was taking a piss and a female friend accidentally walked in. It wasn't a big deal and I jokingly asked if she was trying to sneak a peek. She's like "oh yeah baby" while laughing and I was like, "well at least shake it off for me!" It was dumb drunk humor and not at all serious since we've been friends for a while.

I can only image two decades later her going on TV and saying "twenty years ago user asked if I wanted to watch him urinate, and then begged me to hold it for him. We were at a social gathering and he brought me into the bathroom and kept trying to show me his penis and asking if I would shake it for him"

Wow rapist

that's it?

>20 years ago

Why did she wait so long?

based weinstein

She got the big Harv hoping it would boost her career and now wants to talk about it once she's retired. Not the way it works, whore.

fuck off you jew lover

Careful Ash, Jews will kill you.

>Careful Ash, Jews will kill you.
I thought Jews were naturally afraid of ash

Ash is just something they turn into if placed in proper temperature.

>muh money and job?
Sad but true. A lot of actresses whore themselves out to get movie parts.
It's called a casting couch.
No fuckee, no movie.

So, what did she do?

So what did Harvey do to get the higher-ups in Hollywood to fuck him over?

It would be a damn shame if she was found dead, killed herself by shooting herself in the back.

Nah, if it's gotten this far (ie him issuing a statement basically admitting to it) then he's being fucked by his friends

Seriously, is that woman retarded or is she trying to buy her virginity back? If that guy invited her at the hotel it's not to talk business it's to fuck and then did he force her or did she have to opportunity to walk out? If you put your career before your self respect then go fuck yourself

I'm willing to bet your scenario is pretty close to the truth

he didnt force himself on her
he made a proposal, she declined, no fucking story here

How JEW SHILLS will be in this thread trying to protect JEW HOLLYWOOD?

yeah sadly I'd believe this a lot more if it had come out when it happened and not 2 decades later

shit dude, better start preparing for jail now

Haha, feminism is backfiring on the Jews.

>ashley Judd

on one hand, shes a batshit feminist weirdo who thinks everything is rape, on the other hand, shes going for the big (((dogs))) here. I dont doubt Weinstein has done sleazy shit like molest and rape acresses, but unless other women come forth, I doubt this will go anywhere

>whoring yourself out then years later regretting it is sexual harassment

This is really weird. I remember back when gg happened and the related rumours of the state of the videogames industry, I laughed at how fucking pathetic these journalists and developers were to be so easily controlled by pussy.
And then I thought to myself that this will never happen in hollywood cause if some bitch tried, a producer would fuck her and then ignore her. Apparently it just needed time

Pretty good picture, but it should feature bumpfire/slidefire stock to be realistic.

If having sex with an ugly person got me a well paying job I wouldn't bitch and moan about it.

Women are this stupid.

nice try jidf

Yeah but seriously, take the story I just told you about drunk friends making crude jokes. Now imagine meeting a woman and she told you that her and I was at a nice gathering and I got intoxicated and brought her into the bathroom and asked if she wanted to watch me urinate, and begged her to hold it for me. I would come off like a totally fucking perverted weirdo.

That's why I don't buy these fucking stories, because I heard them a million times from different women. My ex would tell people I beat her, this because one night we were arguing and she grabbed ahold of me and I pushed her arm off me. Now all of a sudden the story changes to me slamming her against the wall in a fit of rage. Then I'm choking her and threatening to burn her with cigarettes or something. I knew a nutty girl next door that would sleep with dudes and then say they raped her. Three different guys all rape her within a few months? All three I know?

t. virgin

Not only she is not going to find work anywhere, she is about to suicide herself.

>some washed up feminist "actress"

Need an established actress to come forward before it's considered bombshell news. No body cares about Ashley Judd.

Weinstein literally admitted it today. He has some asinine statement about being sorry and he’s from a different time and Jay-Z.

Where is Lee Harvey when you need him?

Maybe he wanted to talk about feminism and white privilege...

How far or close are we to the public not believing celeb cunts and whore women blaming men 5999 fucking months after said "assault "

I'm sorry. If it takes you years to say "Hey I got raped " then fuck you it wasn't rape. Unless you're a child when it happend or it's less than 1 year then fuck off

Also I feel worse for actual rape victims who now people won't believe because cunts like Judd and the gold diggers who blamed Cosby.

Don't even forget that every college grade big rape story has been false rape from duke to mattress skank

>Feminazis will water down rape so much that people will not care when an actual rape happens because they will have to wonder if said girl is doing it for attention or trying to ruin a mans life

How the fuck is this sexual assault??

"hey do you want to come to the hotel"

"yea sure"

"okay come up"

"wait we're not just hanging out in the lobby, im shocked"

"uh, k. do you want to watch me shower"

"um, no!"

"uh ok. bye"


This is just some producer, not Hillary Clinton

Have any of these women even said he raped or forced himself upon them? Everything I have read is that they might have been creeped out, but consented and now (decades later OF COURSE) are shouting harassment.

This same shit happened with Ghomeshi from the CBC. Aquitted completely. It was a cash grab.

I don't like this degenerate heeb and the garbage he pushes, but this just screams opportunist.

>Ashley Judd

This bitch is a flaming social justice warrior. Fuck I was hoping it was someone without an agenda.

>jews infighting

This might just be the first domino to fall. I promise their are tons of Hollywood professionals that are salivating at the idea of that fat fucker getting destroyed. He has been a fat fucking asshole for decades. He has thousands of enemies

>Cosby dindu nuffin man. Just bitches looking for fame!

>Weinstein dndu nuffin man. Just bitches looking for fame!

>you can't have been mugged
>you once gave money to charity

>using logic against Sup Forums-tards

>20 years ago

So far it's casting couches, and groping. Casting couches is wrong because it's a power relationship where it's stated or unstated that having sex with him is required to further their career or land a job. This sort of thing is RAMPANT in Hollywood.

Some might go "but durr it's not rape". Imagine if your boss called you into his office, and told you, you had to suck his dick to get a promotion.

Then there's the groping. But who knows what else.

Now imagine if your boss called you into his office and told you if you sucked his dick you would get more money than you deserve and a job you are unqualified for but pays buckets?

>Invited to a hotel by a Hollywood producer
>Thought it would be a "professional breakfast meeting"

>unqualified for

That is not how it works.

Love watching the left eat itself

top kek @ sjw starlets refusing to comment on this

Lmao. Run Dan run. Wih Harvey gone who will import asian films and chop them up to suit our American tastes?


>20 years ago

How can any man hope to defend himself against such old accusations where no physical evidence no longer exists? It only comes down to he say she say, which favors the woman in this gynocenteic society.

harveys reputation is well known in hollywood, weve literally been posting on Sup Forums about it for years
also he has been the man to make or break actresses and even get them oscars

What a put off, I fancied the fuck out of her years ago.

God damn, why does this happen?

>Ashley Judd
Really, that's it? I was hoping it was going to be someone important.The Obama daughter theory was a good one.

Gwyneth Paltrow almost certainly fucked him for the role in Shakespeare in Love while she was dating Brad Pitt.

If it were anybody else, it might actually be real.


The only thing she's famous for nowadays is being a Kentucky basketball fan because Dick Vitale won't shut the fuck up about her every time he does one of their games. Nobody likes her, not even Kentucky fans.

Wouldn't be surprised if no one has touched that woman in 20 years, I'm sure the evidence is perfectly preserved in her dusty vagine.

>trying to take on our guy harvey
lmaoing at this thot

Worth every penny

that explains everything.

you think there is a casting couch for men? Like a group of powerful, lonely, horny female directors and actresses that use their power to get a steady diet of young men under their control and use as sex toys simply because they can?
Who would you suppose is in this circle?

Why is feminism making women weaker?

God, I wish.

>meet me at the hollywood standard at 8 am sharp. SHARP
>sorry ashley, this actress going for a part in my next big film stole my pants last night. im soooo sorry
>im making a film about a masseuse, do you have any experience?
>oh you do, we can try an audition here, i have a busy day
>oops, did my hand touch THERE? - that other actress thought it was soooo funny
>alright enough with this shit, here's my micropenis. suck it you desperate slut.

hang the kike

what a nasty woman

>he hasn't watched Twin Peaks: The Return
What are you doing with your life?

>be a woman
>get a famous producer
>use him as much as possible to boost her career
>producer try to get something back
>accussing of rape

I really wonder if women are parasites and they want to get everything for free, if you have a super famous producer working for your career, in the end you must know that he wants to get something back.